What is the Assurance of Salvation

How do I know I'm saved?

Assurance is the state of being sure or certain about something; it is a strong and definite statement that something will happen or that something is true. But how can you know anything for sure, especially when it has everything to do with where you will be spending eternity? What assurance do Christians have concerning … Read more

The Three Phases of Salvation

The Three Phases of Salvation

Editor’s Note: This article has been updated and expanded for clarity and depth while preserving its original message. Older comments may refer to previous versions of the article. As Christians, we understand that to be saved, we need to come to Christ, repent of our sins, and receive Him as Lord and Savior of our … Read more

What is Salvation in Christianity?

What is salvation in Christianity?

When talking about salvation, people make it sound so complex when in fact it isn’t. Many Christians who claim they’re saved do not understand what it means to be saved. What is salvation in Christianity? In our evangelism, we often quote Romans 10:9 which says, “that if you confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord … Read more

Politics and the Bible: Are they compatible?

Politics and the Bible: Are they compatible?

Have you ever had someone tell you that Christians and the Church should not get involved in politics? Because accordingly, it’s in clear violation of the policy on separation of church and state. Some also argue that Jesus Christ never got involved in politics so neither should Christians. Still, others say that Christians should just … Read more

Biblical Truth About Tithing

Biblical Principles of Tithing

If you belong to a Church that teaches and practices the principle of tithing, chances are you know Malachi 3:10 by heart and can very well recite it from memory. It’s because this is what pastors and church leaders are most likely to quote when exhorting their congregation to give their tithes and offerings. Accordingly, … Read more

The First and Greatest Commandment of God

What is the First and Greatest Commandment of God

The Ten Commandments of God are outlined in Exodus chapter 20: the first five being our moral duties to God while the remaining 5 are our moral duties to our fellow men. Going to the New Testament, the 10 commandments were reduced or summarized to just two. They are the following: Love God with all … Read more

Born Again: A New Religion?

Updated: March 26, 2025 When I tell people that I’m a born-again Christian, they often assume I belong to a different sect of Christianity. I understand why many people misunderstand the term “born again.” Is being born again a new religion? Some believe it is another denomination or movement within Christianity. Before I entered into … Read more