Do You have to Go to Church to Go to Heaven?

Do You have to Go to Church to Go to Heaven?

In this post, let us answer the question, “Do you have to go to church to go to heaven?” In other words, do you have to go to church to be saved? Is church attendance a requirement for salvation? This question is just one of the issues on which Protestants or born-again Christians and Roman … Read more

Christ’s Resurrection: The Foundation of Christianity

Why Do Christians Believe in the Resurrection

Christ’s resurrection is the foundation of Christianity. If you can disprove the resurrection, you can also falsify the claims of Christianity. But how do we know Jesus rose from the dead? Why do Christians believe in the resurrection? Bible scholars and theologians enumerated several reasons for Christians to believe that Jesus rose from the dead. … Read more

How Important is the Trinity Doctrine?

Why the Doctrine of the Trinity is Important

The Doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most attacked in Christianity. Opponents insist that anyone who believes in a three-in-one God violates the first commandment of Moses (Exodus 20:1-3). Needless to say, the biblical teaching of a triune God is also of the greatest importance. For many centuries, Bible scholars and theologians have … Read more

Can Miracles Still Happen Today?

Miracles: Experiencing God's Power

Miracles are common in both the Old and New Testaments. But many skeptics, as well as some Christians, are asking, “Can miracles still happen today?” No one is immune to crisis. Sooner or later, tragedy will strike and in a moment, our calm and peaceful life will become a raging storm. We will then face … Read more

What Nature Says About God

Psalm 19:1

One of the best arguments for the existence of God is the existence of creation. When people say, “Give me concrete evidence that God exists.” Just politely respond, “You simply have to look at nature and you’ll know that God exists.” Paul told the Athenians on the Aeropagus that God had arranged the world so … Read more

The Exclusivity and Sufficiency of Jesus Christ

Why Christianity is the True Religion

One of the biggest objections against Christianity is its claim of exclusivity. Christianity asserts that it alone has the truth about God and salvation. In other words, it is the only true worldview. Christianity claims that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and His sacrifice on the cross is sufficient to redeem man … Read more

What About the Contradictions in the Bible?

What About Contradictions in the Bible

One of the common arguments against the inspiration of the Bible is the “supposed” contradictions. Many skeptics ask how Christian scholars and theologians can explain away these contradictions. The Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God, thus, God is the one who is responsible for its content. Since this is the case, we need … Read more

How is the Father Greater than Jesus?

How is the Father Greater than Jesis

One of the most commonly quoted Bible verses to dispute the deity of Jesus Christ is John 14:28 wherein Jesus told His disciples that “The Father is greater than I.” Jesus repeatedly said that He is doing the Father’s will, thereby implying that He is somehow subservient to the Father. Doesn’t the Bible teach that … Read more

What is the Doctrine of Purgatory?

Does the Bible Mention Purgatory?

The Bible teaches that death closes the period of probation that all of us have here on earth and after death comes the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). All those who die will spend eternity in heaven or hell. But before we reach our final destination, everyone is in a state of conscious existence after death. Believers … Read more

Do Christians & Muslims Have the Same God?

Do Christians and Muslims have the Same God?

Some assume that Allah, the God of Islam, is just another name for Yahweh or Jehovah, the God of the Bible. Is Allah and Yahweh the same God? Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? No! The God of Islam is not the same God revealed in Scripture. This can be seen in two … Read more