Exploring The Humanity And Divinity Of Jesus Christ

A split image of Jesus where one side shows Him in radiant light, depicting His divinity, and the other as a humble man walking among people, depicting His humanity.

Like many others, do you often find yourself pondering the dual nature of Christ? How frequently do you encounter people, even fellow Christians, questioning or struggling to grasp this profound truth? What does understanding Christ’s divinity and humanity mean for our salvation and daily walk of faith? In my more than twenty years of journeying … Read more

Humility Bears Sanctification

Humility Bears Sanctification

Do you know that the root word for “humiliation” is humility? Did it ever occur to you that to be humble, you need to humiliate yourself? You read that right; humility means humiliating yourself in the service of other people. But it is also through humble service that we are sanctified because humility bears sanctification. … Read more

Jesus Teaches About Humility and Service

Jesus Teaches about Humility and Service

Humility and service are just two of the values that Jesus not only taught but exemplified during His earthly ministry. On so many occasions in the Bible, we read the Lord teaching His disciples to consider others before themselves. Jesus repeatedly emphasized the importance of self-denial and service to others. In Luke 14:7-14, Jesus used … Read more

Finding True Peace in God

Finding True Peace in God

Everybody wants peace to reign here on earth, especially during the Yuletide season. But what we need to understand is that we only find true peace in God. It’s true; the world also offers some kind of peace. Isn’t that the theme of the Miss World and the Miss Universe beauty pageant? That’s why one … Read more

Do You have to Go to Church to Go to Heaven?

Do You have to Go to Church to Go to Heaven?

In this post, let us answer the question, “Do you have to go to church to go to heaven?” In other words, do you have to go to church to be saved? Is church attendance a requirement for salvation? This question is just one of the issues on which Protestants or born-again Christians and Roman … Read more

God’s New Commandment: Love One Another

God' New Commandment: Love One Another

Many times unbelievers ask Christians to prove God exists, considering we cannot observe or perform a test on Him. So, how do we answer them? For theologians and Bible scholars, this should be easy because they have studied the evidence for the existence of God. They know what questions atheists usually ask and know exactly … Read more

Trusting God During Sufferings

Trusting God in Sufferingd

Being a Christian is easy when everything seems to be going the way we want them to be. But can we still trust God during difficult times? How do you tell the suffering to trust God when you can’t possibly relate to what they’re going through? God is powerful; He can stop all the evil … Read more

Christ’s Resurrection: The Foundation of Christianity

Why Do Christians Believe in the Resurrection

Christ’s resurrection is the foundation of Christianity. If you can disprove the resurrection, you can also falsify the claims of Christianity. But how do we know Jesus rose from the dead? Why do Christians believe in the resurrection? Bible scholars and theologians enumerated several reasons for Christians to believe that Jesus rose from the dead. … Read more

Is God Always Morally Upright?

Is God Always Morally Upright?

Does God have negative characteristics? Or is He the epitome of moral uprightness? We know of God’s natural and moral attributes. God is love, holy, just, compassionate, forgiving, etc. In short, God is a good God and He is good all the time. But what about the seemingly negative character traits of God that we read … Read more