Why does God not Heal Everyone?

The Bible is very clear on the nature of God being omnipotent. It means God can do anything for He is an all-powerful God. Jeremiah 32:27 says, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” God is telling us that there is nothing He cannot do, for with God everything is possible (Matthew 19:26).

We read all the miracles and wonders that God has done not only in ancient Israel but even during the New Testament times; miracles of deliverance and healing. God even raised people up from the dead. Yet today, we hear and read stories of believers who prayed for healing but did not get healed. And we are left wondering why. Why does God not heal everyone who asks in faith for healing?

God is Our Healer

The power of God to heal physically is illustrated in the lives of certain Old Testament characters like Hannah who was healed from barrenness (1 Samuel 1:9-20), Naaman who was healed of leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-14), and Hezekiah whom God healed from a terminal illness and was granted additional 15 years to live (2 Kings 20:1-7).

Moving on to the New Testament, we read eyewitness testimonies of at least 30 individual healing of Jesus Christ recorded in the four gospels. Below are some of the more well-known healing miracles of Jesus:

  • Jesus heals a man born blind in John 9:1-41
  • Jesus cures the woman who has been bleeding for 12 years in Matthew 9:20-22
  • Jesus cures a man of an evil spirit in Mark 5:10-20
  • Jesus heals 10 men with leprosy in Luke 17:11-19
  • Jesus heals a paralyzed man in Mark 2:1-12
  • Jesus heals a man who was deaf and mute in Mark 7:31-37

We have no reason to doubt that God can heal everyone of any disease; that healing is for everyone. After all, Jesus Himself bore our sins in His own body, took upon Himself all the punishment for our iniquities, and by His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24). But why is it that many people, including firm believers in the Lord and in His promises, do not receive their healing?

Christians who are suffering from terminal illnesses, particularly cancer, have been praying and believing that Jesus will reach out to heal them but it seemed like God was deaf to their pleas. Doesn’t it say in Mark 11:24 and Matthew 21:22 that we will receive whatever we ask for in prayer as long as we believe we have already received it?

When people do not receive their healing, does it mean they do not have faith? I’ve seen people who have more faith than we could ever imagine, yet they did not receive their healing.

Nabeel Qureshi: Christian Apologist (1983-2017)

On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Nabeel Qureshi, a Christian apologist, and former Muslim, has gone home to be with the Lord at the age of 34 after enduring a yearlong battle with cancer. Nabeel was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer in August 2016 and was told by the doctors that the clinical prognosis was quite grim. They gave him about 6 months to live.

However, he believed that God is not yet finished with him but is in the process of refining him. Nabeel gave this announcement on his Facebook page on August 31, 2016, the same day that his book “No God but One: Allah or Jesus? A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam and Christianity” was released.

Nabeel QureshiDear Friends and Family,

This is an announcement that I never expected to make, but God in His infinite and sovereign wisdom has chosen me for this refining, and I pray He will be glorified through my body and my spirit. My family and I have received the news that I have advanced stomach cancer, and the clinical prognosis is quite grim.

Nonetheless, we are going to pursue healing aggressively, both medical and miraculous, relying on God and the fact that He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.

In the past few days my spirits have soared and sank as I pursue the Lord’s will and consider what the future might look like, but never once have I doubted this: that Jesus is Lord, His blood has paid my ransom, and by His wounds, I am healed. I have firm faith that my soul is saved by the grace and mercy of the Triune God, and not by any accomplishment or merit of my own.

I am so thankful that I am a child of the Father, redeemed by the Son, and sealed in the Spirit. No, in the midst of the storm, I do not have to worry about my salvation, and for that, I praise you, God.

Unfortunately, this means I am no longer able to engage in traveling ministry for the time being. I am canceling almost all my speaking events, with a few exceptions. From this point on until such a time as the Lord might choose to heal me, I intend to blog or vlog about my journey with cancer, transparently offering my heart, thoughts, and struggles in case they might encourage others and glorify God.

I will no longer be with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, though it has been an absolute privilege to be on the team for the past 3 years. My third book, No God But One: Allah or Jesus?, launched today, and I still intend to write my next book, 20 Questions Muslims Ask and the Answers that Convert Them. Beyond that, the Lord knows.

Friends and family, may I ask you to fast and pray fervently for my healing? I do not profess to know the will of the Lord, but many of my close friends and confidants are convinced that this is a trial through which the Lord intends to bring me alive and refined. May His will be done, and may I invite you to seek Him in earnest, on your knees, fasting on my behalf, asking our Yahweh Rapha for healing in Jesus’ name.

And as you pray and fast, “I will rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death” (Philippians 1:18-20).

For His Glory, 

Worldwide Prayer for Nabeel

Nabeel’s announcement has drawn the support of fellow believers in Christ not only in America but in all parts of the world to pray and fast for his healing. Many of them firmly believed that God would come through for Nabeel and he will be on his way to complete healing and recovery. Nabeel then went through the process of radiation to kill the cancer cells but in May 2017 he announced that the radiation didn’t work and cancer had spread to his chest.

On August 14, 2017, Nabeel’s doctors had to remove his entire stomach due to “bleeding issues.” But on September 9, 2017, his doctors have given up on treating his body and decided to put him on palliative care. Two days later, he uploaded his last vlog where he reflected on his ministry and hoped to leave behind a legacy of love, peace, and truth.

When God doesn’t Heal

Why does God not heal everyone who asks in faith for healing? Truth is, we do not know exactly why a person fails to receive his healing. The one time the Bible mentions why people did not receive healing is in Matthew 13:58 and Mark 6:5-6, where the sole reason given is unbelief. Jesus never mentioned anything about the will of God or anything else for that matter. But when someone does receive healing, we hear Jesus commending their faith by saying, “Your faith has made you whole.”

John 3:16 says that God loves everybody which is why He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross. Jesus’ death and resurrection made God’s salvation available to everyone who believes. Believing in the context of this verse does not only mean believing in words but has to be accompanied by action.

This faith which is received by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17) is also what is needed to receive what we ask of God. Those who received their healing, whether it be in the Old Testament or the New Testament, have clearly demonstrated the kind of faith that moved the heart of God to heal them.

I believe that Nabeel had as much faith as those people have or maybe even greater. As a matter of fact, I’ve never seen anyone with the kind of faith that he demonstrated. He really believed that it was God’s will for him to get healed even when his body was saying otherwise. Even up to his last days at the hospital, he still held on to the promise of God’s healing for him.

It was indeed heartbreaking to see him lose his battle against cancer. Many Christians around the world fasted and prayed for Nabeel’s healing. How can God not hear the corporate prayer and fasting of His people pleading for Him to heal a dear brother? Wouldn’t it be for God’s greater glory if Nabeel got healed miraculously? So why did God choose not to heal him?

God Knows Best

We do not understand why at times God chooses to heal and at other times He chooses not to. But one thing we can be sure of is God always has our best interest at heart. At times when we do not see His hand, we just have to trust His heart. We cannot fathom God’s thoughts simply because we do not have His mind and His ways are much higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Nabeel wanted so badly to be with his family and to see his daughter grow up while serving God at the same time in his teaching and preaching ministry. But God called him home probably because he has already accomplished the works He has called him to do.  Brother Nabeel has fought the good fight of faith, he has finished the race, and he has kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7).

Yes, we mourn for the loss of a brother and a great servant of the Lord but at the same time, we rejoice that he is now in the presence of our Lord and Master. The apostle Paul tells us not to grieve for those who have fallen asleep but let us comfort one another because we will all be reunited in Lord when He comes (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

An Inspiration and a Blessing

Since coming to the Middle East in September 2010, I have closely followed Nabeel’s ministry. Living in a Muslim country has challenged me to study Islam on a deeper level in order to have a better understanding of the worldview and ideology that my employers and most of my colleagues hold to. That’s when I came across the life-changing story of Nabeel Qureshi and his journey from Islam to Christianity.

It’s truly a blessing and encouragement getting to know someone who was willing to give up his family and identity in order to follow Christ. I can never imagine the pain he had to endure for betraying the family that he so very much loved and adored. But he did it for the sake of the gospel; he did it because he came to know the One true God who saved him from eternal condemnation in hell.

Final Thoughts

I am just one of the thousands (or maybe millions) around the world who was touched, blessed, and encouraged by Nabeel’s life, ministry, and service to God. As a matter of fact, he’s the one who inspired me to delve into Christian Apologetics when I never had any interest in it.

Even though I did not have formal education in apologetics, my faith in Christ has become much more solid and stronger since learning of the reliability of the New Testament based on historical evidence.

And this is all because of brother Nabeel Qureshi. God has indeed used him as a blessing and encouragement to His people. It’s truly an honor to get to know a great man of God who never wavered in his faith despite his health condition.

I am looking forward to meeting him soon at the rapture, the wedding supper of the Lamb, and the rewarding ceremony.

Nabeel has authored 3 books: “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus,”Answering Jihad, A Better Way Forward” and his New York Times bestseller “No God but One: Allah or Jesus,” which is the only book ever to win Christian Book Awards for both “Best New Author” and “Best Nonfiction.”

18 thoughts on “Why does God not Heal Everyone?”

  1. I was moved by this article so much I had to take a pause in reading and give God reverence in my life.

    I never heard of this guy until now and it came at a time that was perfect because I have a customer who wants to push Islam on my plate,

    I have been searching for the BEST way to set his efforts straight without shutting him down totally. I believe every soul should be handled with care regardless of his/her ignorance.

    I often ask myself why is it that we can’t just be healed with a prayer and a fasting session. At the end of the day I guess if you believe His word then we will realize death is not the worse that can happen to man.

    By God’s word he is now transformed where he feels no more pain he will cry no more tears but be with the heavenly father for eternity.

    Thank you for sharing this article as I am in search for his books to read.

    • Hello Shannon, so glad to hear from you again.

      Nabeel Qureshi is truly an inspiration and encouragement because even up to his last breath, he stood firm on his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, even though he didn’t get healed and many of his Muslim friends kept telling him to go back to Islam. We will never know what this man sacrificed for the Lord but now he is with his master  reaping the fruits of his labor. 

      Why didn’t God heal him? Perhaps he has already fulfilled the mission that God has called him to do and I believe that Nabeel’s ministry will continue to bless and encourage more Christians while at the same time reaching the Muslim world with the truth of God’s word. 

      The apostle Paul said, “being absent from the body is to be present in the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:6-8). We can only be with the Lord if we depart from this earth and isn’t that what we are all aspiring for, to finally meet our Lord face to face?

      If you really want to reach out to your Muslim friends or neighbors, Nabeel’s story and books will surely equip you to do that because it will give you a better understanding on what you need to do in order to share the gospel of salvation to Muslims.

      May the Lord bless you more!

  2. I strongly believe that God can heal any sickness there is on this earth, but I also believe that He doesn’t always heal the sickness to strengthen our faith. And when He calls someone Home, that person has had his chance to do what he was called to do. I think that should be a reminder to us that we only have one life to live down here, and to make the best out if it. To live our life to the fullest and be a shining light to those that don’t know Jesus.

    • I believe that too, Justina, God can heal any sickness and disease. God is our Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals. And being an omnipotent God, there is nothing He cannot do. However, we must also acknowledge that God has His reasons for not healing everyone who asks in faith for their healing. 

      Yes, I agree with you. One of the reasons God does not grant healing to everyone is to strengthen their faith. God wants us to place our faith and trust in Him even though He doesn’t seem to be listening to our pleas of a miracle healing. 

      Whether God will heal us or someone we dearly love from cancer or any disease, we must never question Him and His intentions because at the end of the day, God knows what’s best for us. We only need to keep living our lives for Him and for His glory because as you said, we only have one life to live.

      We may not always understand His reasons but we know that He loves us so much and has our best interest at heart.

      God bless you!

  3. Hello Alice,

    I really like your article. In our daily busy lives, running after so many things we often forget God as we take Him for granted and think that He will understand or that there is no loss in not praying to Him. But this article makes me want to take out time for Him. As you said it’s true God heals everyone who believes in Him but I guess our deeds also play a very important role into it, if we’re bad we get punished for it too. Thank you for sharing this wonderful article.

    Best Regards,

    • Hi Raman,

      God does hear our prayers and He answers them according to what is best for us. And although there are some who received their healing and some who didn’t, that doesn’t change the fact that God is love and He’s our healer.

      Does God take into consideration our deeds when deciding whether He should give what we’re asking or not? That if we’re bad people He won’t hear us? First of all, the Bible is clear that no one is good (righteous), not even one (Romans 3:23) and that’s why we need Jesus’ righteousness to be counted as our righteousness in the eyes of the Father.

      So if God were to base His decision on our own righteousness, we’re all doomed!

      And if God’s decision to heal is based on our deeds, He should have healed every single one of those who suffered from any disease who were faithfully serving Him; He should have healed Nabeel Qureshi who was has blessed many people through his ministry.

      The truth of the matter is, we do not have all the answers as to why God chose to heal some and not the others. God loves all His children unconditionally but at the end of the day, He will do what’s best for them.


  4. Hi Alice,

    To God be the Glory!

    The story of Nabeel is very heartwarming. Truly our God is good and omnipotent. In God nothing is impossible for those who believe.

    But why is it that Nabeel’s prayer wasn’t granted by our God even he has a great faith in Him?

    Honestly, sometimes God allows this to happen even you have a strong faith in Him. But only God knows the reason why our hopes and prayers are not answered.

    God’s way is different to man’s way and sometimes it is hard to understand. But only for sure God has a good reason in everything.

    Maybe it is right that he accomplished his mission in the earth or maybe God used him to be an inspiration or a living witness to others. That we should not lose hope and faith with God no matter how tough we are going through.

    God Bless you!

    — Luisa—

    • Hi Luisa,

      Yes, God is sovereign and His plans are not always what we expected that’s why we get hurt when things go sideways. But when we learn to trust God with all our heart, we will not be affected no matter what happens.

      It really hurts to lose someone we dearly love. Even Jesus wept when Lazarus died though He knew He was going to raise him up anyway. This just goes to say that Jesus knows what it feels like to lose a loved one and I’m sure He feels our pains.

      Nevertheless, it’s comforting to know that Nabeel is now with the Lord, enjoying what we all long to enjoy after life on earth.

  5. Wow, I applaud you for addressing such a challenging topic head on.

    Nabeel’s journey and unwavering faith even until the end is just inspiring. It is often times easier to change theology to fit our reality when things don’t go as expected, like when we don’t understand why God doesn’t heal someone. But I guess God’s word is God’s word and some answers we will never get this side of eternity.

    • Hello Shanny,

      As someone who has followed Nabeel’s ministry, I’ve come to love and care for him as a brother in the Lord even though I never got to meet him in person. You’re right, it’s much easier to keep our faith in God when things are working out well for us but when trials come, it’s also very easy to quit and give up.

      But not getting what we want or what we expected does not change the fact that God loves us. Yes, there are times when we feel like God is silent and does not care about us or our situation but He’s always there looking out for us.

  6. I am touched by Nabeel’s faith in Christ. I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been for him to convert to Christianity from Islam. I don’t have the answer to why does God not heal even when we pray in faith. An acquaintance of mine is fighting cancer for months now and has not received her healing despite her faith and corporate prayers. Only God can see the future so He will have her best interests at heart.

    • Nabeel is truly an inspiration Yvonne. Often times we question God or turn our backs on Him because of some minor trials or difficulties we’re experiencing. It was hard enough for Nabeel to turn his back on his family to follow Christ, it was even more painful not to experience God’s healing.

      Only God knows why He does things differently for His children; some get healed while the others don’t. Is God showing some kind of favoritism? Of course not! But God does as He thinks is best. Soon, when we get to meet our Savior face to face, perhaps we will know the answer as to why God does not heal everyone who asks in faith for healing.

      I’m so sorry to hear of your acquaintance who is battling cancer but one thing I’m sure of is that God knows what He’s doing and that He loves everyone of us just the same.

  7. This is such an interesting article.

    When I read the headline “Why doesn’t God heal everyone?”. It totally caught my attention.

    I have been diagnosed with epilepsy and glaucoma my entire life and I have also been prophesied healing. If you ask if I see 20/20, then no.

    I looked and looked for the iniquity origin of my illness and haven’t found it yet but I am beginning to conclude that I must not only believe I’m healed, but also be more of a Christian that I am now. I should read the bible more and share the scripture nonstop. I cannot believe I am healed and show the contrary.

    Thank you for such an interesting article Alice.

    Those of you who don’t believe in God, just test Him.

    God bless you.

    • Hi Linda,

      It would be easy for me to say “I am sorry to hear of your condition” but I won’t because I know and I believe you are blessed! Magnifying our weaknesses or imperfections does not do us any good because God is our Father and He loves us exactly the way we are. God has His reasons for allowing us to go through life’s struggles and trials but at the end of all this, we will enjoy eternity with God where there will be no more pain, no sorrow.

      We often think that the root cause of our illness is sinfulness on our part and so we keep evaluating our life to see which area have we failed to obey God. But instead of focusing on that, we must focus on the goodness of God and His faithfulness that has carried us through to where we are today.

      I can never imagine being in your shoes or in Nabeel’s and I am not sure I can praise God if I am the one in that situation. So thank you Linda for standing strong despite your condition and thanks to the lives of those who continue to serve as an inspiration and blessing because of their unwavering faith in and devotion to God.

  8. Very nice article. I find it inspiring that you have a true devotion towards God and believe in all his powers. God’s healing powers are truly wondrous. Thank you for this in-depth article.

    • Hey Rob,

      The first and greatest miracle God performed took place thousands of years ago, i.e., the creation. If God was able to create something out of nothing, everything else is possible.

      God’s power to heal is a fact, it’s in His nature and God does not change, He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). We may not understand why some get healed while others don’t receive their healing but that does not change the fact that God is our healer (Exodus 15:26).

  9. It was nice reading your blog and Nabeel’s story. I heard about his death too and was curious why he was not healed. on the other hand, I have stopped asking those questions as God is sovereign and knows the best.

    Your blog raises a difficult question but only the Creator has the answer why some are healed and some are not. The only consolation is we would meet Him one day and all our unresolved questions will be answered. The most important thing in all of this is that Nabeel fulfilled destiny. Those three books he wrote would speak volumes.He has gone to a better place to rest with His Maker and Lord.

    • Hi Kavinah,

      It was really heart-breaking to hear the sad news about Nabeel because I was one of the thousands fervently praying and believing for his healing. But you’re absolutely right, God is sovereign. We may not always understand His reasons for doing the things He does but we know it’s always for the best and at the end of the day, His name is glorified. There are so many things we wanna ask God but for now we just need to trust Him.

      It’s sad to see a loved one leave this planet but knowing for sure we will meet them again in eternity with our Lord is a great comfort and encouragement for us to keep on. Let us continue to run the race of faith in hope of hearing our Master say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”


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