God’s Blessing of Motherhood

God's Blessing of Motherhood

Motherhood is both a privilege and a blessing from God. Unfortunately, not every woman gets to receive this blessing for various reasons that only God knows. Even women who are faithful followers of Christ are not exempt from this reality. We hear a lot of Christian couples testify that they fasted and prayed for many … Read more

The Power of Waiting On the Lord

How Peculiar Are You

Ever find yourself standing in front of the microwave oven saying, “Hurry up?” Or push the elevator call button every five seconds while waiting for the elevator to arrive? Waiting is said to be one of the most difficult things to do. I know, it’s a tough assignment. We get impatient waiting; we hate to … Read more

Jesus, You are the Calm at the Center of My Storm

Jesus is the calm at the center of my storm

Living in a country that is visited by an average of 20 typhoons every year, I can understand the fear that the disciples felt when a furious storm suddenly came up while they were inside a boat in the middle of the sea (Matthew 8:23-27 & Mark 4:35-41). It’s pretty scary because you never know … Read more

Do Pets Go to Heaven when They Die?

Dog, man's bestfriend

One question that Christians have often asked over the years is whether or not there will be animals in heaven. Do pets or any animals go to heaven when they die? And if you have researched this topic, I’m sure you have seen and heard many different answers and opinions. Most people have pets and … Read more

Yes, I Know I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength

Yes, I can do all things through God who gives me strength

Coming to work tonight, (I work night shifts) I was expecting another change in my work schedule for the coming weeks and I couldn’t help but think, “How am I supposed to survive a 12-hour shift every day, 7 days a week?” As two of our own are going from here this week, back to … Read more

Declaring the Amazing Grace of God

Declaring the Amazing Grace of God

One of the things I enjoy since becoming a Christian is listening to the personal testimonies of fellow believers in Christ; how they came to know the Lord and how God has dealt and is dealing with them. It always amazes me how God draws people to Himself and uses their own circumstances to showcase … Read more

Politics and the Bible: Are they compatible?

Politics and the Bible: Are they compatible?

Have you ever had someone tell you that Christians and the Church should not get involved in politics? Because accordingly, it’s in clear violation of the policy on separation of church and state. Some also argue that Jesus Christ never got involved in politics so neither should Christians. Still, others say that Christians should just … Read more