Is Doctrine Keeping Us Apart?

Is Doctrine Keeping Us Apart?

Are you aware that more and more people are concluding that doctrine is keeping us apart? Doctrine is destroying unity and separating family members. Thus, making it difficult for the follower of Christ to set aside differences and stand together for a common purpose. Doctrine is also what distinguishes and divides Christians into thousands of … Read more

How Important is the Trinity Doctrine?

Why the Doctrine of the Trinity is Important

The Doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most attacked in Christianity. Opponents insist that anyone who believes in a three-in-one God violates the first commandment of Moses (Exodus 20:1-3). Needless to say, the biblical teaching of a triune God is also of the greatest importance. For many centuries, Bible scholars and theologians have … Read more

Why We Believe Jesus is the Only Way

Why We Believe Jesus is the Only Way

Jesus’ statement in John 14:6 that He is the only way to God has raised so many questions. Why should we believe Jesus’ claim about Himself? What reasons do Christians have to continue to believe that personal faith in Jesus is so important? In this post, let us look at the biblical evidence why Christ … Read more

God’s Example of Gift-Giving

God's Example of Gift-Giving

Christmas is just around the corner. And get this … Christmas celebration is not complete without gift-giving! I believe this is the part that makes most people, especially kids, excited about Christmas. This is the highlight of most celebrations such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Don’t you love gifts! Everybody loves gifts! I do not know … Read more

The Very First Christian Song

What is the First Christian Song

Let me ask you, Christian, “What do you think is the very first Christian song?” If you are in your 50’s or 60’s you probably know more songs than those in their 20’s. Well, that is if you have been keeping track of every song written about God and for God. With all the Christian … Read more

Why Did the Religious Leaders Hate Jesus?

The Religious Leaders' Hatred Towards Jesus

Jesus is said to be the most loving and most compassionate person to ever walk the earth. Yet, He was also the most hated person to ever walk the earth. Even the religious leaders of His day hated him more than they hated the actual criminals. Now, why is that? No one sits and wonders … Read more

No One Knows the Day and the Hour

The Day and the Hour Unknown

One biblical fact concerning the return of the Lord is that no one knows exactly when it’s going to happen. Proponents of the pre-tribulation rapture call this the “Doctrine of Imminency.” The return of the Lord in the event known as the Rapture can happen at any moment without any warning. And this is not … Read more

The First and Second Resurrection

John 5:25, NKJV

Whether or not there’s just one (general) resurrection of the dead is one of the hotly debated end-time topics. Some Christians believe that everyone will be raised on the same day. But others say the resurrection from the dead will not occur at the same time. But what does the Scripture say? Resurrection at the … Read more

Is Love Your Greatest Motivation?

Love: The Greatest Motivation

Many people say that they will do almost anything and everything for the people they love. Are you one of them? Is love your greatest motivation for your actions? What about those who kill themselves or others for love? Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:14a “For the love of Christ compels us.” What Love Can Do … Read more