Systematic Theology: A Comprehensive Guide

Open Bible with theological notes and a cross silhouette in the background, symbolizing structured Christian doctrine study.

Have you ever wondered how all the teachings of the Bible fit together? The Bible is a vast and profound book, filled with wisdom and truth, but understanding it in an organized way can sometimes feel overwhelming. This is where Systematic Theology comes in. What is Systematic Theology? Systematic Theology is the structured study of … Read more

God’s Decretive and Preceptive Will

Knowing God's Will in Our Lives

When it comes to the will of God, we must distinguish between His decretive and preceptive will. This is because some argue that there are apparent contradictions within the will of God. A proper understanding of the two aspects of God’s will helps solve these contradictions. What is God’s Will? Everything depends on the will … Read more

Understanding the Spirit World

Making Sense of the Spirit Realm

The spirit realm is real even when many people do not believe it is. This is why we need to have a deeper understanding of the spirit world. What is the doctrine of the spirit world and why does it matter? The Reality of the Spirit Realm The spirit world is that invisible realm inhabited … Read more

What is the Doctrine of God?

A Summary of the Doctrine of God

Christianity is not the only worldview that believes in the existence of God. But what makes Christianity different is its fundamental belief in who God is. This is where the importance of the doctrine of God comes in. Without a stern knowledge of the God of the Bible, we can easily become vulnerable to the … Read more

The Spiritual Gifts in the Bible

Complete list of Spiritual Gifts

1 Corinthians 12:1-11 focuses on spiritual gifts in the church. What are these spiritual gifts and do they still exist today? Spiritual gifts are divine enablements for ministry that the Holy Spirit gives in some measure to all believers. They literally mean spiritual qualities or characteristics that are under the control of the Spirit. And … Read more

How Important is the Trinity Doctrine?

Why the Doctrine of the Trinity is Important

The Doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most attacked in Christianity. Opponents insist that anyone who believes in a three-in-one God violates the first commandment of Moses (Exodus 20:1-3). Needless to say, the biblical teaching of a triune God is also of the greatest importance. For many centuries, Bible scholars and theologians have … Read more

Why Did the Religious Leaders Hate Jesus?

The Religious Leaders' Hatred Towards Jesus

Jesus is said to be the most loving and most compassionate person to ever walk the earth. Yet, He was also the most hated person to ever walk the earth. Even the religious leaders of His day hated him more than they hated the actual criminals. Now, why is that? No one sits and wonders … Read more

Our God is a Mighty Fortress

Psalm 46:1

Being a Christian does not mean we are free from troubles and problems. There will come a time when we would need a fortress, a place of refuge, to survive the storm. What a comfort to know that God is not only our refuge and strength. He is also always ready to help in times … Read more