Comfort One Another (Scripture Verse)

Comfort One Another Scripture Verse

There are so many things in this world that could discourage believers in Jesus. Many countries are still suffering economically as a result of the global Covid-19 pandemic. Several schools are still to resume full face-to-face classes and many businesses never got to reopen. How then are we supposed to comfort one another as the … Read more

Appointed to Die Once

Appointed to Die Once

One reality that nobody could escape is death. The Bible says we are all appointed to die once and after that the judgment. There comes a time when Christians and non-Christians alike will give an account to God on how they lived. Bible Verse: Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is appointed for men to die … Read more

No One Knows the Day and the Hour

The Day and the Hour Unknown

One biblical fact concerning the return of the Lord is that no one knows exactly when it’s going to happen. Proponents of the pre-tribulation rapture call this the “Doctrine of Imminency.” The return of the Lord in the event known as the Rapture can happen at any moment without any warning. And this is not … Read more

The First and Second Resurrection

John 5:25, NKJV

Whether or not there’s just one (general) resurrection of the dead is one of the hotly debated end-time topics. Some Christians believe that everyone will be raised on the same day. But others say the resurrection from the dead will not occur at the same time. But what does the Scripture say? Resurrection at the … Read more

Who is the Great Harlot in Revelation?

Who is the Great Harlot in Revelation?

Revelation 17 talks about “the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters” (Revelation 17:1). But who is this prostitute that John is referring to in this passage? Is it possible to come up with the correct interpretation without being labeled a bigot and an extremist? Religious Idolatry on the Rise A harlot … Read more

How Do I Know I’m Going to Heaven?

Do You Know if You’re Going to Heaven?

The Bible says that after we die, we will spend eternity in one of two places: heaven or hell. But can anyone be certain where they’re going? Do you know if you’re going to heaven or hell? We all want to know exactly where we are going after we die, right? I mean, who wouldn’t … Read more

Are the Soul and Spirit Eternal?

There’s an ongoing debate among Christians as to the immortality of the soul and spirit. Are the soul and spirit eternal? Do they become extinct upon death? The Bible teaches that man is made up of material (body) and immaterial (soul and spirit) components. Life begins when they are united and life ends when they … Read more

Rapture Versus Second Coming

The Rapture vs the Second Coming of Christ

Many Christians reject the pre-tribulation rapture due to a lack of understanding that the return of Christ occurs in two stages. Although the Bible seems to present only one event, an in-depth study of these passages shows that they describe two separate events. On my YouTube channel, I posted a short video of Pastor John … Read more

Is John the Baptist “The Elijah?”

John the Baptist in the Spirit of Elijah

Believers and non-believers alike have heard about John the Baptist. He is not only known to be the cousin of Jesus; he’s also the forerunner of the Messiah. But why do some people say that John is the “Elijah” that is to come?” John the Baptist: Spokesman for God John is one of the most … Read more