Tag: Celebrating 1 year

Just Turned 1 Year Today

Just Turned 1 Year Today

One year ago today, I put up this website with the goal of sharing and spreading the love of God to the world, and also to encourage fellow believers in the Lord Jesus to continue running the race of faith to the end, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain (1 Corinthians 9:24; 15:58). It was a great 1st year indeed, praise God!

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” – 1 Corinthians 9:24 (NLT)

Having a platform to share everything I learned (and still learning) from the Bible through personal Bible study and meditation, and listening to respected Bible scholars and theologians, was truly one of the desires of my heart since God started using me in the teaching and preaching ministry.

The Challenges

A few months before this website came into existence; I didn’t know anything about website building, themes, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and the proper use of keywords. To be completely honest, I had zero knowledge. So I prayed and asked God to guide me through the proper channels and sure enough, He did.

But before I will tell you all about this platform that has taught me everything I needed to know about building and maintaining a website, I would like to encourage everyone who also has the desire to put up a Christian website to pray about it and ask God for guidance.

I know that God will honor your heart’s desire. The world needs more Christian bloggers to spread the Word of God with the use of technology. If the devil is working double time to deceive people using technology such as the internet, then by all means, Christians should also be using technology to work double or even triple time, to usher in more souls into the kingdom of God.

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” – Psalm 37:4

We are living in the last days and no matter what our present situation is, we must never forget God’s mandate for us – to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). We will not all be able to stand before people to preach, or join mission teams. But we can always share the Gospel using any means such as the internet.

My Number One Recommendation

As I said, I had no idea how to build a website, let alone maintain it. So I asked Mr. Google to show me how. As expected, many articles came up as I typed in: “How to build a website.” I clicked on several articles and also checked out a few YouTube videos. Sure, they were all very informative and useful. There’s just one problem, they won’t tell you everything you need to know without inputting your credit card number.

A week later, I still could not decide what program to avail until I read a review about a platform that allows you to build 2 websites for free. Not only that, they will also host your websites (for free) and will give you 10 free certification lessons that will teach you how to build a profitable business online.Wealthy Affiliate: The Home of Affiliate Marketing I am talking about Wealthy Affiliate, where you will not only learn to build your own website, it will also teach you everything you need to know to start an online business and scale it. To date, this platform has allowed many people to start their online business, quit their full time job and be financially free.

By the way, you may wanna check out my review on Wealthy Affiliate when I was just two months into the program.

Although I did not intend to make money through this website, some of my articles contain affiliate links of my recommended products that you can check out for further research and study on the topics I talked about in the said articles. When you purchase any of the recommended Christian products, you are not only buying them with no extra cost to you; you are also helping maintain this website.

You can read my affiliate disclosure here: Website Affiliate Disclosure

Website Update

As of today, biblical-christianity.com has a total of 58 blog posts, with four of them written by guest author Bro. Jess Cortez. The number of daily visitors has increased since May this year and is now ranging between 80 to 120. I know, this figure is low compared to other Christian sites. But I consider this a huge blessing and a confirmation from God that this website is on the right track.

So on behalf of the authors and contributors of this website, I want to thank everyone who is taking time to read and leave comments. It’s a blessing to read your comments, and if you are gaining additional biblical knowledge from the articles in this website, we too are learning and growing in knowledge on the Word of God as we write these articles.

*Join Wealthy Affiliate today for free, click here!

We are very grateful for your continued love and support and please know that we are always open to sharing and discussing with you about any topic that has something to do with God and the Bible.

Admittedly, there are Christians who hold a view that’s different from us on certain biblical topics and doctrines of the Christian faith. One particular disagreement is in regard to Sabbath keeping and the Lord’s Day. This is also the post that has received the most comments.

While many believe that the Law of Sabbath keeping isn’t binding to Christians today, there are Christian denominations who believe otherwise.

Here’s the article: What is the difference between the Sabbath and the Lord’s Day

Bottom line is, we can agree to disagree. What matters is that we will all continue to work together, united in the Body of Christ, to spread the love of God that has caused Him to sacrifice His only begotten Son for the salvation of everyone who believes (John 3:16).

Looking Forward to the Future

There are at least 15 articles or topics that are due to be written and published, and God-willing, I will publish at least 1 article every week and try to maintain this publishing frequency.

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you, our dear readers for a favor. If you have a gift in writing (actually, you don’t have to be a writer) and you wish to share your reflections on Bible verses, your personal study and exegesis of Bible passages, you are very much welcome; biblical-christianity.com will publish your articles under your preferred author/user name.

Thank you!

As biblical-christianity.com turns 1 year old, I would like to thank the Lord for His faithfulness; for it is only by His grace and wisdom that we are able to do what we are doing. We hope to continue serving you by writing inspirational messages and articles that will help you in your search for truth about God and to help you grow in your faith in Jesus.

Should you have any topics in mind that you want us to tackle, please let us know through the comment section. You can also reach out to us through email using the contact form available in the “About Me” page. You are also welcome to share your thought and insights on any article that interests you by leaving a comment.

Shalom, may the good Lord bless us all!

*Create your own Christian website for free like I did and share the love of God to the world, His goodness and faithfulness in your life. My recommended training platform will show you how to do that step by step.

Create your website for free now!