Politics and the Bible: Are they compatible?

Politics and the Bible: Are they compatible?

Have you ever had someone tell you that Christians and the Church should not get involved in politics?

Because accordingly, it’s in clear violation of the policy on separation of church and state. Some also argue that Jesus Christ never got involved in politics so neither should Christians. Still, others say that Christians should just focus on preaching the Gospel instead of meddling with matters of human government.

Christian involvement in politics has been a much-debated subject. And many Christians believe that they should not engage in politics because “faith and politics do not mix.” Probably as a result of the complex history between the two, Christianity and politics have since become a complex subject that often evokes strong opinions.

Fact or Fiction?

A few centuries after the birth of the church, Christianity became intimately intertwined with the politics of the Roman Empire. This happened immediately after Emperor Constantine made Christianity the empire’s official state religion. What took place over the subsequent centuries was not only unhelpful but damaging for Christianity. The fusion of religion and politics created an empire that in many ways did not reflect the values held and taught by Jesus Christ.

And that is why today, many Christians shy away from politics. Pastors do not talk about it from the pulpits and more and more believers do not cast their ballots anymore. They prefer to stay home during the elections because they see politics as nothing more than a “dirty game.”  

They believe that most politicians seek government offices as a means to gratify their greed and hunger for position, money, and power.

Should Christians Get Involved in Politics?

If the answer is yes, to what extent?

While some may argue that we should just preach the Gospel and not be involved, others imply that having conservative Christian candidates elected is of utmost importance. So let us look at what the Bible says as regards politics and government.

First, the Scriptures clearly state that governments by nature are God-ordained and thus accountable to God (Romans 13:1). Interestingly, believers who claim submission of their lives to Christ tend to forget about His lordship once the subject switches to politics. Christians must also allow Jesus to be Lord of their political views.

Romans 13:2-3 warns that those who resist authority are in effect resisting that which God has instituted. Consequently, they bring judgment on themselves for rulers will not punish those who do good but the evil.

Second, God ordains the government to promote justice for all (Romans 13:4 & 1 Peter 2:14). The government does this, at least partially, by legislating morality. Laws against murder, rape, assault, and many other crimes are moral issues commanded in the Bible to protect citizens.

Religious tolerance

The Issue on Moral Standards

Well, people might say, Don’t try to impose your morality on me because I’m not trying to impose my morality on you.” Hey, you know what? You do not need the Bible to know that murder and rape are wrong. The question now is, which moral standards should the government legislate?

Third, the relationship between the church and government or state is not total separation nor total identification, but education and confrontation. There is no such thing as total separation of church and state. It’s important to note that the phrase doesn’t occur anywhere in the U.S. Constitution. It is a phrase that was made up to explain the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” 

There is nowhere in the constitution that forbids individuals from mixing faith and politics or from sharing their faith in a state-related function or location. Historically, no one interpreted the First Amendment to exclude religion from the political sphere. People have seriously misunderstood what separation of church and state”  means.

The founding fathers created the First Amendment to keep the state out of the church, not the church out of the state.

Why Christians Should Be Involved in Politics

As Christians, we need to be involved because we believe in a God who cares passionately about this world and consequently how it is run. We should get involved because the Bible is hugely political – in that it is about how God wants people to behave and act towards Him. Does God have a hand in politics? Daniel 2:21 says, It is God who sets up kings and deposes them.”

Politics gives all individuals the right to vote on issues that they believe will affect them, including Christians. Although Christians do not have to vote as their church or pastor tells them, they should be involved in the sense that they first seek to be informed and then make up their minds.

With all the present matters of human trafficking, persecution of minorities, tyranny, and many other cases of inhumane acts, the need for Christian involvement in politics should be obvious. It should also be evident that Christians are the most ideal people for this role.

Was Jesus a Political Person?

The Bible says that only the righteous is concerned about justice for the poor” (Proverbs 29:7). Some may argue that Jesus Himself was never politically involved. But didn’t He often confront the Pharisees who were the religious and political leaders during His time?

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” 

The Bible also includes other incidents in which God was not opposed to His people’s using political influence. Bible greats such as Joseph, Daniel, and Esther were all elevated to positions of political power so that God could carry out His will. Even the apostle Paul’s Roman citizenship played a major role in the spread of the Gospel (Acts 22:25; 26:32).

It is, therefore, a mistake for Christians to completely isolate themselves from the realm of politics. When believers do not take it upon themselves to vote or run for office, they carelessly leave the fate of future generations in the hands of wicked and immoral men.

Christian Apologist Dr. Frank Turek explains further why Christians should get involved in politics.

Church Pastors and Leaders in the Political Arena

When Bro. Eddie Villanueva ran for the Philippine presidency for the first time in May 2004 many Church leaders supported him. Villanueva is the president and founder of Jesus is Lord Church Worldwide (JILCW), one of the largest Bible-based, full-gospel Christian Churches in the world,

Indeed, church leaders did not directly advise their congregation and Church members to vote for Villanueva. But they encourage them to vote for a political candidate who is God-fearing and with high standards of morality.

Unfortunately, Bro. Eddie lost to then-incumbent President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo who was seeking a full six-year term as President. Arroyo succeeded ousted President Joseph Estrada who was impeached with charges of plunder and corruption.

Bro. Eddie ran again for the 2010 presidential election and lost for the second time. This is despite the huge support from the Philippine Evangelical movement.

Philippine Presidential Election 2004

God’sWill in Politics

This led many born-again and evangelical Christians to conclude that it is not God’s will for church leaders and pastors to get involved in politics. Why? Simply because politics is a dirty game. They concluded that, yes, Christians must exercise their right to vote. But they should not run for public office because it is not God’s will for Christians to serve in the government.

Instead, they should just focus on sharing and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ because they might get compromised after exposure to politics.

There is some validity to this caution. Some believers entering the political arena have become so politically focused. As a result, they have compromised their teachings which are fundamental to the Christian faith.  Some Christians also made the mistake of resting all their hope on politicians and government at the expense of morality and godly living.

The Example of Daniel

Christians who hold positions in the government should follow the example set by Daniel. Daniel was given great authority in the ruling government of his day. He used his position to influence the king and others. But he never set his hope on Babylon, and this enabled him to be a prophetic witness towards Babylon. He was also able to serve under Persia.

Daniel used his influence as much as possible for good while never setting his hope in these kingdoms. This is because he understood that the advancement of the kingdom of God does not ultimately depend on political failures or political successes.

Politicians who are Christians should work as much as they can within their authority to promote righteousness and restrain evil. Yet they must never forget that the government cannot ultimately bring righteousness to the earth. Only God Himself can do that.

Christians Can Serve in the Government

The Bible shows us that God does put people in places of authority and influence for His sovereign purpose. However, it’s not a biblical mandate to seek authority and influence in government.

Senator Manny Pacquiao shares his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

Christians must see government and authority in society as the means to advance the Gospel. At the same time, they should encourage Christians in authority to use their position for influence. If godly men and women can serve in places of leadership then, by all means, let them pursue it.

However, we should also not get disappointed when believers fail to come into places of influence. We should rejoice when a believer becomes president. Yet, we should not consider it a failure to advance the Gospel when a believer loses the election.


Yes, Christians must get involved. Christians must let their voice be heard by casting their ballots. They must, by all means, support, and vote for the candidate who could best represent them. Christians should elect those who will strongly stand for the right to religious freedom, the right to life for the unborn, and the God-ordained marriage.

And yes, Christians should spend time on their knees praying for the right candidate to win the elections. But they must also do their part by casting their vote.

One more thing, Christians must remember that although they are commanded to submit to the authorities and rulers and to pray for them (1 Timothy 2:1-2), their hope resides in the protection that only comes from God. Political entities are not the savior of the world.

The salvation of mankind is accomplished only through the life and works of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Recommended Resource: 

Politics – According to the Bible: A Comprehensive Resource for Understanding Modern Political Issues in Light of Scripture  by Wayne Grudem

Politics According to the Bible

A variety of perspectives exist within the Christian community when it comes to political issues and political involvement. Comprehensive and readable Politics According to the Bible presents a political philosophy from the perspective that the Gospel pertains to all of life and therefore argues that Christians should be involved in political issues.

In brief, this is an analysis of conservative and liberal plans to do good for the nation, evaluated in light of the Bible and common sense.

In this ground-breaking book, recognized evangelical Bible professor Wayne Grudem rejects five mistaken views about Christian influence on politics: (1) compel religion, (2) exclude religion, (3) all government is demonic, (4) do evangelism, not politics, and (5) do politics, not evangelism.

Grudem proposes a better alternative: (6) significant Christian influence on government. Then he explains the biblical teachings about the purpose of civil government and the characteristics of good or bad government. Does the Bible support some form of democracy? Should judges and the courts hold the ultimate power in a nation?

Wayne Grudem makes frequent application to the current policies of the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States, but the principles discussed here are relevant for any nation.

49 Replies to “Politics and the Bible: Are they compatible?”

  1. OK, Great, we could be on the same page. I am always up for teachable moments.

    May we continue to share the love of Jesus Christ despite our differences.

    God Bless! 🙂

    1. I just want to share that the God of Abraham Isaac, and Jacob has established Four kinds of government for mankind. The first is Self-government, Genesis 2:15, 3:23. The second is Family, Genesis 2:21-24, 4:1-2, Ephesians 5:21-6:4. The third is Church, 1Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9. The fourth is civil government, Romans 13:1-7, 1Peter 2:13-18.

      Parent Responsibility are:
      1. Children are a gift and heritage from God and thus are to be asked of from God. Genesis 25:21, 30:17, 33:5, Deuteronomy 28:4, Ruth 4:13, Psalm 127:3

      2. Parents are to love their children. Titus 2:4

      3. Parents should pray for and bless their children. Genesis 48:9, 15, 2Samuel 12:16, 1Chronicles 29:19, Job 1:5, Mark 5:23, John 4:46-49, Hebrews 11:20-21.

      4. Parents should sternly chastise and punish their children to put them on a righteous course. Proverbs 3:12, 13:24, 19:18, 22:15, 23:13-14, 29:15, 17, Hebrews 12:7.

      5. Fathers to have authority over children. Deuteronomy 30:3-5, 1Timothy3:4.
      6. The head of the house is to provide for the family. Job 42:15, Luke 11:11, 2Corinthians 12:14, 1Timothy 5:8.
      7. Parents are responsible to save up for their children’s future. 2Corinthians 12:14.

      Duty and Purpose of The Church:
      1. The members of the Church are to be as one body with one and the same Spirit as Christ’s body. Romans 12:5, 1Corithians 10:17, 1Corithians 12:11-31, Ephesians 4:4

      2. A Church body should labor with perseverance for the sake of Christ’s name. Revelation 2:3

      3. The Church is to assist only those widows that are not in the care of anyone. 1Timothy 5:16

      4. The Church is to make known the wisdom of God to civil leaders. Ephesians 3:10

      5. The house of God is to be a house of prayer. Matthew 21:13, Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46

      6. It is an abomination to do evil practices in God’s house. 2Chronicles 36:14, Jeremiah 7:30

      7. Christ is the head of the Church. Ephesians 5:23, 29-30

      8. The Church is to be the pillar and ground of the truth. 1Timothy 3:15

      9. A Church is to be for the purpose of teaching. Mark 12:35, Acts 5:21, Acts 11:26, 1Corithians 4:17, 14:19, 12:28

      Requirements of Civil Leaders:
      1. Leaders chosen must be wise and just. Deuteronomy 1:13, 2 Samuel 23:3, Psalm 2:10, Proverbs 21:10, 29:14, Ezekiel 45:9

      2. Civil Leaders are to be diligent in governing. Romans 12:8.

      3. Civil Leaders are to be men/women of truth, hating covetousness. Exodus 18:21.

      4. Civil leaders, Judges and Officers are to fear God. Exodus 18:21, Deuteronomy 17:19, 2 Samuel 23:3, 2 Chronicles 19:7, 9, Psalm 2:10-11.

      5. Rulers are not to be a terror to good behavior, but rather to the wicked and evil doers. Proverbs 20:26, Romans 13:3-4.

      6. Civil rulers are not to use their office and position to bring gain to themselves. Deuteronomy 17:16-17.

      7. Civil rulers are to record, preserve, study and proclaim the law of God at all times. Exodus 18:20, Deuteronomy 17:18-20, 31:9, 24-26, Joshua 8:32, 34-35, 2 Kings 22:8-20, 23:1-3.

      8. If a ruler unintentionally or out of ignorance violates the law and the violation comes to his knowledge, he shall make restitution for it. Leviticus 4:22-23.

      9. Government officers are to execute judgment and righteousness and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor; they are to do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, neither shed innocent blood in the land. Jeremiah 22:3.

      10. Government officers that engage in conspiracy, treachery and murder are to be put to death. Judges 9:1-57.

      11. A good civil leader or judge is from God and keeps a people from rebelling against the ways of God. Judges 2:18-19, 3:9-12.

      12. God will punish civil authorities who punish unjustly and contrary to the law. Acts 23:1-3.

      13. It is an abomination for a civil ruler to commit wickedness, for his office is established on righteousness. Proverbs 16:12.

  2. You know what? Since we are divided on this whole Covid mess and how we are seeing deception in the political realm, I think it is best if we both stay neutral on this, and look at this in light of our observations, so that I could gain insight from you.

    Since we can’t agree on who’s side is reliable, I would like to gain insight from you as we comment on some of the presentations you make. I feel like at this point, I should listen to your side of the equation, and possibly gain Godly wisdom from you rather than going back and forth and getting nowhere.

    I just don’t want to quarrel or fuel any division on this platform and give Satan any leeway. I think in the future, it would be best that you express your individual concerns and views as we bring up moral issues.

    So, you can cite the sources you used. I will take a look at them, and I will share what I have gained through your claims. And yes, the truth will come out at the end. I just want to see where you are coming from, and possibly gain some wisdom from you, even though we may not agree with each other.

    God bless!


  3. Here is my virtual commemoration for 9/11! Click on each link to see the parts!

    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18gKfayC65jRpu_QdnyOdeTi-0Wbc4fs19lvWp-o0Ue0/edit?usp=drivesdk

    2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DJ7vDCk2SHQRjwcWcjNct8Fh3OvMsNgn8mAExXIgjeU/edit?usp=drivesdk

    A poem depicting the dark atmosphere of the attacks, and a strong message to ponder on as we reflect in prayer this Patriot Day, using the symbol of the hand of Satan.

    3. https://photos.app.goo.gl/nDNPsTcqi949RcV68

    A video collage combining Scriptures, quotes, and other texts I have created in honor of 9/11. Just click on the movie link.

    At 6:30 tomorrow night, we will be holding a prayer vigil at home to pay tribute, just like we did last year.

    1. Thanks, Maia, for keeping us updated with your plans for the commemoration of 9/11. It was truly a sad day for America when terrorists attacked you and left almost 3,000 people dead.

      Watching what took place in Afghanistan just recently and what’s going on there still, I feel for Americans who do not think and feel they’re safer today than 20 years ago.

      I hope your leaders (the Biden administration) will finally figure out that America’s enemies are not the people who voted for Trump instead of Biden. Rather, it’s the Taliban and other terrorist groups who want to wipe you off the face of the earth. Time for Americans to unite against their real enemies.

      May God bless and protect America; God bless and protect His people who are suffering at the hands of the Taliban.

        1. They’re great.

          But I would rather not have George Floyd included because having him in your presentation simply means identifying yourself with the “left.”

          You said you’re not on either side but having this man which the left has hailed as a hero in your presentation speaks volumes as to which side you’re really on.

          Just my honest opinion.

          1. I can’t stand this whole left-right thing. It just takes away the bigger picture of what it means to be a Christian exercising their right to become a patriot.

            No candidate is perfect, but we should all stand for what is right according to God’s Word, regardless of which side you are on. While at the same time, paying attention to the climate we are living in: A climate of fear, hate, division, and calamity. I don’t care about left, right, up, down, or center. I could go back and forth on this, but I feel that it would take a million ways to get my convictions across.

            I acknowledge that I am not always right on the money, as I am only human, born with a sin nature. I don’t believe God is necessarily looking for a Christian who supports either left or right alone. The bigger question is: Do you support the kingdom of God, or do you support the kingdom of Satan? Who’s army are you in? God or Satan.

            There is no Democrat or Republican here. On Judgement Day, it won’t matter which political party you are associating with. Yes, there are certain parties who advocate for lawlessness and whatnot. But, the question is: Are you right with Jesus, or are you working for Satan? I could be a Democrat right now, but still have an evil, wicked heart that lies and cheats 24/7.

            At the same time, I could be a Republican and be as loving as can be, standing for the truth. It’s not the party that decides your fate. It is how it influences you.

            For example, if one is advocating for a sinful thing (let’s say abortion.) You believe abortion is murder. Great, but what about the other sins? You can’t expect to be of the light if you are morally hypocritical and filled with pride.

            The only exception to this is if we idolize a figure to the point of devotion and worship, at the expense of our moral compass.

            Alice, I highly admire your support for Christ’s Word. That is a great goal to achieve. But, let’s not become so accustomed to figuring out who is left, right, center, or all the way down.

            Instead, we should be stewards of the Gospel, and leading others to the light of Jesus Christ. We all have two choices at our hands: Jesus, or the kingdom of Satan (the world).

            Patriotism is not a competition, but another way to demonstrate Godly values in a broken society.

            Have a great morning! 🙂

          2. Maia,

            You continually refused to share with me your source(s) of information or data in regards to systemic racism and the benefits of vaccination and mask mandates. And now you’re talking about climate change. Oh dear, all your talking points are of the leftists.

            Can you blame me for thinking you’re actually one of them?

            Oh yeah, climate change. Because the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t stop using cars, airplanes, and any transportation that uses gas and oil. Would you please show me the data to back that up? Since when is it prideful to think and believe that God has blessed your nation (or my nation)?

            You keep throwing in so many things but you can’t show me evidence of why you believe what you believe.

            I’m not trying to belittle you. But knowing why you believe what you believe is crucial especially when sharing the Gospel. You can’t just go out there and tell the world that Jesus is God, or that Christianity is true or the Bible is the Word of God. You must be “prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15, NIV).

            This is what we call Christian Apologetics, Maia. Knowing why you believe what you believe. You can begin with what’s going on around you. Please don’t get sucked up with all the lies that you see on TV, the internet, or from your leftist teachers.

            You’re absolutely right! Your political party does not determine your fate. But your political views and beliefs definitely reflect your moral standards.

            In the same way that there is no middle ground between God and evil, righteousness and wickedness, there is no middle ground when it comes to politics. Why? Just look at their party platforms! You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.

            We cannot really separate politics and the Bible. If you read the Bible, it’s political. Joseph the Dreamer, Daniel, and his friends, and of course Jesus. The political elites (the Pharisees) hated His guts! They were indignant towards Jesus.

            By the way, most patriots I know are on the right. They are patriots because they are pro-America, pro-constitution, pro-freedom, pro-law & and order, etc. Are you telling me there’s another class of patriots?

            I myself am a patriot. I love my country, I honor and respect our flag, I am pro-government and submit to my leaders until they start telling me to do anything that goes against the law of God such as abortion, murder, same-sex marriage, and the likes.

            Let us not forget Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Peter and the apostles also said, “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).

            So, you see, we need to take a stand.

            Let’s just agree to disagree and let’s go out there to win souls for Christ.


      1. I believe our enemies are in Washington D.C. The unelected bureaucrats who have been part of the swamp for decades.

      1. OK! Here is the news outlets I listen to on a regular basis.

        1. ABC 7
        2. NBC 5
        3. CBS 2
        4. WGN
        5. FOX News (both Chicago and the National Version)
        6. CNN
        7. Msnbc
        Here is the information regarding Covid and other issues.

        1. It’s no wonder you keep repeating (and echoing) the left’s talking points. ☺

          Among your list, only one of them is a conservative outlet.

          As one fed-up American said, “It doesn’t take listening to (or watching) CNN or MSNBC for 5 minutes to know that what they’re spewing is all LIES.” How many times has Fauci flip-flopped on Covid? Yet the mainstream media continue to praise him. After the lies and flip-flops, many Americans believe that “Whatever Fauci says, you do the opposite and you’ll be fine.”

          Did Trump collude with the Russians? This was proven to be false and yet the media did not retract their statements. Again, as I always say, “The truth will come out in the end!”

          Most of these (supposed) news outlets you’re listening to regularly have been caught lying. Yet they never bothered to own up to their mistakes and retract their statements.

          Thus, I can’t blame the people who don’t trust them anymore. If you have been lied to repeatedly, would you still believe what they’re saying?

          Your sources of information on Covid and racism are not reliable, especially CNN. ☺ They’re biased and one-sided.

          I suggest you try following and listening to independent sources. Dump CNN, MSNBC, and NBC. At Fox News, I can say that Tucker Carlson covers news pretty objectively. He’s not really a Trump fan like Hannity. This is why his show is the highest-rated and most-watched cable program. He connects with the average working-class Americans.

          Check out Tim Pool. He’s neither on the right nor on the left.


  4. I admire you taking Scriptures as the authority of all truth. I admire that you want to stand for what is moral according to God. I will let you do your own research into these things. I feel that I should give you space to process your thoughts, and possibly come to an agreement. This is not meant, to insult or spread hatred against you, but to hopefully create peace in this online platform.

    I am sorry to hear what you are going through in your country. This is what true bondage feels like. Prayers to you and your family! 🙂

    1. Hi Maia,

      I don’t think we can come to an agreement if you keep dodging my question.

      I’ve asked you at least twice already in my responses who or what your source/s of information are. I want to see and read what you’re seeing (videos or footage) and reading (news articles or commentaries) about what’s going on not only in America but around the world.

      I want to see if they’re trustworthy or if you’re just being brain-washed just like many young people today who think socialism is better than capitalism, kids who don’t even know why they believe what they believe because they don’t bother to look at history. No offense meant but most kids these days are naïve and gullible.

      I am not claiming to be right about everything especially when it comes to US politics. But I am an open-minded person. If you can show me evidence of systemic racism in America, please do so I can share them with my friends and family who are living there.

      Also, if you can show me data on Covid (hospitalization and mortality rates, healthy kids getting the virus and dying from it) that support mandatory vaccination and mask mandates in schools, I’ll be happy to use my platforms to convince people to get the shots.

      BTW, I am not a fan of Trump’s character. He’s a flawed man just like everybody else. But whether you want to admit it or not, he’s done a lot more in four years than many politicians combined in their many years in power.

      I do not have to mention Trump’s accomplishments in your country and the campaign promises he kept. You can do your own research, that is, if your “sources of info” did not mention them.

      I came to the Middle East during Obama’s term; it was chaotic. There were bombings everywhere, the ISIS caliphate was formed, Obama gave Iran license to create a nuclear weapon, missiles were flying almost everyday aimed at Israel.

      Then came Trump and we had peace here for four years. He kept his promise to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. Check out this post that I wrote:

      Trump also brokered several Israel peace deals with their neighboring countries who used to be their enemies. He did something that every US president said was impossible.

      Taking Bible prophecy into account, I know that this “peace” in the Middle East is nothing but temporary because the Bible mentions a war (Ezekiel 38-39) between Israel and a coalition of nations.

      Nevertheless, temporary peace is still so much better than hearing bombings every now and then and not knowing where the next missile would land or explode.

      Terrorism is real and you know that for sure. Today, September 11, marks the 20th year of the ISIS attack on US soil.

      This article is about politics and the Bible, which means we can discuss our political views in light of what the Bible says right here. Please don’t hesitate to express your disagreements with me. All I ask is that you show me evidence of the things you claim to believe are happening.

      The Christian faith is not blind faith. We believe in God and Jesus not because some “people” told us so and so. Faith is not the blind act of the soul. Instead, faith in God rests upon the best evidence, the infallible Word of God.

      In the closing chapters of his gospel, John stated his purpose for writing.

      “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:30-31).

      Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Shalom!

      P.S. I hope your commemoration of 9/11 went on smoothly.

  5. As a Christian and a die-heart American patriot, I am really into current affairs.

    I feel that politics is deeply connected to morality and the spiritual nature of our daily lives. I believe that current events can give Americans, especially Christians, some wonderful insight into today’s issues.

    The only problem I have with this is that many pastors love to focus on one sin, but leave out the rest. For instance, many evangelicals choose to focus on abortion and homosexuality and fail to address the sin of systemic racism, gun violence, and other acts of hatred and division that is explicitly condemned by Scripture.

    I do not have anything against expressing your views with others. But, let’s not leave out the evils that we see in this generation, and focus on one sin just because it applies to our own party.

    Although we certainly possess different views on moral issues facing our generation, we can all agree on these matters.

    1. Satan is working front and center to divide this nation and the body of Christ. It’s happening right in front of our very eyes! Whether it’s abortion, homosexuality, corruption, fraud, hatred, bigotry, violence, terrorism, or any other sin you could think of, there is no denying the fact that evil is present in our generation.

    God loves this nation, but He also hates the sin that is so evident in this land. God is holy, and He admires things that are holy. We should be the same way. But, in order to truly understand this fact, we cannot be morally complicit, nor can we be morally hypocritical. This pandemic has been a true awakening for the body of Christ, but also a stunning rebuke for the wicked.

    The lesson: We cannot say we believe in the existence of God, the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the reality of the spirit realm without acknowledging this heart-wrenching truth. Satan … is … REAL! AND ACTIVE!!!! So is sin. So is this villain called the flesh!!!! Democrat or Republican, the reality of evil is undeniable!

    2. We are a flawed nation. 1 John 1:9-10 states, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us the sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we haven’t sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”

    We are not perfect. No ruler is perfect. We are all broken human beings living in a sinful world, housed in a sinful body called the flesh. Ever since Adam and Eve fell from grace, we are all prone to sin. It’s like a virus. It all starts with one person and spreads like wildfire. It all started in the Garden of Eden and has gotten worse since.

    We have had a really dark and shameful past. Yet, we are not willing to admit this to our future generation. And that is because we hold onto this notion that we are the best, richest, and most powerful country in the whole world. This is pride: the deadliest of all of the sins! We know that these sins exist, but are we willing to right these wrongs, and truly come together to rebuild and pick up those pieces?

    It’s one thing to be deceived by the lies of Satan, but it’s another thing to deceive ourselves, and hold onto our egos! This is why I don’t lean on one particular side, but solely rely on what is Scriptual and truthful. I am not perfect, so feel free to correct me if needed.

    3. We can all be a force of light in the shadows of darkness. We are children of the everlasting light, which is Jesus Christ. I believe one of the core aspects of being an American patriot is to share God’s love with others and to be a right hand in triumphant and turbulent times. Covid just happens to be one of these times. There will be many more tests to prove that we are staying on the path of the light.

    I hope this inspired you and encouraged you. Prayers go out to the families in Afghanistan and the hurricanes. Let us all gather together in prayer and prepare our hearts as the Holy Spirit speaks to this nation as we get ready to honor those we lost on 9/11.

    God bless! 🙂

    1. I can’t believe you have bought into the lie of systemic racism! I mean, seriously??? What is going on?

      I expected to hear this repeated by someone from the left but not from someone who identifies as a die-hard patriot. Unbelievable!

      I mean no offense. I am not trying to be mean either. I am just in shock right now that I am hearing this from you.

      I understand you are hearing so many things from both sides. Let me ask you a few things, Maia. How do you define systemic racism? What evidence do you have that it exists in America?

      Is there racism in America? Sure there is! And you know what? It exists everywhere around the globe. But when you say “SYSTEMIC” racism, that’s a different discussion, my dear.

      My apologies but I’m gonna have to ask you this question? “Are you part of the “woke” society? It’s all madness, my goodness! English these days do not have to be grammatically correct. Why? To appease those who identify as somebody else other than what God created them to be?

      Being a non-native English speaker, I guess I should no longer trust American English teachers to teach me correct English, right? If Americans don’t know how to write and speak in English correctly, why should I trust them to teach me?

      You also mentioned gun violence. Is this about George Floyd? A criminal who has been in and out of jail? I am disgusted at what the police officers did to him; he did not deserve to die like that. But the physician who did the autopsy said that he would have died anyway because of a fentanyl overdose.

      But what happened next was very alarming. Sure, you know what I’m talking about — the looting, rioting, and chaos that took the lives of innocent people. And what did the people in authority do? NOTHING!!! What’s more, the entire nation hailed Floyd as a hero. You gotta be kidding me!!! Honoring a criminal who had a pregnant woman at gun point before his encounter with the police?

      And they have the guts to call the January 6 event an insurrection. The people who caused chaos on that day should be persecuted, sure I agree. But so as those who rioted and looted for over six months. If Trump incited an insurrection by saying the people should march patriotically and peacefully to exercise their first amendment to protest, what about the Democratic leaders who directly told their followers to “get in the face of people” or some even more disturbing words???

      All I’m saying is that if you call out one side, you should call out the other as well. Do you know what I hate the most about the people on the left? The double standards and HYPOCRISY! And of course, the “RULES FOR THEE BUT NOT FOR ME.” It makes me wonder, why do Americans keep voting these people into office?

      I am deeply appalled at what’s going on in America right now. And to think that other nations, especially the “weaker” ones (like my country Philippines) are looking up to the US as a leader and ally.

      You do not have to take my word but if you really want an honest discussion, I suggest you listen to Candace Owens (oh, by the way, she’s black, a conservative, a Christian, and very smart too). Then there’s Charlie Kirk as well

      And since you mentioned systemic racism, you may want to check out Larry Elder. He knows what it means to be a black man in America. He’s a solid Christian too.

      By the way, what happened in Afghanistan did not have to happen. But because America installed a career politician who had always been wrong when it comes to foreign policies, people in other countries who look up to America for leadership are now suffering.

      And God forbid ISIS 2.0 will arise.

      Yes, we should be spiritual, but we also need to keep our eyes open to what is going on around us.

      Another good resource I recommend is Olive Tree Ministries by Jan Markell. Her ministry focuses on current and end-time events and looks at them from a biblical perspective.

      Keep growing in your faith, keep engaging the culture. The world needs young people to get involved.

      1. Look! I am not part of any culture whatsoever.

        Why should I even be siding with any manmade system that causes division?

        Sure, I see flaws on both sides. But, can you not see that many officers are traumatized by January 6 because of evil insurrectionists that believed in A LIE? This is what I am talking about. I do not side with left or right. I am siding with what is real, what is truth, and what I am seeing right now.

        Listen, I want to keep things peaceful, and if you have a problem with me expressing my patriotism as part of my faith in Jesus Christ, so be it. Let’s talk this out and hope to get on the same page. I am willing to hear your side of the spectrum, and you can use all the Scripture you like.

        Then, we can come to a solid agreement on our moral standards according to God’s Word.

        1. Maia,

          I don’t have any problem with you expressing your views. That’s what’s great about FREEDOM, you are entitled to a different view and you are free to express it.

          Oh, wait, isn’t that what’s your First Amendment is all about? One that does not exist in the Middle East where I am currently based, unfortunately.

          I assume you don’t want total government control, right? Today, mandatory vaccination and never-ending mask mandates. What’s next???

          Don’t wait until it’s too late. Time for the people to resist. Fight for your rights to peacefully express your views and bear arms. Don’t ever forget that you have God-given freedom, therefore, use it.

          Gun control is not the problem; it’s lawlessness. But what are your government officials doing? They’re excusing lawlessness by allowing people to loot. They’re raising funds to bail them out. They’re not upholding law and order, not persecuting criminals.

          Are you even aware that these are happening in America?

          You mentioned the January 6 insurrection. Which police officers were traumatized?

          Are they the same police officers who freely let the Trump supporters into the capitol building? Or those “selected” officers who testified during the “January 6 investigation” who were “sobbing” and so emotional?

          Do you know how many people died during the “January 6 insurrection?”

          ONE! Yes, one unarmed white woman, a US Air Force veteran. She was shot by a black police officer. Do you know her name? Perhaps not because the media don’t care because she was a Trump supporter.

          If the victim was black and a Democrat, shot by a white police officer, the media would have gone ballistic! But because she was a “white Republican,” the shooting was “justified” and the police officer was exonerated.

          Again, I would like to know where you’re getting your information. If you want a non-bias coverage, you can check out C-Span because they show raw, unedited footage. Tim Pool (Tim cast IRL on YouTube) is also non-partisan and he covers news objectively.


          I understand that you’re not taking sides but do you know why I am leaning more to the right? It’s because unlike the left, they are open to dialogues and they always have data to back their claims.

          More importantly, most of them are conservative, Bible-believing born-again Christians.

          I am a Bible-believing born-again Christian who sees the Bible as the final authority in everything. That’s all you need to know about me.


      2. You are an insane person detached from the real world and fallen far and away from the teachings of god.

        Systemic racism is real. Climate change is real. You are one who seeks recognition for being a Christian without actually doing so.

        Jesus was a communist.

        1. Which “god” are you talking about? My God (take note: upper case G) is Yahweh, the creator of heaven and earth and everything else that exists. I don’t know about your god.

          Did you say that systemic racism is real and so is climate change? Wake up!!! You have been lied to for so long ☺.

          And what are you saying about Jesus being a communist? How much do you really know about Him?

          I suggest you listen to and watch real journalists and news outlets. Stop buying into the lies of elites and leftists who do not actually care about the working class.

          Well, unless you are one of them.

        2. Climate change? Jesus a communist? Are these statements based on evidence, facts, and proof to believe what you said is the truth or just talking points you heard from the corrupt criminal CIA MSM? The programming is working from the CIA media networks.

  6. It is interesting to know that Christians are asking if politics and the Bible are compatible when in actual fact, the reason why religion got into our classrooms is because of politics.  If Christianity and politics weren’t compatible, a lot of laws that were passed wouldn’t have religious undertones like the insistence of having marriage be between just a man and a woman against a man and a man and vice versa. 

    I wanna ask a question though. In some Christians societies, a man is allowed to marry more than one wife, I am not seeing any Christian outcry and insistence that the law be made to ensure that it becomes illegal everywhere. Why is that so?  Is the sin of polygamy less than that of homosexuality? We need Christians who would also take this up seriously. And I really think that’s why we need honest Christians in politics 

    1. Hi Vapz, thanks for chiming in.

      One of the errors of some groups who categorize themselves as Christians is to assume that because we read stories of men in the Bible marrying more than 1 wife and having numerous concubines, that men today can do the same today. This however, steams from the misconception that because they’re written in the Bible, they must be the norm and is perfectly okay with God.

      I’m not sure if there are still so-called Christians today who practice polygamy. In the Islamic worldview, men are allowed to marry up to 6 wives, for as they can support each family equally.

      Both polygamy and homosexuality are sins that should be condemned. And I agree with you, we need Christians in the political arena who would find a way to fix this matter.

  7. The relationship between Christianity and politics is a historically complex subject and a frequent source of disagreement throughout the history of Christianity, as well as in modern politics, with many arguing that Christianity directly supports a particular political ideology or philosophy.

    I use to feel Christians should have little interest and participation in politics but your explanation on this post made me realize we need God-fearing leaders as well to rule and definitely must be Christians. I’m not saying it is a must but I believe they both can co-occur.

    1. Hi Seun,

      I used to think the same way too; that Christians should not get involved in politics in any way for the reasons you stated. Interestingly, there is one, (huge) religious group in our country whose members always vote unanimously during national/ presidential elections.

      This is because their top leader decides which candidate or political party to vote for and every member is obliged to follow. As expected, why political candidates and coalitions will do about just anything to get this religious group to endorse them.

      I am not here to judge nor criticize religious groups like this but I do believe that every Christian should be free to vote according to their conscience. If there are candidates who are Christians, we must support them, as we need more and more God-fearing Christians to fill in government seats.

      What if there aren’t any? We can go for political candidates or parties whose platforms come close to God’s standards.

      Thanks you for your comment.

  8. I must say a wonderful well done job to you for putting up this article on the issue that has been going on among Christians around the world; whether Christians should participate in politics or not. In my own point of view yes. Christian should participate in politics either by seeking for political office or voting for the right person into office. Because by participating in politics they will have the chance or opportunities to do things in the right ways different from the way the unbeliever will do it and make the world a better place.

    But when we talk about church participating in politics. I don’t support churches participating in politics. Church podium is a holy place that is for preaching the world of God and not for doing political campaigns.

    1. I certainly agree with you, the church, the house of God, should never be used as a place to hold political campaigns. It is also unethical for church leaders and pastors to endorse political candidates. I believe pastors and church leaders are responsible in reminding their congregation what kind of government leaders they should vote for but they should not directly endorse any political candidate.

      Thanks for stopping by, shalom!

  9. I’m a follower of Christ, and I believe Christianity is about a personal relationship between the person and God, and that is how it is.

    For me personally, I don’t like anything politics because I don’t have the interests, but I’m not saying Christians should not be involved in political affairs, they should. With their involvement they can help to maintain a moral balance that is needed to lay good examples of Christ, so that corruption  will be minimized.

    Thank you for sharing this interesting post!

    1. Hello Mary, thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts on one of the most controversial topics today.

      You’re absolutely right, to be a Christian means knowing Christ on a personal level. Should Christians get involved in politics? They do not have to aspire for government positions but they have a moral obligation to get involved, not only in political affairs but even with cultural issues.

      As Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapels in Chino Hills always say, “Christians should engage the culture,” to which I agree 100%.


  10. I think christians should be involved in political affairs of the state. They can help maintain a moral balance that is highly needed in governance. If they are true christians indeed, I believe their moral compass might guide them to stay away from vices such as corruption and abuse of office with much more ease in comparison to their non Christian counterparts.

    1. I’m glad we’re on the same page as to whether Christians should get involved in politics or not. For the record, the Bible as I mentioned is hugely political. Christians who think they have no business joining political affairs better read the Old Testament where many biblical characters got greatly involved in the political affairs of their time.

      There’s Joseph the son of Jacob who was made ruler of Egypt. Daniel and his friends who were given high ranks in Babylon during their captivity. We also read how God worked in the lives of the many kings who ruled in Israel. That’s why I do not see why Christians think it’s not God’s will for them to get involved.

      However, Christians who wish to pursue a political career must be very careful to not get sucked into the dirty game of politics. So they need to be grounded in the Word of God and spend a considerable amount of time on their knees to seek God’s will and guidance before jumping in.

      We need to always keep in mind that we are the ambassadors of Christ. Any wrong move on our part and people will never listen to whatever we have to say about the Christ and the Christian faith.

      I truly appreciate your insights Mitala. God bless!

  11. I’m not Christian but I found this interesting. I believe that as long as no one is forcing their religion on another (I wouldn’t push my beliefs…religious or otherwise… on anyone else and would always appreciate the same courtesy …. do unto others….) I see no reason why religion and politics can’t peacefully coexist. There are many basic and positive teachings in Christianity that are common to many religions and cultures that can and probably should be encouraged through politics.

    1. Hey Tricia,

      Thanks for your comment. You’re absolutely right. There should be no reason why religion and politics can’t peacefully coexist. Politics and the Bible are not at odds. After all, the standard of morality is no other than God Himself, the author of the Bible.

  12. Hello Alice,

    Very powerful article.

    As a follower of Christ myself there’s a lot of mixed feelings with this subject and would take more than a comment to explain because it goes a lot deeper than church and state. For me, I tend to stay out of politics. Remember there are a lot of wolves in sheep’s clothing and claim their christian values until they reach office.

    Thank you for this great article and do hope to read more from you.


    1. Hi David, thanks for reading the article and sharing your thoughts.

      Just like you, I used to stay out of politics too because I always thought that it is not good for Christians to get involved. But then I came to realize that “getting involved” does not necessarily mean running for government office. Rather, to get involved means letting your voice be heard by casting your ballot. Christians do not have to get out there and start campaigning for their candidates. It means making a decision on who to vote for and going out on election day.

      After doing our part and our candidate still did not win the elections, we need to accept the outcome and keep praying for our leaders who were elected into office and for our nation as a whole. We need to trust God because at the end of the day, nothing happens that God does not allow.

  13. Alice,

    Agree with much of what you write.

    Politics has been a big part of Christianity throughout the ages beginning with Jesus Christ in the Gospels.

    I’ve never subscribed to the statement religion and ;politics don’t mix – they do mix and mix often!

    It’s a double edged sword though because from my view, religion/faith should be about a personal relationship between the person and God and that’s it.

    Politics usually comes about when institutionalization takes place and that has both positive and negative consequences.

    1. Christians are often told to keep their religion/faith out of politics because these two don’t mix. But like you said, they do mix and mix often.

      We currently have a senator who is very open about his faith in Jesus Christ; he often quotes biblical verses which is driving his detractors crazy mad. Many times he was accused of taking Bible verses out of context to support and promote his personal agenda, which they say are not really biblical at all.

      You’re right Sam, faith is about a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Thanks for visiting, God bless!

  14. Hi there, my name is John and I wanted to thank you for your breakdown of systematic theology. You offer a visual which really helps with understanding how there are multiple links that make up this theology. I am also happy to see that your not a proponent of replacement theology, which basically in a nutshell states that Christianity has replaced its’ parent roots of Judaism. Since Shaul (Paul) was a devout Jew this would really put a complex and illogical spin on the New Testament writings if replacement theology were factual. Keep up the good work!

    John (Follower of Yeshua ) AKA, Jesus the Christ

    1. Hi John,  thanks for visiting. I truly appreciate your thoughts about my site. I’ve been wanting to do this for the longest time but didn’t know exactly how. I thank God for finally giving me a platform for doing this, glory to His name!

      You know, it really saddens me that there are Christian denominations who are advocates of replacement theology. Because if we read the Bible, we see the clear distinctions between Israel and the Church. That although God has separate programs for the two entities, Jesus remains to be the only way by which the Jews and Gentiles can attain salvation.

      Even so today, Christians disagree on many different things and aspects of Christianity and this was evident during the last elections where Christians were divided as to who they voted for. At the end of the day, we will all be judged on how we responded to God’s call. 
      Shalom and God bless!

  15. I think as time progresses it is making it harder for Christians to hold political positions. It seems like the love of many is growing colder and there are many false teachings circulating. I think even many pastors now compromise just to hold their position so I can’t imagine there being many strong enough ministers able to hold the position of a President. I think the most important thing is prayer. All Christians should be on their knees at night praying for the nation and the strength of the Christian holding positions. The times are only getting tougher.

    1. I agree with you Melissa, Christians who run for government positions these days do not have the support of most churches and influential ministers. It’s sad but the church has now become secular; many Christians and church leaders have become compromising in order to remain in their positions. We really are in the end times as the love of many Christians for the Word and for God’s work is diminishing. They used to be on fire in the Lord but are now turning away from biblical Christianity. 

      So no matter what happens, our role as believers is to continually support our leaders through prayers. We must continue to stand in the gap on behalf of our land. I believe that as long as there remains a group of intercessors, God still pours out His grace.

  16. I have nothing against Christians in politics, so long as they perform well in both politics and in their ministry. In fact, I appreciate how they manage their time and effort efficiently. However, in Matt 6:24 and Luke 16:13, the bible says, we cannot serve two masters at the same time.

    Nevertheless, if everyone is respecting the quoted verses seriously, then we will not have any Christians in government positions. Therefore, as it is said in the article, the person’s conviction whether his faith is not compromised by joining politics matters. On our part as their constituents, it is our duty to pray for them as it is said in 1 Tim 2:2. God bless us all!

    1. Hi brother Jess, I appreciate your input. And I believe we’re on the same page here; that church leaders and ministers should not leave their ministries in order to build a political career.

      The Bible is crystal clear about that. However, when it comes to fellow believers who are not actually serving full time in the ministry, I don’t see anything wrong with that. On the other hand, I see it as an opportunity to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ because if you are in position, people will more likely to listen to what you have to say. But just make sure you walk the talk and not just talk the talk.

      The other thing that I pointed out in my post is for us to not just pray for the right candidates to fill in the different government positions but we must also exercise our rights to vote and more importantly to to vote wisely and with our conscience. We must go out there and cast our ballots for the candidate who may not be a believer but whose standards of morality is in line , at least in a way, with God’s standards as we read in the written Word.

      Are you aware that in the U.S. many Christians, I mean evangelicals, are running for government positions (Republican Party) because they want to restore America back to being a true Christian nation? Because if the righteous people of God will not get involved in politics, it will be easier for the wicked to rule. What do you think about this?

  17. Those Christians who want to get involved in politics, particularly here in our country, need to be aware of the system of politics. Democracy has always been grayed in color. Meaning there are systems which we think are right but a closer look tells us that it’s not. One example I would like to mention is a system of compromising. If one politician needs his/her project to get approved and get funded he would need the approval of a co-politician. He will then be supported by a corrupt politician in exchange for his support. This will lead a christian to get along with the wrong system of the government, then his identity as a politician or believer of God will be tainted which in turn gives a bad impression for all believers.

    1. You’re exactly right brother Rey. The great danger for believers getting involved in politics and having positions in the government is “compromising.” Any politician who wants to really succeed has to “go with the flow” otherwise he will make a lot of enemies and that will be the end of his political career. Or worse, he will be corrupted by the system little by little until such time that he will completely forget he’s a Christian. And that’s what the people will see, thereby concluding that all believers in Christ are like him, no distinction at all. However, I do believe that if God will put a Christian or a church leader in the government, God is going to use him for a greater purpose and for the propagation of the Gospel.

      But what do you think brother Rey, should Christians dive into politics or not? Just practice your right to vote and that’s it??? Shouldn’t we get involved all the more and use our position in the government to bless others? What do you think of Manny Pacquiao being in the senate?

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