Bonifacio and the Zealots: What did They have in Common?

Andres Bonifacio and the Zealots: What did they have in common?

Bonifacio Day is a holiday celebrated in the Philippines annually on November 30 to commemorate the birth of Andres Bonifacio, a Filipino nationalist, patriot and one of the original founders of KKK (Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan) or simply called Katipunan. The Katipunan is a secret movement devoted to fighting the Spanish … Read more

God’s Natural and Moral Attributes

God's Natural and Moral Attributes

One day, my friend asked me if it’s possible for someone who willfully rejects God to be forgiven of his sins and be welcomed into heaven when he repents and receives Christ as Lord and Savior on his deathbed. If a person keeps putting off surrendering his life to God because he thinks he has … Read more

The Biblical Roots of Christian Praise and Worship

The Biblical Roots of Christian Praise and Worship

Do you know how praise and worship in Christian churches started? Why do we sing an opening or welcome song and then proceed to sing up-tempo songs before finally transitioning into high intimacy worship songs? Is there some kind of pattern that we’re supposed to strictly follow? Or can we modify it to suit our … Read more

Do You Need to be Baptized in Order to be Saved?

Do you need to be baptized in order to be saved

Water baptism is an important topic that often arouses much controversy and confusion. Many Christians around the world are asking whether or not water baptism is necessary for salvation. Do you need to be baptized in order to be saved? Some say that baptism is a requirement for salvation while others say it is not. … Read more

Why I Believe Christians Should Not Celebrate Halloween

Why Should Christians Not Celebrate Halloween

There’s a lot of debate as to whether or not Christians should celebrate and participate in Halloween. Is it alright to dress up our kids in costumes and allow them to go trick-or treating in our neighborhood? Is it okay for us to attend Halloween parties dressed in some evil-looking and demonic costumes? And what … Read more

Yes, I Know I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength

Yes, I can do all things through God who gives me strength

Coming to work tonight, (I work night shifts) I was expecting another change in my work schedule for the coming weeks and I couldn’t help but think, “How am I supposed to survive a 12-hour shift every day, 7 days a week?” As two of our own are going from here this week, back to … Read more

Death Penalty for Sin, Eternal Life In Christ

Death Penalty for Sin, Eternal Life in Christ

One Bible verse that is always quoted every time the Gospel is shared is Romans 6:23. This verse says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Looking at this verse more closely made me realize one thing, and that is, we get … Read more

Declaring the Amazing Grace of God

Declaring the Amazing Grace of God

One of the things I enjoy since becoming a Christian is listening to the personal testimonies of fellow believers in Christ; how they came to know the Lord and how God has dealt and is dealing with them. It always amazes me how God draws people to Himself and uses their own circumstances to showcase … Read more

The Weapons that David had

The weapons that David had

A few years ago, I have talked about how David bravely fought Goliath, the Philistine giant of Gath (1 Samuel 17). Focused on the great battle, I have paid no attention on the stones that David brought with him that day. Going back through the same Scriptures today, I pondered on the five stones that … Read more