Hope for the Hopeless (Lyrics and chords)
One of the most powerful truths that we can offer whenever we are placed in a position to engage with the world in order to defend our Christian commitment is true hope. For only Jesus Christ offers real hope for the hopeless.
Someone once said that people can survive with little food, water, clothing, shelter, transportation, and even affection but not without hope. Hope is the essence of the Christian faith. We hope that God answers us when we call to Him; we hope that our labor will not be in vain and we hope that someday we will go to heaven to spend eternity with God.
What is Hope?
Outside of the Christian context, the word “hope” entails wishful thinking or the desire to receive something we might not receive. For instance, we may hope for a better job or good health, without assurance if we will receive them. We may hope for a better day yet we do not really know what a day may bring.
But the Christian hope refers to an assurance concerning the future; it is a desire for something we are certain to receive. No matter how uncertain our circumstances, we know for certain that God will work all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).
Here’s Pastora Rachel Chungalao’s rendition of the song “Hope for the Hopeless” + “Awiting Makalangit” by the Free Believers in Christ Concert Team.
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