Category: New Life

Trusting God During Sufferings

Trusting God During Sufferings

Being a Christian is easy when everything seems to be going the way we want them to be. But can we still trust God during difficult times? How do you tell the suffering to trust God when you can’t possibly relate to what they’re going through?

God is powerful; He can stop all the evil in the world in just a snap of a finger. I mean, He can do it by the power of His Word because He is omnipotent. Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37), right? But the question most people ask is, “How can a good God allow suffering?” More importantly, “Why does God allow His children to go through trials and tribulations?”

These are the questions Christians need to learn to answer when dealing with people who do not believe in God. What possible reasons could we tell atheists why we believe in a God who allows suffering?

In this article, we will look at the 7 reasons to believe in God amid difficulties and suffering.

1. Suffering Reveals What is in Our Hearts

The reality is that our suffering often comes as a result of other people’s actions. We hear of families being oppressed by wealthy and influential people. Some even go to the extent of hiring paid assassins to eliminate their enemies. There is no question that these kinds of deeds are evil!

But suffering also has a way of revealing what is in our hearts. How do we respond when we are on the receiving end of these atrocities?

We Glory in Our Sufferings

We may never know how much love, mercy, envy, anger, and pride can lie dormant in us until awakened by circumstances. We must understand that the strengths and weaknesses of the heart are not found when everything is going our way. Rather, it is when flames of suffering and temptation test the mettle of our character.

Gold and silver are refined by fire and coal needs time and pressure to become a diamond. In the same way, the pressure we endure as well as the heat of time, and the circumstances we experience reveal and develop the human heart.

You may refer to the following passages to see what the Bible has to say about suffering:

  • Job 42:1-17
  • James 1:2-5
  • Romans 5:3-5
  • 1 Peter 1:6-8

2. Suffering Loosens Our Grip on this Life

Everybody grows old, so they say. No one stays young and vibrant forever. And when we realize we are not as young and relevant to society as we used to be, we start thinking of our future departure.

In time, people will seek our work and opinions less and less. Our bodies inevitably become increasingly worse for the wear and we gradually succumb to obsolescence. Joints stiffen and ache, eyes grow dim, digestion slows down, and sleep becomes difficult. Worse, we face problems that loom larger and larger while options narrow.

These are all signs that we are nearing the end of our earthly existence. Yet, death is not the end but the threshold of a new day and the curse of old age becomes a blessing. As we go through pain and suffering, this world we’re living in becomes less attractive and the next life more appealing.

Pain, suffering, trials, and difficulties pave the way for a graceful exit. See Ecclesiastes 12:1-14.

3. Suffering Comes with the Freedom to Choose

Every loving parent would do anything to protect their children from unnecessary pain. At the same time, wise parents know the danger of over-protection. If parents would lovingly allow their kids to go out of their way and make choices of their own, how much more with our heavenly Father?

The freedom to choose is at the heart of what it means to be human. This is because a world without choice would be worse than a world without pain and suffering. God has given each of us the freedom to choose between good and evil, life and death, blessing and curse, and Him over Satan (Deuteronomy 30:15-20).

Most of the time, our suffering is a result of making the wrong choices. Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and as a result, sin and curse entered the world (Romans 5:12-21).

4. Pain Can Warn Us of Danger

Nobody wants to experience pain. We hate pain, especially in those we love. Yet, without pain and discomfort, the sick wouldn’t go to the doctor. Hard-working people refuse to slow down and rest unless their body signals that things are bad. Without the consequence of facing suffering in jail, criminals wouldn’t fear the law.

Children would laugh at correction if they know they could get away with almost anything. We’ll never know the damage that fire can do if we don’t feel the pain caused by accidentally touching a burning matchstick.

King Solomon is an example of how even the wisest among us tend to drift from good and God. He drowned in pleasure that resulted in pain because of his shortsighted choices. But God used his pain to teach him a lesson and make him realize his mistakes.

See Ecclesiastes chapters 1 to 12, Psalms 78:34-35, and Romans 3:10-18.

5. God Suffers with Us

Whenever we suffer, let us always remember that no one has suffered more than our Father in heaven. If there’s anyone who paid more dearly for the allowance of sin into the world, it’s God.

It’s God who continuously grieved over the pain of a race that had gone bad. And no one has suffered more than the One who, when He stretched out His arms and died, showed us what true love means. In drawing us to Himself, it is this God who asks us to trust Him when we are suffering and when our loved ones cry out in our presence.

Every time you feel alone in your suffering, know that God suffered first. He knows exactly what you’re feeling because He’s been there and suffered more than you can imagine. Christ modeled what it means to suffer (1 Peter 2:21; 3:18; 4:1).

6. We Find One Another in Times of Crisis

I do not know of anyone who would choose pain and suffering. But when faced with such, our consolation is that we are never alone. Natural disasters and times of crisis have a way of bringing us together. Hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, accidents, illnesses, and even riots all have a way of bringing us to our senses.

Who can ever forget Hurricane Katrina in 2005? This was the largest and third-strongest hurricane ever recorded to make landfall in the US. It caused over 1,800 fatalities and $125B in damages, especially in the city of New Orleans and surrounding areas. But it resulted in more than 70 countries pledging monetary donations and other assistance.

When tragedies like this happen, suddenly we remember our own mortality and that people are more important than things. We remember that we do need one another and that, above all, we need God.

7. Suffering Is for Our Good

In many instances in the Bible, God turned suffering around for the good of the people involved.

Through Job’s suffering, we see a man who did not only come to a deeper understanding of God. Also, he became a source of encouragement for people in every generation to follow. Today, many preachers and day-to-day Christians use Job’s example to encourage others that God always has a purpose for allowing suffering.

All Things Work Together for Our Good

Through the rejection, betrayal, enslavement, and wrongful imprisonment of Joseph, we see someone who came to realize that his suffering was God’s hands at work. God is sovereign and as one pastor often says, “Nothing happens without God’s permission.”

When everything in us screams at the heavens for allowing suffering, we have reason to look at the eternal outcome and joy of Jesus. Our Lord in His own suffering on an executioner’s cross cried, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me” (Matthew 7:46)?


Why should we trust God during difficult times? It’s because God is God no matter what. The pain and suffering we are experiencing are not reasons to not believe in the God who created everything out of love. God eternally exists regardless of our circumstances and He loves us unconditionally.

We can trust God in suffering because we know that God’s comfort is always greater than our suffering.

The apostle Paul pleaded with the Lord to take away an identified source of suffering. But the Lord declined, saying, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Since death is not the end of everything, we are assured that the end of this life brings us to the threshold of eternity. And the most fortunate people in the universe are those who discover through suffering that this life is not all we have to live for.

The people who found the eternal God through their suffering have not wasted their pain. Instead, they are the ones who will discover their unending joy in the Lord.

Are you able to say, “I believe in God and trust in Him even during pain and suffering?”

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Recommended Resource:

Walking with God through Pain and Suffering by Timothy Keller

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Prodigal Prophet Timothy Keller comes the definitive Christian book on why bad things happen and how we should respond to them.

The question of why God would allow pain and suffering in the world have vexed believers and nonbelievers for millennia.

Timothy Keller, whose books have sold millions of copies to both religious and secular readers, takes on this enduring issue and shows that there is meaning and reason behind our pain and suffering.

Keller makes a forceful and ground-breaking case that this essential part of the human experience can be overcome only by understanding our relationship with God.

As the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, Timothy Keller is known for his unique insights into religion and culture. Keller’s series of books has guided countless readers in their spiritual journeys.

Walking with God through Pain and Suffering uses biblical wisdom and personal stories of overcoming adversity to bring a much-needed, fresh viewpoint to this important issue.

God’s Unfathomable Love for You & Me

God’s Unfathomable Love for You & Me

The Bible assures us in many places of God’s unfathomable love for you and me. This is what caused Him to sacrifice His Son on the cross so we could have eternal life (John 3:16). But God’s love does not end at the cross.

As Christ ascended into heaven, He promised that He will be back. He also promised His disciples that He will go to prepare a place for them. And then He will come back for them (John 14:1-3). Church-age believers, that includes us, are recipients of that promise.

There are other promises of God for those that love Him; promises that we may not be able to understand.

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 2:9, NKJV

But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

Some say that this verse refers to the wonders of heaven. But others say it refers to the wisdom God has prepared for the believers. Regardless, God’s truth is not discoverable by eye or ear, nor is it discovered by the mind.

What does it Mean that God is Love
Photo Credit: Compelling Truth

Freewill to Choose

Physical death is not the end.

Everyone will spend eternity somewhere. But because God is love, He gave us the freedom to choose. Didn’t God allow Adam to choose to eat the forbidden fruit or not? Sure He did! He gave Adam a specific command about what to eat and what not to eat. But God would never force Adam to do anything against his will.

In the end, Adam chose to sin by deliberately disobeying God. As a result, sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men (Romans 5:12). Even after Christ redeemed man from the power of sin and death, many people are still choosing sin over God. Why?

It’s because God is love that He will honor whatever choice people make, even if it means letting them walk right into hell. This is because sin has a cost and that is death – separation from God (Romans 6:23). But if you choose God, you can also do it through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5).

God’s Truth is the Truth

Much of the suffering in this life is the result of sin. Humanity has placed a curse on this world. We would not want to live forever in a sin-cursed body. Just because people do not believe they are sinners, does not mean they aren’t.

People do not get to decide the truth. The truth is The Truth, regardless of what you and I believe.

God indeed uses suffering and pain to mature us as James 1:2-12 says. But God also uses suffering so that He might bless us for overcoming.

Romans 5:12, NKJV

An excellent example would be Job. He lost everything except his ungrateful wife. God allowed Job to be tempted by Satan because God’s plan always transcends Satan’s plan. God already knew He promised to bless those that overcome.

People were not created to suffer for the gods as Hollywood has said in their movies. That is totally and utterly wrong. Death and suffering are the results of our sin (Romans 5:12).

Closing Words

The only way to reverse this cycle of sin, suffering, and death is to love God. We may never be able to love God the same way He loves us. All we can do is love Him the best way we can. What does it mean to love God?

Once again, we don’t get to define what love looks like. John 14:15 says we will keep God’s word if we truly love Him. God does not allow us to cherry-pick from the Bible, what we want to follow or not.

God loves you & me; He loves everyone that He wants to save everyone (Titus 2:11). But we must choose God over sin. Have you made that choice?

We only have a certain amount of time until Judgment Day. Are we ready for that?

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a commission when you use any links on this page to make a purchase, but at no additional cost to you.

Recommended Resource:

Life According to the Truth by Michael Heilman

Do you know what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Did you know that God wants to prepare you during this life to live in heaven with Him? Does your purpose for life evade you?

In Life According to The Truth. Disciple of Jesus Christ, Michael Heilman honestly writes about the issues facing the church and how to live the victorious Christian life.

Michael expounds on biblical principles God has applied to Michael’s life and led to God’s blessing in many areas of his life.

With illustrations, humor, and most importantly scripture, he explains to any born-again believer who is spiritually wandering through life, how to be spiritually blessed by God as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

In this devotional Bible study, you will be enlightened regarding:

  • Why God must be the key focus of your life
  • Loving God and others
  • Discerning God’s will for your life
  • Being confident with your identity in Jesus Christ

Life is difficult, but God can enable you to have abundant joy. If you are a born-again believer that needs encouragement, this book is for you.

Follow Jesus, Not Man

Follow Jesus, Not Man

Every Christian is mandated to follow Christ and His example. This is exactly why born-again Christians are called “followers of Christ.” If you are a Christian, you are not called such for nothing.

Just because you repented of your sins and surrendered your life to Christ that you will stop there. Absolutely not!

Coming to faith in Christ is not the end goal, rather, it is to become more and more like Christ.

Nobody said it would be easy but the apostle Paul showed us that it’s possible. He suffered immensely for the Gospel but finished the race well.

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 11:1, NKJV

“Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.”

Since all believers are imperfect, they need examples of less imperfect people who know how to deal with imperfection. Also, someone who can model the process of pursuing the goal of Christlikeness. Paul was the model.

I urge you to imitate me - Paul

In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul repeated what he said in 1 Corinthians 4:16. But pointed out that it’s not his own example that he asked us to follow. Rather, it’s the example of Christ.

He made a bold yet justified exhortation. This is because as a spiritual leader, he set an example of Christlikeness to follow.

Be Imitators of God

Christians have no greater calling or purpose than that of imitating the Lord (Ephesians 5:1). This is the very purpose of sanctification – growing in likeness to the Lord while serving Him on earth (Matthew 5:48).

The Christian life is designed to reproduce godliness as modeled by the Savior and Savior Jesus Christ. Believers have been recreated in His image through the new birth (Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18; 1 Peter 1:14-16).

As God’s dear children, believers are to become more and more like their heavenly Father (Matthew 5:48).

Can Christians attain perfection? Christ has set an unattainable standard that sums up what the law itself demanded (James 2:10).

Although this standard is impossible to meet, God could not lower it without compromising His own perfection. He who is perfect could not set an imperfect standard of righteousness. The marvelous truth of the Gospel is that Christ has met this standard on our behalf.

Do Not Follow Men

I think it is sad that so many people have been turning away from Christianity and God. Their excuse? They were hurt by so-called Christians. Christians and religious people can cause trauma, but it should be a comfort to know they are responsible before God. 

That is why there is a problem with blaming God for the poor behavior of Christians. Jesus never said to follow men. Both Jesus and Paul warned against following men because it only results in division and confusion among people. This occurs when we base our perception of Christianity on the actions of believers.

Be Christlike

In one way or another, we all are hypocrites and have hurt people in life.  That is not God’s fault. 

Since all born-again believers are being sanctified, we are continuously being renewed to become more and more like Jesus (Romans 12:2).  This is a very good reason to not blindly follow other believers.  

We never know where other believers are in that sanctification process. Thus, we should follow the lifestyle of Jesus because He is perfect. Only He lived out God’s holiness perfectly. 

Follow People Who Follow Christ

We should only follow other people as they follow Christ. This means we all need to know how Christ lived and take responsibility for our own spiritual walk. 

God will not accept the excuses that my pastor said so or my parents said so.  God will not also accept the excuse that “Christians hurt me.” 

Every person is responsible for themselves. It does not matter to God what your group or denomination says. Jesus died to save individuals, which also means we are responsible as individuals. 

Is each one of us prepared to give an account of ourselves as Romans 14:12 says?

Closing Words

Christ exemplified what it means to live a godly life. He modeled humility and submission to the Father. He also showed us what it means to love others unconditionally while living in holiness.

And if you think this is an impossible standard to meet, the apostle to the Gentiles showed us it’s not. It does not matter what you see other Christians doing. This does not change what Paul exhorted us to do – imitate him as he imitated Christ.

Let us follow Jesus not man. At the end of the day, we will each give an account of how we lived our life on this earth.

What’s keeping you from following Christ’s example?

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Recommended Resource: 

Sanctification: A User’s Guide to Becoming More Like Jesus by Thomas D. Hawkes and Sinclair Ferguson 

Have you ever wondered how you can make real spiritual progress as a Christian? Have you wanted to know how you might better defeat nagging sins, and find new freedom?

Sanctification: A User’s Guide to Becoming More Like Jesus offers you a deep understanding of precisely how you can grow in likeness to Jesus Christ.

Based upon a careful study of the teachings of the Bible, and great leaders of the Reformation, Sanctification presents a clear and compelling approach to daily practices which will actually assist the Christian in spiritual growth through relying on the grace of God to transform them.

Starting with a framework for understanding what holiness is, Sanctification shows you how to: desire holiness, rely on God’s grace, apprehend God’s life-altering love, grow in faith and repentance, deny one’s self, and engage the church.

While many books on sanctification emphasize one or two aspects of the Christian’s growth in holiness, Sanctification presents a complete approach to a biblical lifestyle that helps one grow more like Christ.

Arise Conquerors through Christ

Arise Conquerors through Christ

Coming to faith in Christ is no guarantee of a smooth and easy life. Just because you trusted in the Lord that you will no longer go through trials and tribulations. We all have our own “goliaths” to face. There are even times when we feel like the whole world is against us.

But in facing all these hurdles in life, we are more than conquerors through Christ.

Bible Verse: Romans 8:37, NKJV

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

In the NASB, it says we “overwhelmingly conquer” because of Christ. This is a compound Greek word that means to over-conquer or to conquer completely. It means we can get past all these without any real threat to personal life or health.

The Love of God for Man
Photo Credit: Bible.Com

When you are going through tough times and you prayed but God seems silent, don’t ever think that He does not care. God is concerned about the trials of His people. When He was ministering on earth, Jesus groaned at the sight of what sin was doing to humankind.

The world may condemn us because it does not agree with our response to trials. But as believers in Christ, God no longer condemns us because of what our Lord has done for us. We may face persecution because of who we are in Christ but we can and will overcome it.

The Uncertainties of Life

Life is hard. Life is uncertain. And we do not know what tomorrow will bring. How should we respond?

Today, the US is starting to feel discomfort with supply chain disruptions. Many Americans are having trouble looking for the things they need. Grocery shelves are almost empty and we don’t know when these supplies will last. I feel sorry for parents who couldn’t find milk formula for their babies.

Add to that the worst inflation that America ever had to face. Who would have thought that we would ever be in this situation? This inflation crisis has gotten worse it’s affecting the rest of the world. And what about the rising crime rates?

I am writing this while being currently laid off from my job as a result of the supply chain disruptions. This just shows how everyone’s circumstances can change quickly. Thankfully, God’s love for us does not. God always takes care of born-again Christians.

Christians are Conquerors

I am sure some unbelievers will claim God’s promise in Romans 8:28, 33-34. But the context excludes all unbelievers. Rather, these verses refer to those people that are born again.

Unbelievers don’t love God; they are not called and justified. More importantly, Jesus only intercedes for the born again. This is because only born-again Christians have accepted God’s gift of salvation.

If you have never accepted that free gift of salvation, Jesus wants you to receive it. Why not ask Him now?

All things work together for good

Living as Conquerors

For those of us that have accepted that gift, nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:35). It does not matter how much trouble we will have to go through. God loves us unconditionally and nothing will ever change that. Not even the forces of darkness can pull us away from God’s love in Christ Jesus.

Jesus taught us in Matthew 10:28 that believers should not even fear death. Fear is the opposite of faith and without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).

The hard part is responding by living by faith. Are you living by faith and not by sight? Do you live like you’re more than a conqueror because of Christ? Or do you often worry and anxious about so many things? Always keep in mind that worry and anxiety is sin according to Philippians 4:6.

Final Words

When we live like we are more than conquerors, we will receive the peace of God as Philippians 4:7 says.

God has shown Himself faithful in my wife’s and my life many times. The moment I was told I would be laid off for more than 2 weeks, I did not worry. It’s because I had peace that God has everything under control as Romans 8:28 says.

I know many people do not have that peace. Do you? If not, why not ask for it? Since God has promised it, why not claim it?

We can conquer everything because we have Christ. So, arise conquerors!

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a commission when you use any links on this page to make a purchase, but at no additional cost to you.

Recommended Resource:

More Than Conquerors: Portraits of Believers from All Walks of Life by John D, Woodbridge

Over the centuries, God has used the lives of Christians to show an astonishing world what conquest truly is. That’s what makes More Than Conquerors such a remarkable collection.

More Than Conquerors will tell you about public figures such as Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, and Woodrow Wilson; missionaries who struggled with the same human flaws as every other Christian – and triumphed.

There are famous writers – some of whom you may never have been told were believers; evangelists, and pastors who experienced the joy of seeing mass conversions and the anguish of witnessing a wholesale rejection of the gospel.

Lastly, there are some celebrities and sports stars who fought the temptations of fame to give glory to Christ; and scientists, businessmen, and scholars who dedicated their minds and talents to glorify God in often spiritually hostile territory.

More Than Conquerors is a treasury of stories of more than sixty Christians from this century and the last whom God has made “more than conquerors.”

By letting their lives touch yours you can be confident when you walk that same victorious path.

Hope in the Lord’s Faithfulness

Hope in the Lord’s Faithfulness

In times when everything seems to be going south, we become dismayed and we lose hope. When things aren’t going the way we want them to, we lament and feel hopeless. Sometimes we even question if God loves us and cares about us.

The Old Testament saints were not spared from disappointment and hopelessness. But they clung to the Lord and hold on to God’s promise that He will deliver them. They trusted God knowing that they could count on the Lord’s faithfulness.

Bible Verses: Lamentations 3:26 & Ecclesiastes 2:10-11

“It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”

“Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure. For my heart rejoiced in all my labor, and this was my reward from all my labor. Then I looked at all the works that my hands had done and the labor in which I had toiled. And indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. There was no profit under the sun.”

Jeremiah Laments

The majority portion of the book of Lamentations laments over the apostasy and destruction of Judah. The apostasy and destruction were because the Jews were looking for purpose, meaning, and hope without turning to God.

These tragic events would not have occurred if the people had listened to him and obeyed God’s will.

After describing in chapters 1 and 2 the plight of the city and the people, Jeremiah describes his own personal pain and distress in chapter 3. He compared his experience to tasting the bitter herbs at the Passover feast or drinking bitter gall (Lamentations 3:15-16).

The Siege of Jerusalem
Photo Credits: The Times of Israel

The prophet speaks for himself, but as he does, he also reflects the feelings and faith of the godly Jewish remnants.

In the end, Jeremiah turned from contemplating his misery to remembering God’s mercy. He still experienced pain and sorrow, but he also called to mind the faithfulness of the Lord.

As Jeremiah contemplated the character of God, he realized that the best thing he and his people could do was wait. They had to wait patiently and silently for the Lord to work and accomplish His will in His time.

The Futility of Everything

Solomon, the author of Ecclesiastes, is a good example who experienced pain and heartache because he fulfilled every desire. He found delight in all his labor. But afterward, when he considered all his works, he saw only vanity and grasping for the wind.

Ecclesiastes 2 describes what Solomon did during his life. He easily could be described as the wealthiest man in the world. Yet, nothing he did brought him purpose, joy, and hope. Ecclesiastes 2:11 summarizes what all his effort and money brought to him. All of it was pointless and hopeless.

Hope in the Lord

This world is always changing. Everything dies or breaks down eventually. When we die, we die alone and cannot take anything with us. Solomon was asking what is the point of this struggle.

It does not matter the money we have or the authority or possessions anybody has. Life is a rat race and we are all trying to get a piece of cheese. From the world’s perspective, we get the phrase, “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die.”

That describes a hopeless existence and causes vexation to our spirit. That is the reason why anxiety, depression, suicide, drug abuse, etc. rates are skyrocketing today. We are not able to find hope in ourselves, in our endeavors, or in science.

People are looking for a reason to live. Hopelessness does not need to be our final answer. Solomon ends the book of Ecclesiastes by saying hope, purpose, and joy are found in God. Love God and Love others. Trust God to fulfill His Word.

The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.

Find Your Purpose in God

Everyone will give an account before a Holy and Righteous God. Even though we are sinners and no man can stand before God, Jesus provided a way to become righteous. That is how much compassion God has for us.

God allowed us to love Him as His holiness desires. We find hope and purpose in loving God as He wants to be loved as described in His Word. God fulfills His Word and blesses us when we trust Him and patiently wait on Him.

Final Thoughts

There is no hope in this world without God.

If the Lord is our strength (Psalm 73:26), then we are strengthened by that which cannot be used up or destroyed. God is our eternal source of hope, strength, and blessing; He is our refuge (Psalm 46:1).

Our circumstances change, and so do our feelings about them. But God is always good, loving, merciful, and kind, and He never changes (Hebrews 13:8).

Many people are living a miserable existence because they don’t have any hope for tomorrow. For the Christians reading this, are you actively trying to give hope to the hopeless?

For those feeling hopeless, why not turn to God and ask Him to give you hope?

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Recommended Resource:

One Foot in Heaven: Finding Hope in the Hopeless by Sheila Preston Fitzgerald

Supernatural Rescue. Severe Suffering.

Mind-blowing Resilience. Endless Inspiration.

A tragic near-death accident turns triumphant and even joy-filled as the God of Grace pours His lavish love on Sheila Preston Fitzgerald, a Southern belle who brings her tenacious, can-do spirit to the fight for her life.

While several years of tremendous pain, multiple surgeries, daily physical therapy, and the ever-present risk of serious setbacks take a toll on all aspects of Sheila’s life, her grit to go on, her passion for life, and the above-and-beyond love of her “village” of friends encourage everyone she encounters.

Join Sheila as she recounts her heartfelt—at times horrific, at times hilarious—journey. From one night that changed everything to her spiritual healing with the Savior, Sheila passes along incredible hope as she walks with One Foot in Heaven.

Mental Illness & Spiritual Warfare

Mental Illness & Spiritual Warfare

Dealing with mental illness or depression could be one of the most difficult things some of us would have to go through. But this is not anything ordinary. We can say that this has something to do with the spiritual warfare that we could be facing.

How then should Christians handle this kind of situation?

Bible Verse: 1 Kings 19:4, NKJV

But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he prayed that he might die, and said, “It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!”

Background of the Passage

Elijah Runs for His Life
Elijah Flees from Jezebel

When Jezebel issued her murderous threat against Elijah, the victor of the Mount Carmel showdown ran for his life.

The combination of emotional burnout, weariness, hunger, and a deep sense of failure brought Elijah into a deep depression.

We can see that in this particular instance, Elijah exhibited a lack of faith. But an element of pride and some self-pity were also involved. Elijah was sure that his courageous ministry on Mount Carmel would bring the nation to its knees.

Perhaps he was also hoping that Ahab and Jezebel would repent and turn from Baal to Jehovah. But Elijah’s expectations weren’t fulfilled, so he considered himself a failure and would rather die.

Since Israelites believed that suicide was an affront to the Lord, it was not an option. So, Elijah asked the Lord for death because he viewed the situation as hopeless.

Struggling with Insecurity

Recently, I have become aware that I struggle with insecurity. This is because I have a strong desire to be heard. I desire others to follow me as I follow Christ and I desire the approval of others.

Like many people, I have sought the validation of others. It never occurred to me that I struggled with insecurity. When God brought this to my attention, He also brought 1 Kings chapters 18 and 19 to my attention.

Elijah, a man of God, also struggled with insecurity that led to his depression. Multiple times Elijah said that he was the only prophet of God. He even said it in his speech on Mount Carmel to the people (1 Kings 18:22).

No doubt, loneliness can make anyone insecure. Although God gave Elijah victory in his spiritual battle at Mount Carmel, he still ended up depressed. Despite the victory, a powerful demon took possession of Jezebel and triggered a deep depression in Elijah.

Winning a Spiritual Warfare

Some people would say that spiritual warfare is not in this passage. That begs the question, “What caused such a radical change from a great victory to a despondent life? Why was Elijah so afraid of a woman who threatened to kill him?”

The answer is in 2 Corinthians 10:4. Many believers today do not realize that the church is involved in warfare. And those who do not understand the seriousness of the Christian battle do not always know how to fight the battle. They try to use human methods to defeat demonic forces, and these methods are doomed to fail.

Ephesians 6:12 also talks about wrestling against the powers and principalities of the air. Satan is a strong enemy and we need the power of God to be able to stand against him. We must never underestimate the power of the devil.

Christians are in spiritual warfare but their enemy is not people but rather the spiritual forces of darkness. This is why God harshly condemned consulting witches and magic practices in the Old Testament. These activities are an abomination to the Lord and dangerous for anyone’s spiritual well-being.

2 Corinthians 10:4, NLT

Victorious in Christ

As we draw closer and closer to the return of Christ, demonic forces are working harder to lead us astray. Satan and his minions are working hard to discourage Christians and lead them into depression.

Do not allow the enemy to control you and make you believe you are defeated. God has already won the victory. Think about those times when you thought you’d lost and yet, in the end, you won because of God’s power.

Mental illness is a reality and so is spiritual warfare. But Satan has already been defeated by the death and resurrection of Christ. Do not ever give the enemy a chance to rule your life again.

We are victorious because of what our Lord has done; always keep that in mind.

Concluding Words

Knowing that the enemy is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, are you engaged in holy living? How well are you encouraging other Christians toward holy living?

As the church, we are in this spiritual warfare together and God is always with us. But Christians should also be working together toward the same goal. How are you contributing?

If a powerful and anointed prophet of God got attacked by spiritual forces, we are not exempted. Just because we might suffer from mental illness does not mean God does not have a purpose for us.

Anyone can overcome through the power of Jesus (Romans 8:37).

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Recommended Resource:

I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die: Finding Hope in the Darkness of Depression by Sarah J. Robinson

What happens when loving Jesus doesn’t cure you of depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts? You might be crushed by shame over your mental illness, only to be told by well-meaning Christians to “choose joy” and “pray more.”

So you beg God to take away the pain, but nothing eases the ache inside. As darkness lingers and the color drains from your world, you’re left wondering if God has abandoned you.

You just want a way out.

But there’s hope.

In I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die, Sarah J. Robinson offers a healthy, practical, and shame-free guide for Christians struggling with mental illness.

With unflinching honesty, Sarah shares her story of battling depression and fighting to stay alive despite toxic theology that made her afraid to seek help outside the church.

Pairing her own story with scriptural insights, mental health research, and simple practices, Sarah helps you reconnect with the God who is present in our deepest anguish and discover that you are worth everything it takes to get better.

Beautifully written and full of hard-won wisdom, I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die offers a path toward a rich, hope-filled life in Christ, even when healing doesn’t look like what you expect.

Christians Should Sanctify One Another

Christians Should Sanctify One Another

Christians know very well that their sanctification or cleansing comes from God and His Word. But Christians also have the responsibility to sanctify one another. This is one of the purposes of the church. Believers are not only called to encourage and edify one another but also to sanctify.

Bible Verse: John 13:10, NKJV

Jesus said to him, “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.”

Obviously, Jesus was not talking literally. Everybody gets dirty. Our entire body gets dirty. Jesus is referencing our spiritual cleanness.

Romans 12:2a

The cleansing that Christ does in the life of a sinner who trusted in Him is complete and permanent. However, as the believer walks in this world, it is easy to become defiled. He does not need to bathe again but needs constant cleansing from everything that caused his defilement.

God is faithful; He promises to cleanse us when we confess our sins to Him (1 John 1:9).

Sanctify One Another

While God promised to continually cleanse us, we have the responsibility to sanctify our spiritual brethren. The Lord’s instruction to His followers (this includes us) is clear. “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14).

How, then, should Christians sanctify one another? By constantly reminding each other of the sacrifice God made to redeem us from sin. It’s our responsibility to rebuke our brethren when we see them going off the rails.

The reality is, that we tend to forget the cost of our salvation which often leads us to a compromised lifestyle. In this regard, we need other Christians to remind us. We may feel offended but that’s what having a spiritual family is about. After all, God expects us to look out for one another.

And should we have friends and family who are going the wrong path, it’s our job to get them back on track. We must do what it takes for them to go back to their first love.

Defiled by the World

At the moment of salvation, Jesus cleanses the sinner completely. That begs the question, why do the feet of believers still get dirty? John 17:18 answers this question. “As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.”

God has sent us to a dirty world. He has sent us to share the good news of the gospel to a lost, dying, and dirty world. As we go into a dirty world, our feet are going to get dirty since the primary mode of transportation was on foot.

This is where Christian fellowship and community are critical for spiritually washing the feet of others as John 13:14 says. It’s also why the author of Hebrews exhorted the church to “not forsake our assembling together” (Hebrews 10:25). It’s pretty easy for us to go back into the “world” after coming to the truth of God’s amazing grace.

This is why we need to be in constant fellowship with other Christians.

Do Not Give Up Meeting Together

Sanctified by God’s Truth

In John 17:17, Jesus said, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.”

God gave His truth to us in three “editions.” His Word is truth (John 17:17), His Son is the truth (John 14:6), and His Spirit is the truth (1 John 5:6). We need all three for a true sanctification experience; sanctification that touches every part of our inner person.

With the mind, we learn God’s truth through the Word. With the heart, we love God’s truth, His Son. And with the will, we yield to the Spirit and live God’s truth day by day. It takes all three for a balanced experience of sanctification.

Sanctification by Washing

Washing the feet of other believers is another way of saying “to sanctify each other.” God uses other believers and the Bible to bring about sanctification by showing humility and using the water of the Word. Christians sanctify one another by humility and submission as the Word of God commands.

What the Lord showed when He washed His disciples’ feet with water is the greatest example of humility. If the King of kings and Lord of lords stoop down to wash His disciples’ feet, why can’t we do the same to one another? We must always remember what the Lord said in Matthew 23:12 and Matthew 20:26.

If we want to grow and experience true sanctification, we need to wash one another’s feet. It is important to note that God wants all Christians to grow spiritually. That is sanctification.


Sanctification is an ongoing transformation or renewal of our actions, thought processes, and attitudes so that we live a Christ-like life. That is the will of God for our life.

Jesus wants us to be transformed so much to the point that we are willing to humbly sacrifice for other believers. We do this by using the Word to bring about sanctification in others.

Jesus did it for us. We can do it for others. How well are we washing the feet of other believers?

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Recommended Resource: Sanctification: God’s Passion for His People by John MacArthur

Among all the things that a pastor will do on any given day, he must not lose sight of his one ultimate goal: the sanctification of God’s people. This is the heart of God’s purpose for Christians.

John MacArthur calls pastors to remember what all the countless hours preparing sermons, visiting hospitals, counseling, conducting weddings, and more are all about, even when the finish line seems so far in the distance that they’re tempted to give up.

He encourages pastors with the power God gives them to place the sanctification of God’s people at the center of their ministry.

“Sanctification is a powerful tract for our times―a purposefully short book. You can read it in an hour or two, but its goal is the transformation of the rest of your life.”

― Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries

Marriage Manual for Christians

Marriage Manual for Christians

The Bible is full of instructions for husbands and wives. But Peter has a marriage manual for Christians in his epistle. In 1 Peter 3:1-7, Peter devoted more words instructing wives in marriage. In contrast, he packed a single, pointed verse to husbands with a lifetime’s worth of practical wisdom.

These 7 verses provide the basic outline for a healthy marriage. Difficulties in a relationship can usually be traced back to a violation of one or more of these principles by either husband or wife, or both.

Manual for the Wife

We read in chapter 2 that living successfully as a Christian in a hostile world requires submitting to civil society and the workplace. But at the start of chapter 3, Peter added two more places: the family and the local church. Then he went on to give the following plans of action to every Christian wife.

1. Be Submissive

God has commanded authority in homes because in His wisdom this is the best arrangement for a happy, fulfilling marriage. Subjection does not mean that the wife is inferior to the husband. God created both the man and the woman out of the same basic material and made them in His image.

Wives, submit to your husbands

But wives have been given a role that puts them in submission to the headship which resides in their own husbands. Since two people cannot form a democracy, someone in a marriage must have the responsibility for leadership – the husband.

This is not intended to be a “makes all decisions” kind of relationship but the duty to share decision-making. Unless a deadlock occurs, at which time God expects the husband to step up and exercise authority. A man is more likely to give his wife’s perspective serious consideration if he knows that the tough choices will be up to him.

Winning the Unbelieving Husband

It’s important to note that in this particular verse, Peter must be talking to a wife whose husband is an unbeliever. “That even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives (1 Peter 3:1b).”

In Greek culture, women were viewed as lower than men. Thus, a huge potential for conflict and embarrassment in the marriage of a believer and unbeliever was significant. Yet Peter did not urge the Christian wife to leave her husband, preach to her husband, or demand her rights. Instead, Peter admonishes her to respect the authority of her husband.

The loving, gracious submission of a believing wife to her unsaved husband is the strongest evangelistic tool she has.

2. Be Pure and Reverent

Purity or modesty of life with reverence for God is what the unsaved husband should observe consistently. Peter was not condemning all outward adornment. His condemnation is for incessant preoccupation with outward appearance while disregarding one’s character.

De-emphasizing outward appearance does not mean that a wife should neglect herself and not try to be up-to-date in her apparel. It simply means that she should not major in being fashionable just to keep up with the crowd. Any husband is proud of an attractive wife, but that beauty must come from the heart and demeanor, not the store.

Every Christian woman is especially to concentrate on developing that modesty, meekness, and Christ-like character.

3. Have a Gentle & Quiet Spirit

In addition to her submission and modesty, the wife should be gentle (1 Peter 3:4). This is the beauty that never decays, as the outward body does. “Gentle” is actually “meek or humble” and “quiet” describes the character of her action or reaction. How does the wife respond to her husband and life in general?

I once heard the testimony of a Christian woman who has an unbelieving husband. She did not only pray for her husband to come to faith in Christ for years. More importantly, she made sure to treat him with kindness and the utmost respect. Every time her husband restricted her to attend church on Sundays, she obeyed and spent time with him instead.

A Woman's beauty should not come from outward adornment,

This believing wife knew that God would one day convict her husband of his need for a Savior. In the meantime, she continued to love him, prayed for him, and took really good care of him. She never once spoke to him rudely despite his high tone. She believed that “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1, NIV).

Until one day, her husband said he wanted them to go to church together. That did not come as a surprise to her because she knew that God would one day answer her prayer. Her husband gave his life to Christ that day and they continued to serve God, along with their children.

If you are a wife with an unbelieving husband, know that God can and will turn things around. Just be faithful to God and obey His marriage manual.

Manual for the Husband

Although Peter’s marriage manual for husbands is contained in a single verse (1 Peter 3:7), it is quite extensive.

Don’t think that submission is only for the wife. Submission is the responsibility of a Christian husband as well. This does not mean that the husband submits to his wife as a leader. Rather, the believing husband must submit to the loving duty of being sensitive to the needs, fears, and feelings of his wife.

In other words, a Christian husband needs to subordinate his needs to hers, whether she is a Christian or not.

Peter reminded husbands that care for their wives must be practiced in four areas:

1. Emotional (give honor)

This means that a husband respects his wife’s feelings, thoughts, and desires. He may not agree with all her ideas, but he respects and honors her right to speak. He desires her input and recognizes that God can guide him through his wife’s sensitivity and natural cautions.

Women tend to be more emotional especially when they are going through hormonal changes. When this happens, the husband should do his best to accommodate his wife and just let her express herself.

2. Intellectual (with understanding)

Despite the old saw about men not being able to understand women, a husband has the delightful challenge to learn to understand his wife. The husband must pay attention to his wife.

God created men differently from women. While things are often simple when it comes to men, this is not the case with women.

A Christian husband must get to know his wife’s moods, feelings, needs, fears, and hopes. He needs to listen with his heart and seek to approach her always in an understanding way.

Ephesians 5:25, NIV

3. Physical (live together)

This implies much more than sharing the same address. Marriage is fundamentally a physical relationship (Ephesians 5:31). Of course, Christian mates enjoy a deeper spiritual relationship, but the two go together (1 Corinthians 7:1-5). A truly spiritual husband will fulfill his marital duties and love his wife.

While the wife is fully equal in Christ and not inferior spiritually because she is a woman, she is physically weaker. In effect, she requires protection, provision, and strength from her husband.

Marriage is the best relationship earthly life has to offer. Hence, the husband must cultivate companionship and fellowship with his wife, Christian or not.

4. Spiritual (equal partnership in God’s gift)

In the central place of life – access to God in a relationship – both husband and wife have equal standing. This is why when both are growing closer to God they inevitably grow closer together. Praying together and living spiritual lives in harmony are the too-often neglected building blocks of a strong marriage.

The last part of verse 7 talks about the husband’s prayers being hindered. This refers specifically to his prayer for the salvation of his wife. Such a prayer would be hindered if he does not respect her needs and fellowship.

Closing Words

A Christian husband must minister to his wife and help to beautify her in the Lord. A Christian wife must encourage her husband and help him grow strong in the Lord.

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Recommended Resource: Your Marriage God’s Way: A Biblical Guide to a Christ-Centered Relationship by Scott La Pierre 

Celebrate the Marriage God Made for You

Your most important earthly connection is with your spouse, and when you honor the person you married, you’re also honoring God. He created marriage to be one of life’s greatest gifts, and the instruction manual you need for a joyful, lasting union is found in His Word.

In Your Marriage God’s Way, author and pastor, Scott LaPierre, takes a close look at the principles for building a biblical marriage—one in which your relationship with Christ brings guidance and blessing into your relationship with your spouse. You’ll gain the tools to…

  • understand the unique roles and responsibilities of husbands and wives
  • recognize and resolve the conflicts you face with a heart of hope and compassion
  • follow God’s worthy command to love and cherish your spouse unconditionally

Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or you’ve been on the road together for years, Your Marriage God’s Way will provide the helpful and encouraging insights you need to experience marriage as God intends it.

Vulnerability Because of Spiritual Blindness

Vulnerability Because of Spiritual Blindness

We are all prone to vulnerability at some point in our lives. Whether it be physically, emotionally, or spiritually. In the spiritual sense, spiritual blindness is one of the common reasons for vulnerability.

Thus, we need spiritual discernment that comes from God alone. We cannot live a victorious Christian life if we allow the enemy to deceive us. But what about those who are still in darkness? How can they remain alert if they remain spiritually blind?

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 2:14, NKJV

“But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

Christian vs Unbeliever

The contrast here is very clear; it’s between the Christian and the unsaved person. The Christian (spiritual) is indwelt by the Holy Spirit and the unbeliever does not have the Holy Spirit.

The “natural man” refers to the unconverted who lacks supernatural life and wisdom. But through the illumination of the Word, the Holy Spirit provides the saints the capacity to discern divine truths. This is in contrast to the spiritually dead who are unable to comprehend.

The doctrine of illumination does not mean we would know everything and do not need teachers; we do. Also, we need to keep studying the Word of God to gain an understanding of what God wants and is telling us.

The Doctrine of Illumination

Winning Spiritual Warfare

As Christians, we are in a spiritual war. We do not war against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces as Ephesians 6:12 says.

Wrestling (struggle) features trickery and deception, like Satan and his hosts when they attack. Coping with deceptive temptation requires truth and righteousness. Yet, our enemies are the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly realms. These are the entire realm of spiritual beings.

They want to kill, steal, and destroy spiritually as John 10:10 says. Those evil spiritual forces want to destroy as many people as they can. As we near the end of the age, Satan’s forces are succeeding at destroying more and more lives. This is primarily because of the belief that there is no truth.

We need the Holy Spirit’s illumination if we want to win our spiritual battle.

The Power of the Truth

Most people hold to the belief that nobody is always right and nobody has the right to judge. This makes them completely vulnerable to the spiritual war around them. Without the armor of God described in Ephesians 6:11-17, it is impossible to defend or fight against these spiritual evil forces.

Just because we cannot see them with our physical eyes does not mean they are not there. It is impossible to put on the armor of God without the Holy Spirit as 1 Corinthians 2:13 says. Not to mention the first article of armor is like a belt of truth. It would be impossible to possess a belt of truth if we did not believe that truth even exists.

As an important side note, the belt of truth also tied several other pieces of armor together so that there are never any gaps between the pieces. 1 Corinthians 2:13 (NIV), “but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.”

Jesus promised that the Spirit would teach us (John 14:26) and guide us into truth (John 16:13). But we must note carefully the sequence here. The Spirit taught Paul from the Word; then Paul taught the believers. We cannot know the truth from just any other source/s. We find the truth of God only in the Word of God.

We do not wrestle against flesh and blood

Only Jesus Saves

Man’s wisdom teaches there are no consequences and hence people believe whatever they want. This includes many different philosophies and religions across the world, not realizing they are blinded to what God said. The only way to God is through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Scriptures are explicit!

No one is good enough to get to heaven. Only Jesus can save us from our sins. The question is whether people are willing to humble themselves before God. Would you ask for forgiveness by recognizing the finished work of Jesus Christ?

That is what the Holy Spirit teaches. He cannot teach error which should be evident by the word Holy, but that does not mean everyone is a perfect student. No student gets 100% all the time. All unbelievers get failing grades and only spiritual Christians receive good grades from the Holy Spirit.

Closing Words

You can win against Satan and his minions by not allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Do not remain spiritually blind. Instead, allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten you with the truth of God’s Word.

The question is which attitude will you have about truth? Do you believe that only God defines “the truth?” Is it your belief that Jesus Christ revealed the truth as explained in the Holy Bible? Or do you believe that you get to define truth?

If this is so, then you would have to suffer the consequences as a result.

Choose wisely!

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Recommended Resource:

Life According to the Truth by Michael Heilman

Do you know what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Did you know that God wants to prepare you during this life to live in heaven with Him? Does your purpose for life evade you?

In Life According to The Truth. Disciple of Jesus Christ, Michael Heilman honestly writes about the issues facing the church and how to live the victorious Christian life.

Michael expounds on biblical principles God has applied to Michael’s life and led to God’s blessing in many areas of his life.

With illustrations, humor, and most importantly scripture, he explains to any born-again believer who is spiritually wandering through life, how to be spiritually blessed by God as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

In this devotional Bible study, you will be enlightened in regard to:

  • Why God must be the key focus of your life
  • Loving God and others
  • Discerning God’s will for your life
  • Being confident with your identity in Jesus Christ

Life is difficult, but God can enable you to have abundant joy. If you are a born-again believer that needs encouragement, this book is for you.

Not Every Key Opens Every Door

Not Every Key Opens Every Door

Why do we need many keys? It’s because not every key opens every door! There is a specific key for every lock. This is exactly why key holders were invented. As the name denotes, their purpose is to hold several different keys.

But what do keys and key holders have to do with Christianity and the believers in Jesus? We’re all about to find out in this short Bible verse reflection and challenge.

Bible Verse: John 4:24

“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

God is Spirit

This verse represents the classical statement on the nature of God as Spirit. This phrase means that God is invisible (Colossians 1:15; 1 Timothy 1:17; Hebrews 11:27) as opposed to the physical or material nature of man.

The word order of this phrase puts an emphasis on “spirit” and the statement is essentially emphatic. Man could never comprehend the invisible God unless He revealed Himself as He did in Scripture and the Incarnation.

God is Spirit

Worship God in Spirit and Truth

When Jesus said, “those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth,” He is not speaking of a desirable element in worship. Rather, Jesus is referring to that which is absolutely necessary.

The word “spirit” does not refer to the Holy Spirit but the human spirit. Jesus’ point here is that a person must worship not simply by external conformity to religious rituals and places. We worship not outwardly but inwardly (“in spirit”) with the proper heart attitude.

The reference to “truth” refers to the worship of God consistent with the revealed Scripture. It must also be centered on the “Word made flesh” who ultimately revealed His Father (John 17:25-26).

The Key to Heaven’s Door

A few years ago the phrase, “Not every key opens every door” was logical. Now, the prevailing philosophy says that every belief opens the door to heaven. How did we go from knowing that only one key would fit a lock to every key fits one lock?

This philosophy is wrong according to Jesus. Heaven is filled with the worship of God. God deserves our worship. He created this complicated world and provided a way to have a relationship with Him.

There are many reasons to worship God but according to John 4:24, God wants to be worshiped a certain way. We can only come into His presence a certain way. This implies there is only one way into heaven (John 14:6).

To use the title of this article, there is only one key to heaven’s door and it is a relationship with Jesus. You can try to be the best version of yourself but that does not qualify you for heaven. Going to church every Sunday and doing charitable works does not earn you the key to God’s paradise.

There is one and only one key to getting to where God is – a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Do you possess that key?

Whose Child Are You?

Just because people say or believe something does not make it true. Every person is a child of the devil until salvation according to John 8:44. This verse implies the devil is a murderer and the father of lies and liars.

The Devil is a Liar and the Father of Lies

Sonship is predicated on conduct. A son will manifest his father’s characteristics (Ephesians 5:1-2). Anyone who exhibits the patterns of Satan in their hostility toward Jesus belongs to Satan.

Are you of God or Satan? You will know to whom you belong by evaluating what you believe. Do you believe the lies propagated by Satan or the Truth? Why not compare it to the words of Jesus, who proved to be the Truth by having His claims of divinity validated at the resurrection? Every person is either a child of God or the devil. Sometimes it is hard to differentiate the truth from the lies.

Why not compare it to God’s word?

Final Words

In the same way that not all roads lead to heaven, not every key opens every door. Whether we acknowledge it or not, there is a specific key that is designed to open a specific door.

Jesus declared that He is the way to God because He is the truth of God and the life of God. The exclusiveness of Jesus as the only approach to the Father is emphatic.

Jesus is the truth and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. There is no other way, no other key!

Are you worshiping God in spirit and truth? Do you hold the key to God’s Kingdom?

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a commission when you use any links on this page to make a purchase, but at no additional cost to you.

Recommended Resource:

50 Days of Heaven: Reflections That Bring Eternity to Light (A Devotional Based on the Award-Winning Full-Length Book Heaven) by Randy Alcorn

50 Days of Heaven: Reflections That Bring Eternity to Light (A Devotional Based on the Award-Winning Full-Length Book Heaven) by Randy Alcorn If you’ve always thought of Heaven as a realm of clouds, disembodied spirits, and eternal harp-strumming, you’re in for a wonderful surprise.

From the author of the bestselling book Heaven, here are 50 daily devotional meditations that will touch your heart, capture your imagination, and fill you with hope and anticipation.

  • 50 daily devotional meditations
  • Great for personal reflection and small group study
  • A perfect gift for someone who has recently lost a loved one

Randy Alcorn brings eternity to light in 50 inspiring and thought-provoking meditations that will forever change the way you think about the spectacular new universe that awaits us.

New heavens and a New Earth, where Jesus will be the cosmic center and joy will be the air we breathe―a universe free from pain and suffering, filled with unending beauty and adventure.

Get ready to embark on a wonderful journey!

After reading and reflecting on these soul-stirring meditations, the next time you hear someone say, “We can’t begin to imagine what Heaven will be like,” you’ll be able to tell them, “I can.”

It’s time to bring eternity to light!