Arise Conquerors through Christ

Coming to faith in Christ is no guarantee of a smooth and easy life. Just because you trusted in the Lord that you will no longer go through trials and tribulations. We all have our own “goliaths” to face. There are even times when we feel like the whole world is against us.

But in facing all these hurdles in life, we are more than conquerors through Christ.

Bible Verse: Romans 8:37, NKJV

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

In the NASB, it says we “overwhelmingly conquer” because of Christ. This is a compound Greek word that means to over-conquer or to conquer completely. It means we can get past all these without any real threat to personal life or health.

The Love of God for Man
Photo Credit: Bible.Com

When you are going through tough times and you prayed but God seems silent, don’t ever think that He does not care. God is concerned about the trials of His people. When He was ministering on earth, Jesus groaned at the sight of what sin was doing to humankind.

The world may condemn us because it does not agree with our response to trials. But as believers in Christ, God no longer condemns us because of what our Lord has done for us. We may face persecution because of who we are in Christ but we can and will overcome it.

The Uncertainties of Life

Life is hard. Life is uncertain. And we do not know what tomorrow will bring. How should we respond?

Today, the US is starting to feel discomfort with supply chain disruptions. Many Americans are having trouble looking for the things they need. Grocery shelves are almost empty and we don’t know when these supplies will last. I feel sorry for parents who couldn’t find milk formula for their babies.

Add to that the worst inflation that America ever had to face. Who would have thought that we would ever be in this situation? This inflation crisis has gotten worse it’s affecting the rest of the world. And what about the rising crime rates?

I am writing this while being currently laid off from my job as a result of the supply chain disruptions. This just shows how everyone’s circumstances can change quickly. Thankfully, God’s love for us does not. God always takes care of born-again Christians.

Christians are Conquerors

I am sure some unbelievers will claim God’s promise in Romans 8:28, 33-34. But the context excludes all unbelievers. Rather, these verses refer to those people that are born again.

Unbelievers don’t love God; they are not called and justified. More importantly, Jesus only intercedes for the born again. This is because only born-again Christians have accepted God’s gift of salvation.

If you have never accepted that free gift of salvation, Jesus wants you to receive it. Why not ask Him now?

All things work together for good

Living as Conquerors

For those of us that have accepted that gift, nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:35). It does not matter how much trouble we will have to go through. God loves us unconditionally and nothing will ever change that. Not even the forces of darkness can pull us away from God’s love in Christ Jesus.

Jesus taught us in Matthew 10:28 that believers should not even fear death. Fear is the opposite of faith and without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).

The hard part is responding by living by faith. Are you living by faith and not by sight? Do you live like you’re more than a conqueror because of Christ? Or do you often worry and anxious about so many things? Always keep in mind that worry and anxiety is sin according to Philippians 4:6.

Final Words

When we live like we are more than conquerors, we will receive the peace of God as Philippians 4:7 says.

God has shown Himself faithful in my wife’s and my life many times. The moment I was told I would be laid off for more than 2 weeks, I did not worry. It’s because I had peace that God has everything under control as Romans 8:28 says.

I know many people do not have that peace. Do you? If not, why not ask for it? Since God has promised it, why not claim it?

We can conquer everything because we have Christ. So, arise conquerors!

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Recommended Resource:

More Than Conquerors: Portraits of Believers from All Walks of Life by John D, Woodbridge

Over the centuries, God has used the lives of Christians to show an astonishing world what conquest truly is. That’s what makes More Than Conquerors such a remarkable collection.

More Than Conquerors will tell you about public figures such as Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, and Woodrow Wilson; missionaries who struggled with the same human flaws as every other Christian – and triumphed.

There are famous writers – some of whom you may never have been told were believers; evangelists, and pastors who experienced the joy of seeing mass conversions and the anguish of witnessing a wholesale rejection of the gospel.

Lastly, there are some celebrities and sports stars who fought the temptations of fame to give glory to Christ; and scientists, businessmen, and scholars who dedicated their minds and talents to glorify God in often spiritually hostile territory.

More Than Conquerors is a treasury of stories of more than sixty Christians from this century and the last whom God has made “more than conquerors.”

By letting their lives touch yours you can be confident when you walk that same victorious path.

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