In times when everything seems to be going south, we become dismayed and we lose hope. When things aren’t going the way we want them to, we lament and feel hopeless. Sometimes we even question if God loves us and cares about us.
The Old Testament saints were not spared from disappointment and hopelessness. But they clung to the Lord and hold on to God’s promise that He will deliver them. They trusted God knowing that they could count on the Lord’s faithfulness.
Bible Verses: Lamentations 3:26 & Ecclesiastes 2:10-11
“It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”
“Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure. For my heart rejoiced in all my labor, and this was my reward from all my labor. Then I looked at all the works that my hands had done and the labor in which I had toiled. And indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. There was no profit under the sun.”
Jeremiah Laments
The majority portion of the book of Lamentations laments over the apostasy and destruction of Judah. The apostasy and destruction were because the Jews were looking for purpose, meaning, and hope without turning to God.
These tragic events would not have occurred if the people had listened to him and obeyed God’s will.
After describing in chapters 1 and 2 the plight of the city and the people, Jeremiah describes his own personal pain and distress in chapter 3. He compared his experience to tasting the bitter herbs at the Passover feast or drinking bitter gall (Lamentations 3:15-16).

The prophet speaks for himself, but as he does, he also reflects the feelings and faith of the godly Jewish remnants.
In the end, Jeremiah turned from contemplating his misery to remembering God’s mercy. He still experienced pain and sorrow, but he also called to mind the faithfulness of the Lord.
As Jeremiah contemplated the character of God, he realized that the best thing he and his people could do was wait. They had to wait patiently and silently for the Lord to work and accomplish His will in His time.
The Futility of Everything
Solomon, the author of Ecclesiastes, is a good example who experienced pain and heartache because he fulfilled every desire. He found delight in all his labor. But afterward, when he considered all his works, he saw only vanity and grasping for the wind.
Ecclesiastes 2 describes what Solomon did during his life. He easily could be described as the wealthiest man in the world. Yet, nothing he did brought him purpose, joy, and hope. Ecclesiastes 2:11 summarizes what all his effort and money brought to him. All of it was pointless and hopeless.
Hope in the Lord
This world is always changing. Everything dies or breaks down eventually. When we die, we die alone and cannot take anything with us. Solomon was asking what is the point of this struggle.
It does not matter the money we have or the authority or possessions anybody has. Life is a rat race and we are all trying to get a piece of cheese. From the world’s perspective, we get the phrase, “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die.”
That describes a hopeless existence and causes vexation to our spirit. That is the reason why anxiety, depression, suicide, drug abuse, etc. rates are skyrocketing today. We are not able to find hope in ourselves, in our endeavors, or in science.
People are looking for a reason to live. Hopelessness does not need to be our final answer. Solomon ends the book of Ecclesiastes by saying hope, purpose, and joy are found in God. Love God and Love others. Trust God to fulfill His Word.
Find Your Purpose in God
Everyone will give an account before a Holy and Righteous God. Even though we are sinners and no man can stand before God, Jesus provided a way to become righteous. That is how much compassion God has for us.
God allowed us to love Him as His holiness desires. We find hope and purpose in loving God as He wants to be loved as described in His Word. God fulfills His Word and blesses us when we trust Him and patiently wait on Him.
Final Thoughts
There is no hope in this world without God.
If the Lord is our strength (Psalm 73:26), then we are strengthened by that which cannot be used up or destroyed. God is our eternal source of hope, strength, and blessing; He is our refuge (Psalm 46:1).
Our circumstances change, and so do our feelings about them. But God is always good, loving, merciful, and kind, and He never changes (Hebrews 13:8).
Many people are living a miserable existence because they don’t have any hope for tomorrow. For the Christians reading this, are you actively trying to give hope to the hopeless?
For those feeling hopeless, why not turn to God and ask Him to give you hope?
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