God’s New Commandment: Love One Another

God' New Commandment: Love One Another

Many times unbelievers ask Christians to prove God exists, considering we cannot observe or perform a test on Him. So, how do we answer them? For theologians and Bible scholars, this should be easy because they have studied the evidence for the existence of God. They know what questions atheists usually ask and know exactly … Read more

God and Government Revisited

What God Thinks of the Government

Should the government always consider what God has to say when making legislation? Why does it matter to consult God when discussing matters about government authority? In this short Bible verse and reflection, we will revisit what the Bible has to say about God and the government. Bible Verse: Proverbs 14:34, NKJV “Righteousness exalts a … Read more

God’s Unfathomable Love for You & Me

God's Unconditional Love

The Bible assures us in many places of God’s unfathomable love for you and me. This is what caused Him to sacrifice His Son on the cross so we could have eternal life (John 3:16). But God’s love does not end at the cross. As Christ ascended into heaven, He promised that He will be … Read more

Arise Conquerors through Christ

We Can Conquer through Christ

Coming to faith in Christ is no guarantee of a smooth and easy life. Just because you trusted in the Lord that you will no longer go through trials and tribulations. We all have our own “goliaths” to face. There are even times when we feel like the whole world is against us. But in … Read more

Hope in the Lord’s Faithfulness

Hope in the Lord's Faithfulness

In times when everything seems to be going south, we become dismayed and we lose hope. When things aren’t going the way we want them to, we lament and feel hopeless. Sometimes we even question if God loves us and cares about us. The Old Testament saints were not spared from disappointment and hopelessness. But … Read more

Mental Illness & Spiritual Warfare

Winning Our Spiritual Battles

Dealing with mental illness or depression could be one of the most difficult things some of us would have to go through. But this is not anything ordinary. We can say that this has something to do with the spiritual warfare that we could be facing. How then should Christians handle this kind of situation? … Read more

Christians Should Sanctify One Another

Christians Should Sanctify One Another

Christians know very well that their sanctification or cleansing comes from God and His Word. But Christians also have the responsibility to sanctify one another. This is one of the purposes of the church. Believers are not only called to encourage and edify one another but also to sanctify. Bible Verse: John 13:10, NKJV Jesus … Read more

Vulnerability Because of Spiritual Blindness

Vulnerability Because of Spiritual Blindness

We are all prone to vulnerability at some point in our lives. Whether it be physically, emotionally, or spiritually. In the spiritual sense, spiritual blindness is one of the common reasons for vulnerability. Thus, we need spiritual discernment that comes from God alone. We cannot live a victorious Christian life if we allow the enemy … Read more

Is God Always Morally Upright?

Is God Always Morally Upright?

Does God have negative characteristics? Or is He the epitome of moral uprightness? We know of God’s natural and moral attributes. God is love, holy, just, compassionate, forgiving, etc. In short, God is a good God and He is good all the time. But what about the seemingly negative character traits of God that we read … Read more

Is Doctrine Keeping Us Apart?

Is Doctrine Keeping Us Apart?

Are you aware that more and more people are concluding that doctrine is keeping us apart? Doctrine is destroying unity and separating family members. Thus, making it difficult for the follower of Christ to set aside differences and stand together for a common purpose. Doctrine is also what distinguishes and divides Christians into thousands of … Read more