Vulnerability Because of Spiritual Blindness
We are all prone to vulnerability at some point in our lives. Whether it be physically, emotionally, or spiritually. In the spiritual sense, spiritual blindness is one of the common reasons for vulnerability.
Thus, we need spiritual discernment that comes from God alone. We cannot live a victorious Christian life if we allow the enemy to deceive us. But what about those who are still in darkness? How can they remain alert if they remain spiritually blind?
Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 2:14, NKJV
“But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
Christian vs Unbeliever
The contrast here is very clear; it’s between the Christian and the unsaved person. The Christian (spiritual) is indwelt by the Holy Spirit and the unbeliever does not have the Holy Spirit.
The “natural man” refers to the unconverted who lacks supernatural life and wisdom. But through the illumination of the Word, the Holy Spirit provides the saints the capacity to discern divine truths. This is in contrast to the spiritually dead who are unable to comprehend.
The doctrine of illumination does not mean we would know everything and do not need teachers; we do. Also, we need to keep studying the Word of God to gain an understanding of what God wants and is telling us.
Winning Spiritual Warfare
As Christians, we are in a spiritual war. We do not war against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces as Ephesians 6:12 says.
Wrestling (struggle) features trickery and deception, like Satan and his hosts when they attack. Coping with deceptive temptation requires truth and righteousness. Yet, our enemies are the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly realms. These are the entire realm of spiritual beings.
They want to kill, steal, and destroy spiritually as John 10:10 says. Those evil spiritual forces want to destroy as many people as they can. As we near the end of the age, Satan’s forces are succeeding at destroying more and more lives. This is primarily because of the belief that there is no truth.
We need the Holy Spirit’s illumination if we want to win our spiritual battle.
The Power of the Truth
Most people hold to the belief that nobody is always right and nobody has the right to judge. This makes them completely vulnerable to the spiritual war around them. Without the armor of God described in Ephesians 6:11-17, it is impossible to defend or fight against these spiritual evil forces.
Just because we cannot see them with our physical eyes does not mean they are not there. It is impossible to put on the armor of God without the Holy Spirit as 1 Corinthians 2:13 says. Not to mention the first article of armor is like a belt of truth. It would be impossible to possess a belt of truth if we did not believe that truth even exists.
As an important side note, the belt of truth also tied several other pieces of armor together so that there are never any gaps between the pieces. 1 Corinthians 2:13 (NIV), “but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.”
Jesus promised that the Spirit would teach us (John 14:26) and guide us into truth (John 16:13). But we must note carefully the sequence here. The Spirit taught Paul from the Word; then Paul taught the believers. We cannot know the truth from just any other source/s. We find the truth of God only in the Word of God.
Only Jesus Saves
Man’s wisdom teaches there are no consequences and hence people believe whatever they want. This includes many different philosophies and religions across the world, not realizing they are blinded to what God said. The only way to God is through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Scriptures are explicit!
No one is good enough to get to heaven. Only Jesus can save us from our sins. The question is whether people are willing to humble themselves before God. Would you ask for forgiveness by recognizing the finished work of Jesus Christ?
That is what the Holy Spirit teaches. He cannot teach error which should be evident by the word Holy, but that does not mean everyone is a perfect student. No student gets 100% all the time. All unbelievers get failing grades and only spiritual Christians receive good grades from the Holy Spirit.
Closing Words
You can win against Satan and his minions by not allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Do not remain spiritually blind. Instead, allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten you with the truth of God’s Word.
The question is which attitude will you have about truth? Do you believe that only God defines “the truth?” Is it your belief that Jesus Christ revealed the truth as explained in the Holy Bible? Or do you believe that you get to define truth?
If this is so, then you would have to suffer the consequences as a result.
Choose wisely!
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Life According to the Truth by Michael Heilman
Do you know what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Did you know that God wants to prepare you during this life to live in heaven with Him? Does your purpose for life evade you?
In Life According to The Truth. Disciple of Jesus Christ, Michael Heilman honestly writes about the issues facing the church and how to live the victorious Christian life.
Michael expounds on biblical principles God has applied to Michael’s life and led to God’s blessing in many areas of his life.
With illustrations, humor, and most importantly scripture, he explains to any born-again believer who is spiritually wandering through life, how to be spiritually blessed by God as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
In this devotional Bible study, you will be enlightened in regard to:
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- Discerning God’s will for your life
- Being confident with your identity in Jesus Christ
Life is difficult, but God can enable you to have abundant joy. If you are a born-again believer that needs encouragement, this book is for you.