Christ’s Resurrection: The Foundation of Christianity

Why Do Christians Believe in the Resurrection

Christ’s resurrection is the foundation of Christianity. If you can disprove the resurrection, you can also falsify the claims of Christianity. But how do we know Jesus rose from the dead? Why do Christians believe in the resurrection? Bible scholars and theologians enumerated several reasons for Christians to believe that Jesus rose from the dead. … Read more

Marriage Manual for Christians

Marriage Manual for Christians

The Bible is full of instructions for husbands and wives. But Peter has a marriage manual for Christians in his epistle. In 1 Peter 3:1-7, Peter devoted more words instructing wives in marriage. In contrast, he packed a single, pointed verse to husbands with a lifetime’s worth of practical wisdom. These 7 verses provide the … Read more

Is God Always Morally Upright?

Is God Always Morally Upright?

Does God have negative characteristics? Or is He the epitome of moral uprightness? We know of God’s natural and moral attributes. God is love, holy, just, compassionate, forgiving, etc. In short, God is a good God and He is good all the time. But what about the seemingly negative character traits of God that we read … Read more

Is Doctrine Keeping Us Apart?

Is Doctrine Keeping Us Apart?

Are you aware that more and more people are concluding that doctrine is keeping us apart? Doctrine is destroying unity and separating family members. Thus, making it difficult for the follower of Christ to set aside differences and stand together for a common purpose. Doctrine is also what distinguishes and divides Christians into thousands of … Read more

Lessons from the Rebuilding of Jerusalem

Lessons from the Rebuilding of Jerusalem

We know the kinds of hardships and opposition that Nehemiah faced in rebuilding Jerusalem. It wasn’t easy but in the end, they succeeded. What lessons can we learn from Nehemiah’s experience that we can apply in our spiritual journey with God? Who Was Nehemiah? Nehemiah was a layman, a cup-bearer to the great Artaxerxes Longimanus, … Read more

Finishing Our Journey Well

Finishing Our Journey Well

The Christian journey is not just about having a great start. Rather, it’s more about finishing it well. Unfortunately, many followers of Jesus who started on a high note failed to sustain their momentum. Either they gave up along the way or turned 360 degrees and went back to where they used to be. When … Read more

Empathy Towards Other Christians

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Most, if not all Christians are generally loving, kind, and compassionate. But when it comes to showing empathy toward others, many self-acclaimed believers fail. Oftentimes, we fail to comfort other Christians, especially those who are hurting. Empathy, which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, does not come easy for many. … Read more

Why We Believe Jesus is the Only Way

Why We Believe Jesus is the Only Way

Jesus’ statement in John 14:6 that He is the only way to God has raised so many questions. Why should we believe Jesus’ claim about Himself? What reasons do Christians have to continue to believe that personal faith in Jesus is so important? In this post, let us look at the biblical evidence why Christ … Read more

Living Out Your Heavenly Citizenship

We are Citizens of Heave

Many people all around the world want to get to America and eventually become citizens. Why not? I’ve heard many Americans say that the United States is the greatest country on planet earth. And that the poorest people in the United States are the richest people in third-world countries! So, I get it. People, especially … Read more