The Abrahamic Covenant Explained

What is God’s Covenant with Abraham

The Bible mentions several covenants that God made with certain individuals or a group of people, such as the covenant in Eden (Genesis 2:15-17), the covenant with Adam (Genesis 2:14-21, the covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:1-9), the covenant with Abraham, etc. But unlike the first three which were God’s general provisions for the entire human … Read more

What is the Mosaic Covenant?

What is God's Covenant with Moses

The best-known covenant in the Bible is the one God made with Moses on Mount Sinai. This is the second of the theocratic covenants (after the one with Abraham) that elaborates on how God relates to His people as their sovereign Lord. Unlike the Abrahamic Covenant, the Mosaic Covenant was conditional as it is introduced … Read more

Descriptions of a Childlike Faith

How to have a Childlike Faith

Jesus’ statement to His disciples in Matthew 18:3 about them not entering the kingdom of heaven unless they are converted and become as little children speak volumes of the importance of having a childlike faith. But what is childlike faith? What makes one’s faith childlike? Faith Rooted in Security During the days of childhood, one … Read more

God’s Unconditional Promise to Israel

God’s Covenant with Abraham and the Nation of Israel

Whether the Jews have a right to their land has been the subject of dispute among many nations up until today. Some say that the Jews have occupied land that wasn’t theirs and that the occupation must be stopped. However, the Jews claim that the land originally belonged to them and they have every right … Read more