A Prayer for the Nations

How to Pray for our Nation

With the current situation we are facing today, the nations need prayers desperately. We could blame COVID-19 for causing this global pandemic, or the wicked for our nations’ lack of moral direction, but the church must bear the responsibility. Let’s face it, our churches live far beneath the standards of holiness established in the New … Read more

Study Bibles for Beginners

Best Study Bibles for Beginners

For new believers, understanding and interpreting the Bible on their own could be a real challenge. I know many Christians who are very zealous in sharing the Word and also in encouraging others, and I do admire them for that. The only issue I have is that they often take verses out of their contexts … Read more

Jesus, the Fulfillment of God’s Promise

How is Jesus the Glory of God

In the Old Testament, God made many promises to Abraham and to the nation of Israel as a whole. But if there is one promise that should make New Testament believers excited is the promise made by God to Abraham that He would make him a channel of great blessings not only to his own … Read more

Why Do Wicked People Prosper?

In Psalm 73, Asaph expressed his struggles and doubts which are similar to those we find in the book of Job. Why do wicked people prosper and the righteous suffer? In the first verse (Psalm 73:1), the psalmist affirmed that “God is” so he was not an atheist or an agnostic, and he was certain … Read more

What is the Good News of the Kingdom of God?

What is the Good News of God?

In Mark 1:14-15, we read that after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel of God, saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” The Gospel of God As soon as John the Baptist had finished his testimony, Jesus began His … Read more

Answering Tough Questions About the Bible (Part Two)

How and Where Did We Get the Bible?

In part one of this article, we answered questions that have to do with the origin of the Bible, its nature, the authors, and how they got their message from God. As we continue with the tough questions about the Bible, we will be answering questions about the inspiration and authority of the Bible, its … Read more

Answering Tough Questions About The Bible (Part One)

How and Where Did We Get the Bible?

In today’s age of increasing cultism, agnosticism, and skepticism, Christians are called on all the more to get answers to the questions being asked about faith, God, and the Bible. Admittedly, most church members (and even many pastors) are not formally trained in defending the faith and hence cannot always answer tough questions they’re asked. … Read more

What’s the Book of Revelation About?

What Kind of Book is Revelation

With the increasing anti-Christian sentiment and the decline of economic and social stability, many Christians today are anxious about the future. In times like these, people tend to look even more closely at the book of Revelation because it encourages Christians to keep hope alive. Background of the Book of Revelation The apostle John wrote … Read more

The Olivet Discourse: Blueprint to the End Times

What is the Olivet Discourse

The Olivet Discourse is a sermon that Jesus preached from the Mount of Olives, just east of Jerusalem, three days before His crucifixion. The Olivet discourse is recorded in its most complete form in Matthew 24:1-25, and in more abbreviated forms in Mark 13 and Luke 21. Jesus preached this sermon to a select group … Read more