How Christians Can Defeat Satan
The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ has already defeated Satan through His suffering, death, and resurrection. Clearly, the victory is His. Those of us who have believed in Christ are also victorious. We win because He has won.
While the ultimate victory has been won, we still have to fight spiritual battles as long as we are still upon the earth. Thus, we must desire to achieve victories over the devil. But how can we have victory over the enemy? How can Christians Defeat Satan?
How to Have Victory Over the Devil
The Bible gives us several ways in which we can defeat our enemy, Satan.
1. Know and Understand the Enemy.
To defeat Satan, first, we need to know who he is. This means having a biblical understanding of who he is, what he can do, his limitations, and the various ways in which he works while he is still active. This only comes from a study of Scripture.
If we are going to win our spiritual battles against the devil, we cannot afford to be ignorant of his schemes and tactics, otherwise, Satan will take advantage of us (2 Corinthians 2:11).
The Word of God tells us several ways by which the enemy works. Believers must, therefore, be able to spiritually discern what comes from the Lord and what comes from the devil. We do this by testing every spirit (1 John 4:1-3). This means that we do not blindly believe everyone who claims to speak in the name of the Lord.
Unfortunately, there will always be false prophets and counterfeit believers in the world (Matthew 7:15, 24:11; 2 Peter 2:1-2).
2. Always be on Guard.
Christians must actively be on guard against Satan and his attacks. The Word warns us to be watchful and ready at all times because our enemy is actively seeking to devour us (1 Peter 5:8). And when Satan does attack us, we must resist (1 Peter 5:9).
To “resist” means to “withstand” or “stand our ground.” By doing so, we can overcome Satan. Indeed, we should never give in to Satan’s temptations.
3. Know Your Weaknesses.
It is also extremely important that we know our weaknesses. Each of us has an area in our life in which we are vulnerable and we should not pretend we do not. Satan knows these areas and so, we should be especially alert from attacks in the areas where we are the weakest.
The Bible commands us not to give an opportunity for the devil to work. Paul wrote: “And do not give the devil a foothold” (Ephesians 4:27 NIV).
It is important to know the areas in which we are personally weak, admit these weaknesses, and protect ourselves in these particular areas the best way in which we can.
4. Avoid the Situation.
Knowing our weaknesses, we do not want to put ourselves in a position where we can easily fail. As much as possible, we should avoid any situation that can cause us to sin. For one thing, we must always remember that we do not have to sin. Sin is a choice that we make. However, we can flee from sin by staying away from the source of the temptation.
Paul exhorts all believers to stay away from every form of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22). By separating ourselves from a particular sin or any situation that may lead us to sin, a temporary victory can be won.
Yes, all victories are only temporary because temptation will always come as long as we are in these sinful bodies.
5. Realize that You Cannot Do it on Your Own.
Ultimately, we do not and we cannot fight the battle in our own strength. We learn a valuable lesson from Michael the archangel in his dealing with Satan. Jude 9 says, “Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you!’”
From Michael’s example, we learn that we should not personally defy Satan. Knowing his power, we should neither underestimate nor overestimate him. We must realize that we can only resist and ultimately defeat the devil not on our own strength but by the Spirit of the Lord (Zechariah 4:6).
6. Put On the Full Armor of God.
The Bible speaks of the spiritual weapons of warfare that we possess and we need to use them (Ephesians 6:13-17): the belt of truth, which is the truth of the Word of God, the breastplate of righteousness which enables us to always do the right thing, shoes to spread the good news, the shield of faith to thwart the devil’s attacks, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
These weapons are there for us to win the battle. Victories are achievable when these weapons are employed.
7. Maintain Communication with God.
We are also told to constantly connect with God. Paul said this in his letter to the Ephesians about the necessity of prayer:
“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18).
Talking to God regularly and constantly is something believers need to do to advance spiritually.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we are commanded to pray unceasingly. It is a must for believers to maintain communication with God as this will help stop the progress of the devil.
8. Realize that You are Part of God’s Family.
The Bible speaks of two families of humanity. There are those who are the children of God (John 1:12), and those who are the children of the devil (John 8:44). Each human being belongs to one of these two families. There is no third group.
Those who are in the family of God have their lives molded after Him. Those who belong to the devil act like their spiritual father. Believers ought to realize which family they are a part of and they should act accordingly.
Believers belong to God’s family. This means that we are to act differently than unbelievers in many situations. We should never compromise our beliefs or behavior.
As God’s children, we are under His care. Satan cannot defeat us because God is always watching out for us. What a comforting truth.
9. Rest in God’s Promises
Finally, we need to rest in the promises of God. Satan has been overcome and the victory is ours (1 Corinthians 15:57). There are no insurmountable problems for believers that the Lord cannot solve.
While we are living in this world-system and battling the attacks of the devil, it is possible to achieve temporary victory over him. But these victories can come only through faith in Jesus Christ.
While victory is always possible, occasional defeat will occur if we fail to do our part. These defeats can hinder our testimony as well as our spiritual growth. Therefore, we need to take these nine necessary steps to defeat Satan and be victorious.
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Dr. Tony Evans, one of the most respected church leaders in the country, is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, a thriving congregation of 8000. In this timely, unique exploration of spiritual warfare, Dr. Evans unveils a simple yet radical truth: every struggle and conflict faced in the physical realm has its root in the spiritual realm.
With passion and clarity, Dr. Evans demystifies spiritual warfare so that readers can tackle challenges and obstacles with spiritual power―God’s authority―as they:
- understand how the battle is fought by Satan
- actively use the armor of God
- find strength in prayer and sufficiency in Christ
- win over chemical, sexual, emotional, relational, and other strongholds
Dr. Evans is compelling, down-to-earth, and excited for believers to experience their victory in Christ and embrace the life, hope, and purpose God has for them.
21 Replies to “How Christians Can Defeat Satan”
My life on the battlefield during the pandemic. Ready? Go!
(March 2020)
Governor: We are now on a stage 5 lockdown for two weeks!
(Two weeks later..)
Me: Let us protest the Gogly protest.
Satan: I demand you shut this down! NOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!
(Nearly two years later)
Jesus: I love you, dear! Keep up the great work. And remember that this is the work of my Father! Through an imperfect sinner like you.
Satan (having a tantrum): I CAN’T STAND THIS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!
(1 year later..)
(I get up to pray and read the Bible)
Satan: Aw shucks! Here we go again! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
(Cut to May 2022)
Me (at school): It has been an honor for me to serve as Vice President of Agape this past school year, and I look forward to seeing what God will do for me and this school in the near future.
(Cut back to … September 2021)
Me: Aw man! It’s that time of year again! That dark day 20 years ago. How time flies!
(Cut back to 2022)
Me: Sometimes I just can’t believe the world we are living in.
Jesus: This is the era of sin and err.
Satan: And you will be my next victim! Mark my words!
Jesus: Do you mean … mark MY Word?
(Cut to … Christmas 2021)
Me (on the microphone at the choir party): Oh holy night! The stars are barely shining!
(Cut to … June 2020)
Me: I don’t know how I will survive these seasons of calamity but by the grace of God!
Jesus: Child, I have your back!
(Cut to … Today)
(I go on this website to do my Bible meditation)
Me (under my breath): I am coming for you Satan!
Jesus: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands!
(Cut to … New Year’s Eve)
Me and Mom (while watching the ball drop): Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! HAPPY NEW YEEEEEEEEEEAR!!!
Hello my name is Julie Osteen, I need help and prayer desperately.
Please contact me ASAP. Thank you
Hi Julie,
Maia is no longer affiliated with us but I will try to reach out to her and get your message across.
Thanks, God bless!
I am actually on 412teens. It’s a website for Christian teens– I found it during the summer vacation.
Great. Keep it up, Maia.
You bet. 🙂
I just put together two out of four projects honoring 9/11. One is an art project, one is a poem, and there will be a collage put together (this will be split into two parts.) One for those we lost on 9/11, and one for those we lost in the war on terror in Afghanistan.
If there are any ways you can contribute, would you mind sending me your contributions? We are still planning the family phase of the commemoration since we are still in the Covid-19 pandemic.
Your prayers are greatly appreciated as I continue the wonderful work of Christ in the shadow of darkness!
May we all continue to stand against the kingdom of Satan as we mourn those we lost on 9/11! 🙂
That’s great news, Maia.
I pray that everything will go not as planned but as per God’s will and that His name will be glorified.
I may not be able to contribute anything to your celebration but I’m sure you got everything covered.
Keep up the good fight of faith!
I will share it with you this Saturday for the anniversary. May the Holy Spirit guide me in my commemoration as we fight the good fight against Satan. 🙂
I also have a testimony to share brought me to this point. It all started with comprehending 9/11.
First, I would like to start by saying this. I was never born during 9/11. Given that I am a teenager who is completely blind, it was extremely hard for me to process that fateful day as a Christian, and as an American.
It was a Friday morning, September 9, 2016. Just two days before the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I have never heard of that fateful tragedy before. But, when I got out of class that morning after hearing that dreadful lecture, I could barely move from my desk. I was in complete shock. It was a huge struggle to comprehend the horrors of September 11.
For three years, I would resort to going to bed at exactly eleven minutes after 9 PM as a nighty challenge. I would spend hours watching countless documentaries and films just to comprehend that terrible day. It was slowly taking a huge toll on me: emotionally, physically, and mentally.
Sometimes, when I would have a conversation, almost every other word related to that day. All I could hear in my head was “9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11!” It got SO bad that I would emotionally shut down in the middle of nowhere. It was a deep sense of sadness and confusion.
The temptation to listen to the footage was so unbearable, I just couldn’t shy away from it. It was my last year of middle school, my last week of Winter Break. I would later hear these words from my parents: “You can only remember 9/11 on the date of the anniversary, and your “nightly test” is banned!” I was in utter disbelief.
Then, as I struggle to battle my obsession, I would hear a screeching voice in the middle of the night, in my dream. “This is the end of your faith! I know that you have a deep passion for 9/11 and this world, but it is now gone forever! It’s over!” Four weeks straight!!!
After weeks spent crying in the middle of the night, mom knew that I had a stronghold that I have been battling over, so she would pray for me, and encourage me to keep fighting. It was the summer of 2019, in Lower Manhattan.
My prayers have finally been answered. I stood at the reflective pools of the 9/11 Memorial: in hope, and in prayer: for me, for my nation, and for this world. It was the rebirth of my patriotism: through the fires of obsession, tribulations, and confusion.
It is the revelation of sin’s darkest secrets. It was the revelation of me, a child of God, standing in the realm of Satan (the world). We were never in the United States. I will never forget the very words of my mother as I worked to overcome my obsession. “You need to stay strong, and keep the faith! You are letting the Devil win you over. Trust in God!”
If it hadn’t been for the love and determination of my mother, I don’t think I would ever have received this revelation, or be in the place I wanted to be. She knew that God was trying to uncover a revelation of what I had been called to do as a believer: to SHINE!
To be the light in the shadow of darkness! To be an agent of love, hope, and encouragement in the face of tribulation. To be a helping hand in the face of tragedy. To be a positive contributor to the good work that God was doing for others through nourishment and determination. And Satan did not want me to discover this truth!!
We are called to be a positive influence on others. Patriotism is not a competition. It’s a demonstration of our faith and walking with Christ! I know it can be very difficult to fathom a great wound that has been inflicted by the flames of suffering. But, you are never alone!
Now, as a 16-year-old, I commemorate 9/11 through prayer, reflections, and through acts of kindness towards others. It is not just for 9/11, but every day. Although I still have a deep spiritual connection to 9/11, I express this through my Godly walk, my passion for Christ, and through the spirit of kindness, hope, and positivity.
My obsession may have left, but the connection will stay there for many years to come. It is my faith in Jesus that sheds light in the face of darkness.
If you ever find yourself struggling to get through a dark season, here is a short prayer.
“O Satan! O, Punisher of Man! I confess with my mouth, and believe in my heart that you shall not prevail! You will rule my beloved nation only to meet your demise. You seek to destroy me with your vicious fires. But, you shall burn in them for eternity! You stole the lightbulb from my eyes, but you shall not steal the lightbulb from my soul. I believe that Christ will bless me with a thousand lightbulbs. In Christ, I will only double the amount of light that shines from these bulbs.
You are nothing to me, o Satan! Nothing but a spoiled, rotten little idiot! I shall not be defined by your plans, o bully! I will not be bigger than my Savior, but I am bigger than you. I am bigger than you, o foolish devil!
O, idiot, o Satan! Say hello to my redemption, and goodbye to your reign! I am free! Free at last! Free with Christ! Saved with Christ! Shining with Christ! Amen!”
Also, check out this powerful testimony of a former atheist’s conversion to Christ. His name is Alan DiDio, and he also had an encounter with Satan.
Hello Maia,
What a powerful testimony, thank you for sharing.
Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. This is why we are able to defeat Satan and his minions. Hallelujah!
Please keep on sharing the love of God and His power to deliver anyone who is in bondage from the enemy.
God bless you more.
I will continue quite protest the Godly protest!!! I am sick and tired of Satan devouring this country for many years! It’s payback time!!!!
🙂 Hail King Jesus!
You are welcome! It is truly a blessing to be an agent of love and encouragement in the age of darkness. I will be here if you ever need someone to talk to during these times, especially in the face of hardships and tragedy.
I WILL NOT stand by and continue to allow Satan to spew hatred on God’s people!!
Please pray for me as me and my family are currently planning our annual 9/11 commemoration in two weeks. Can’t believe it’s been 20 years!
Hi Maia,
How time really flies. I remember when I was still working in Hongkong that while we were watching TV, suddenly we started seeing airplanes crashing on tall buildings. All the while we thought we were watching a TV series, only to realize that it was actually happening in real-time.
We stand in remembrance of the people who fell victims to this terrorist attack on America and their families who suffered such tremendous loss. At the same time, we are disappointed at how your current government has handled and is taking care of things in Afghanistan. They literally just armed the Taliban with sophisticated weapons of war.
By the way, I am currently based in the Middle East and that’s why I am aware of what’s going on and want to be informed.
I am joining you in prayer as you commemorate 9/11. Let us stand united in praying against the works of Satan and his minions and pray for the salvation of the nations.
Amen!!! 🙂
Try this scene for size! This is just an impression.
Me: We’re coming for you, Satan!!!
Jesus: Yeah!
Satan: Ay! I thought we agreed that your patriotism and your faith were over three years ago. Shoot, it’s almost September the 11th, which means I have to hear her stupid prayers.
Me: Oh yeah! You thought you could defeat me three years ago. Guess what? Christ has my back now!
Jesus: Yeah! My child is doing just fine. I see what she has been doing during quarantine. And yes, she has found me as her source of light and is changing others’ through her words and her love. Even on September 11. She may be blind, but she surely is a source of light in my kingdom. Get that through your evil mind, and leave her alone.
(I just laugh)
Satan: Get up and get back to your stupid agony. You know you can’t be the light after what you have been through.
Me: Wanna bet?
Satan: Bring it on!
Great job!
You should have your own platform to not only showcase your God-given skills in content creation but also to spread God’s love and power to save.
Ever thought of starting your YT channel? I think you’ll be awesome!
God bless …
Alice, may I suggest a 10th way of resisting the wiles of Satan. Through Godly protest. No, I am not talking about actually protesting on the streets carrying signs. It’s rather a spiritual protest. The way to protest the kingdom of Satan is through prayer and acts of love towards others, in the good times, and in the bad times.
In other words, those who work for Jesus Christ would want His light to shine, and to bring the kingdom of God to others by becoming the beaker of hope in the dark hinges of the world. This is rather a community-level approach to fighting against Satan.
You can see an example here. This is a virtual movement I organized during quarantine. This is an actual “protest” against the kingdom of Satan.
Spiritual protest, yes of course!
We must resist the works and wiles of the enemy by eagerly sharing God’s love with others.
By the way, love your presentation. Keep doing what you’re doing. Godspeed, Maia.