Whether you believe in life after death or not, be ready to meet your Creator. Life does not end at death when the soul and spirit separate from the body. The common notion that everything, including humans, came as a result of the Big Bang has been debunked by scientists.
So, while we are still in this tent (our body), how do we prepare to meet God? We get ready by living in a way that pleases our Creator. But it’s easier said than done, isn’t it?
We are now living in a society where many people do not seem to care anymore about the consequences of their actions. It’s because they do not believe they will give an account of their life before the Judge.
I’m not only talking about unbelievers; there are those claiming to be followers of Jesus who are living as the world does. If you think you can get away with this, you are gravely mistaken.
If God did not spare His chosen people and judged them, what makes you think He will look the other way regarding sin?
Bible Verse: Amos 4:12, NKJV
“Therefore thus will I do to you, O Israel; Because I will do this to you, Prepare to meet your God, O Israel!”
Amos’ second message to Israel was to denounce her sins. Consider some of the disciplines that God had sent to Israel to bring His people back to himself. They experience famine, drought, destruction of crops, sickness, defeat in war, catastrophe, and ultimate judgment.
God’s covenant with His people clearly stated that God would bless them if they obeyed His law and would discipline them if they disobeyed. (See Deuteronomy 27 – 29.) Unfortunately, they often spurned His love, rejected His warnings, and chose death.
You see, choices have consequences. God brings consequences to his disobedient children. Israel is God’s chosen people and yet their actions showed a rejection of God’s word and principles.
Indeed, the world is constantly rejecting YHWH’s love and salvation. But how often do Christians reject the Word so that we can live as we desire? Like the Old Testament was given to Israel to tell them how to live, how well does our Christian lifestyle compare to God’s Word?
Learning from the Jews
Like the people of Israel in the time of Amos and the people throughout history, we have the capacity for giving attention to external effects. And we do this while ignoring the issues of the heart. We evaluate by sight and feeling rather than by truth (see Samuel 16:7).
We can easily join a large, happy, religious crowd, enthusiastically sing rousing songs, and put money into the offering plate. Yet, not be changed in our hearts.
Whether we’re involved in evangelism, education, social action, world missions, or feeding the hungry, we must do it for the Lord. Let us always be reminded that everything the church accomplishes for the Lord flows out of worship. If the fountainhead of worship is polluted, the church’s entire ministry will be defiled.
Let us examine our hearts to make certain our motives are right and that whatever we do glorifies the Lord.
Being Christ’s Ambassadors
Christians are supposed to represent YHWH unto unbelievers but the question is how well do we do it? Every person is appointed once to die, then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Since so few realize how quickly death can happen, we all need to be prepared to meet our Creator and Saviour.
So few people realize Nuclear World War 3 is about to happen. We see athletes kneeling over for no reason, toxic chemicals are being spilled everywhere, and strange blood clots are killing many people. And why is the news purposefully lying to cover up the truth?
Do you even know that infanticide is about to become legal in California and human trafficking is swept under the rug? It is only for God’s mercy that are we not consumed (Lamentations 3:22). Whether the world suffers the consequences of its own choices or the judgment of YHWH, they will still result in many people going to meet YHWH.
Yeshua came to earth so that every single person could have a relationship with YHWH but many Christians are doing their own things. How many Christians give the gospel to other people? Believers have the mandate to reach out to the lost with the gospel but many choose to live comfortably in their “own world.”
Things for the Believers to Ponder
How many Christians study the Bible so that they are not just blindly following a pastor? It’s sad to see how many so-called followers of Jesus are deceived into believing the lies that false teachers spew online.
And why do many Christians prefer being legalistic and picking fights with other believers so they can feel holier than thou? Are we forgetting what Jesus told His disciples before He went back to the Father?
Paul also instructed Timothy to avoid foolish arguments that could lead to quarrels. Instead, be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people (2 Timothy 2:23-24).
How many Christians would rather follow a list of rules rather than have an intimate relationship with Yeshua?
What about Christians who would rather make excuses for themselves so they don’t have to make their life more difficult? How many Christians would rather chase the American Dream to fill a void that only YHWH can fill?
Are You Ready to Meet thy Maker?
How ready are Christians to meet their Saviour and YHWH?
I know there are many people not ready to meet their Maker. Revival does not need to happen at any specific location. It can happen anywhere.
If you know there is something you need to get right, please talk to YHWH and Yeshua about it.
Just ask Yeshua to change your heart and desires.
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Recommended Resource:
One Less Grain of Sand: Fulfill God’s Purposes While You Have Time by Joey A. Perry Sr.
If you are a Christian who wants to do what God designed you to do, then One Less Grain of Sand: Fulfill God’s Purposes While You Have Time! is for you!
With each passing moment, one less grain of sand remains in your life’s hourglass. Therefore, you should make doing God’s will a priority every day!
As you read this powerful devotional, you will be…
- Reminded daily that you should commit yourself to fulfilling God’s purposes.
- Encouraged to do what pleases God instead of what pleases you.
- Motivated to make the best use of the time God gives you.
- Moved to serve God, and thereby make a positive impact on the people around you.
- Filled with a sense of satisfaction that you are doing what God desires.
In addition to being a devotional, this book is also a journal!
Each daily reading includes questions or statements for personal reflection. To make it easier for eBook readers to respond to the journal prompts, a free, downloadable, and printable journal is available.
Print book readers can also use the downloadable journal if they choose not to write their responses directly in the devotional. The link to the downloadable journal can be found inside the book.