Why did Yahweh give us the Bible? If you ask theologians and Bible scholars, they will give you several reasons why. However, we do not have to ask them; all we have to do is read what God has to say in His Word.
Bible Verse: Matthew 7:24, NKJV
“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
I believe most of us are familiar with this verse and this is because we often hear this from our pastors. But what does this verse have to do with God’s reason for giving us the Bible?

In Matthew 7:24-29, Jesus made one important point: Our profession of faith in God will ultimately be tested.
Those who have trusted Christ and have proven their faith by their obedience will have nothing to fear. Founded on the rock, their house will stand. In contrast, those who have professed to trust Christ but have not obeyed God will be condemned.
God Gave Christians the Bible
Why did YHWH give Christians the Bible? He gave us a Life Manual. Before using a machine or equipment, we look at the manufacturer’s manual to guide us in the proper usage. Without God’s manual, we will not know how to use the life God gave as He intended.
It’s the same thing with God giving us the Bible – for us to know how to live our lives according to His purpose. We need the Bible because it can change us from the inside out. The question is – do we believe that the Bible is God’s Word and manual for living our lives? Do we want to be transformed?
Did we only get fire insurance when we got saved? Or did we genuinely want to be changed from a sinner to a saint?
The Bible Can Change Us
We all know we can’t change ourselves. Then the question is … how much time and effort do we put into fellowshipping with the ONE that can change us? YHWH gave us the Bible for a reason.
He changes us by making choices according to the WORD. This world is headed toward destruction for their rejection of Yeshua and the Word.
Many individual people have rejected YHWH and the Bible, which is evidenced by the Grammy’s a few days ago. Their own wisdom and devices will cause their own destruction.
But humanity is not smarter than YHWH. Since the Garden of Eden, humanity has been corrupted. Humanity has become worse than a greasy, black, rotten banana peel that belongs in God’s dumpster.
Last Words
For the skeptics, how long are you going to gamble with your eternal destiny before you repent to YHWH for your sin? If you don’t, destruction is your final destination. Just like the foolish man who built his house on the sand, you will also fall.
For the believer, how much do we live like the Bible is true? Or are we mixing our own opinions with cherry-picked passages? We don’t have the right to believe only parts of the Bible and reject others. Either it is all God’s Word or none of it.
God can only bring us through the storms of life if we make choices like the Bible is true and reliable. Are you building your house on the rock? Then you are like the wise man.
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Recommended Resource:
The MacArthur Bible Commentary by
Faithful, Focused Commentary on the Whole Bible
Serious students of Scripture can easily lose their focus among the many Bible commentaries available today, studying for hours yet discovering no meaningful application of God’s eternal truth.
This one-volume commentary on the entire Bible from one of America’s foremost Bible expositors offers instead a mini-library of understandable resources designed to convey the Bible’s overarching message with historical and theological clarity.
Pastor and teacher John MacArthur covers the complete Bible—every passage of the Old and New Testaments, phrase by phrase—in this valuable one-volume resource.
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- Harmonies of historical writings
- Guidance in studying, applying, and teaching God’s Word
Readers benefit from the coherence a single commentator provides, finding faithful, understandable, and relevant resources for any passage from the entire Bible.
Consistent elements include exploring God’s character, seeing Christ in all Scripture, and identifying key doctrines, vital people, and touchstone Scripture passages.
The MacArthur Bible Commentary offers pastors, Bible teachers, serious Bible readers, and anyone seeking to read and understand the Scriptures a way to focus their studies while still seeing the entire Bible’s application to the Christian life.
Do Christians still have to pay for their sins?
No, of course not.
But truly born-again believers will obey YHWH’S will, which is found in scripture. Matthew 7:21 says that there will be many that profess Yeshua’s name but won’t do His will and they are not saved.
The proof of our Salvation is found in whether we want to live according to His word.