Tag: Contentment rather than accomplishment

How To Be Content In Christ

How To Be Content In Christ

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.”

Reflection and Challenge

Having Jesus in our life makes us live with a victorious spirit over the difficulties that we face in our daily lives. It is all because, in God, nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37). This is absolutely true because God dearly loves His children. And if our earthy parents will do anything for our good, our heavenly Father does perfectly best.

Many if not all, reflect on this verse (Philippians 4:13) out of its context. They often interpret it to mean accomplishing things victoriously like winning a race, graduating in class with honors or even winning the heart of someone.

They imaginary and magically transform themselves by wearing their famous superhero’s cape and win them all with this verse. Once again there is nothing wrong in positively claiming that things will get done through Jesus!

However, reflecting on the subject verse and going back to the verse that precedes it (Philippians 4:12), the apostle Paul was talking about how he learned the secret of living in every situation, on either almost nothing or with everything. That is, whether he has a full or empty stomach, little or plenty, he can do everything through Christ who gives him strength.

*Related Article: Yes, I Know I Can Do All things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength

Paul is actually talking about contentment rather than accomplishment. Do you sometimes feel that you want more resources to equip you in serving the Lord? We may sometimes say that if God would only bless me with this and that, I will be able to serve Him.

But the Lord wants you to be contented not complacent, thankful but not boastful. Trust in Him for He who is the source of everything will see you through to where and when He sends you.