Never Ever Doubt God’s Power
Bible Verse: Revelation 17:17 (KJV)
“For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill His will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled.”
Reflection and Challenge
God’s will is always done. Many Christians believe that people can thwart God’s will. That’s like saying we can lose our salvation because we sinned one time. We cannot thwart God’s power. He is in control.
It is true that Christians should be the preserving agent in the world today, but due to the fact that all people are sinners, our sinful nature will result in the destruction of humanity on earth. God must punish the world for rejecting Him.
Then the question is: “How will this come about?” Hebrews 13:8 says that Jesus never changes. God’s methods are always the same. God’s will always happen even if the world thinks their actions benefit them. It is not possible that 10 godly kings would give their power to the Anti-Christ.
Revelation 17:17 definitely says, “For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill HIS will, and to agree.” They won’t even do it hesitantly. They will agree that it’s in their best interest. They think giving their power to the Anti-Christ will only hasten the end of the Great Tribulation and their destruction.
There is no beneficial reason to resist God’s will. It only ever leads to pain and suffering for you. God only promises a good ending for those that love Him and keep His commandments. If He does not have your heart, you can’t keep His word.
We all have a choice because we are responsible to suffer the consequences, but that does not mean God’s hands are tied. God always reserves the right to respond. Shouldn’t we all just follow His revealed will found in the Bible rather than hurting ourselves with sin? The choice is yours. How do you respond to His word?