A Wife With Noble Character
The poem about a wife of noble character found in Proverbs 31:10-31 is part of the sayings of King Lemuel which his mother taught him. This poem is an acrostic with the initial words of the twenty-two verses all beginning with successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
This acrostic form was a device to help people commit the passage to memory. Perhaps Jewish parents instructed their sons and daughters to memorize this poem and use it as a guide for their lives and in their homes.
Who is King Lemuel?
We don’t know much about King Lemuel, other than what is revealed in Proverbs 31. He is not included in the recorded list of the kings of Israel or Judah but his name means “belonging to God” or “devoted to God.”
Although some commentators proposed that King Lemuel is actually King Solomon and his mother was Bathsheba, there is no evidence whatever that the name Lemuel means Solomon. Furthermore, the time of the writing of Proverbs 31 seems to be much later than the time of King Solomon.
Like Timothy (2 Timothy 1:5), perhaps Lemuel’s mother was Jewish and she taught him the fear of the Lord and God’s wisdom.
The Profile of a Wife Worthy of Honor
What kind of wife is described in Proverbs 31:10-31? The following notes develop the profile of a virtuous wife.
A virtuous wife is a woman of character.
Proverbs 31:10-12 “Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.”
Just as wisdom is more important than wealth (Proverbs 3:15), so character is more important than jewels.
In his first epistle, the apostle Peter gave this same counsel to Christian wives in his day (1 Peter 3:1-6). Marriage doesn’t change a person’s character. If the husband or the wife has character weaknesses, marriage will only reveal and accentuate them. A husband or wife who hopes to change his or her spouse after the honeymoon is destined for disappointment.
A virtuous wife is trustworthy.
Proverbs 31:11 “The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain.”
If the husband and wife trust each other, they will live in harmony. The husband will have no fears or suspicions as she is busy with her work because he knows she has character and will do nothing but good for him and their children.
If brides and grooms take seriously the vows of love and loyalty they repeat to each other and to God at the altar, they will have a wall of confidence around their marriage that will keep out every enemy.
A virtuous wife is a woman who isn’t afraid to work.
Proverbs 31:13b “And willingly works with her hands.”
Whether it’s going to the market for food (Proverbs 31:14-15), buying real estate or planting a vineyard (Proverbs 31:16), she’s up early and busy with her chores. We get the impression that the night before she makes a “to do” list and doesn’t waste a minute in idleness.
She sets about her work energetically (Proverbs 31:17), whether spinning thread, helping the poor, or providing a wardrobe for her children. She prepares the very best for her family, and they have no reason to be ashamed.
A virtuous wife is generous.
Proverbs 31:20 “She extends her hand to the poor. Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy.”
As she ministers to her family, she keeps her eyes open for people who have needs, and she does what she can to help them. Happiness comes to those who have mercy on the poor (Proverbs 14:21), and nothing given to the Lord for them will ever be lost (Proverbs 19:17).
A virtuous wife makes it easy for her husband to do his work.
Proverbs 31:23 “Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land.”
The city gate was the place where civic business was transacted, so her husband was one of the elders in the community (see Ruth 4). While no such restrictions exist today, in that day a woman never would have sat on the “city council.” But his loyal wife didn’t want to take her husband’s place; she just did her work and made it easier for him to do his.
A husband and wife should complement each other as they seek to fulfill their roles in the will of God. Wise is the husband who recognizes his wife’s strengths and lets her compensate for his weaknesses. Doing this isn’t a sign of personal failure, nor is it rebellion against the divine order (1 Corinthians 11:3).
Both leadership and submission in a home are evidences of love and obedience, and the one doesn’t nullify the other.
A virtuous wife is confident as she faces the future.
Proverbs 31:25 “Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come.”
In the Bible, to be “clothed” with something means that it is a part of a person’s life and reveals itself in that person’s character and conduct (see Colossians 3:8-14, 1 Timothy 2:9-10).
This wife can laugh at future problems and troubles because she has strength of character and because she is prepared for emergencies. She is a woman of faith who knows that God is with her and her family.
A virtuous wife is a capable teacher of wisdom.
Proverbs 31:26 “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.”
She certainly teaches her children the wisdom of God, especially the daughters, preparing them for the time when they will have families of their own. But she probably also shares her insights with her husband, and he’s wise enough to listen.
Remember that earlier in the book, King Solomon used a beautiful woman to personify wisdom (Proverbs 1:20-33; 9:1-6); this godly wife does the same.
A virtuous wife attentively oversees her household.
Proverbs 31:27 “She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.”
She isn’t idle, and nothing in the household escapes her notice, whether it’s food, finances, clothing or school lessons. Managing the household is an exacting job, and she does her work faithfully day and night.
Any husband and father who thinks that his wife has it easy should take her responsibilities for a week or two and discover how wrong he is.
I’m reminded of the story of a husband who felt that his stay-at-home wife wasn’t working as hard as he was. So he prayed to God and asked to trade places with his “lazy wife.” He wanted to teach her a lesson so she’d know what it’s like to work as hard as he does every day. God granted him his wish, only for the husband to soon realize that he’s the one about to learn a lesson.
You can read the full story here: Husband Asks to Trade Places with His Lazy Wife
A virtuous wife is a woman worthy of praise.
Proverbs 31:28-29 “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.’”
It’s a wonderful thing when the husband and his children can praise the wife and mother for her faithful ministry in their home. The suggestion here is that this praise was expressed regularly and spontaneously and not just on special occasions.
They did not have Mother’s Day in Israel so every day should be Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Tragically, often members of the family take each other for granted and fail to show sincere appreciation.
The father ought to set an example for their children and always thank his wife for what she does for the family. He should see in her the woman who surpasses them all.
Finally, the life of a virtuous wife is a testimony to others.
Proverbs 31:31 “Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates.”
Her husband and children acknowledge her value and praise her, but so do the other people in the community. Even the leaders at the city gate recognize her good works and honor her.
God sees to it that the woman who faithfully serves Him and her family is properly honored, and certainly she will have even greater honor when she stands before her Lord.
This poem in Proverbs 31:10-31 which is a beautiful tribute to the godly wife and mother gives us the finest description of the ideal wife. But these qualities may seem too high for anyone to attain. What is the secret?
The answer is in Proverbs 31:30. The secret of a virtuous and capable wife’s life is that she fears the Lord. Having charm and beauty is wonderful; the possession of these qualities is not a sin. But the woman who walks with the Lord and seeks to please Him has a beauty that never fades (1 Peter 3:1-6).
This passage also describes for every Christian man the kind of wife for whom he ought to be looking and praying. But it also reminds the prospective husband that he’d better be walking with the Lord and growing in his spiritual life so that he will be worthy of such a wife if and when God brings her to him.
The man who has a wife who daily reads the Scriptures, meditates, prays, and seeks to obey God’s will has a treasure that is indeed beyond the price of rubies.
Reference: The Transformation Study Bible (General Editor: Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe)
Recommended Resource:
A Woman of Noble Character: Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman in Today’s Busy World
By Susan Sikes
Women today have such busy lives and great responsibilities, yet so many still strive to be the Proverbs 31 women spoken of in the Bible. A Woman of Noble Character gives women practical ways to fulfill their role as wife, mother, or keeper of the house in a busy world.
Practically all areas of home life are covered with quick and easy tips to help. A few of the topics are Priorities/Godly Character, Decorating, Cleaning, Finances, Organizing, Cooking/Recipes, and many other helps and tips. Whether you work within or outside the home, this book makes a great resource for managing a home.
6 Replies to “A Wife With Noble Character”
I am thankful and grateful for the wife the Lord has given me. I love her dearly and overlook her small flaws as they remind me that I am not perfect. I am proud of her and all that she has done. She knows that I love her and appreciate her. She is my soulmate and the only friend I need. I have learned to take tissue with me every year when I shop for an anniversary card. It is difficult to read and select a card with tears in my eyes for the last 36 years.
Hi Glen,
I’m glad to hear that you have a wife who may not be perfect but one who loves you dearly; one who’s always been there for you for 36 years. And let me commend you for loving and caring for her as well.
That’s how God designed marriage; it’s between one man and one woman who will commit to love each other deeply and unconditionally regardless of their flaws.
Some may think that you will no longer find a wife with noble character as described in the Bible but I do believe there are. A man will just have to seek God in order to find her or for God to lead him to her.
To be honest, I wonder if the modern woman actually reads the Bible. I am not here to judge but from what we see in our society it seems the modern woman does not feel they need to submit to their husbands. Some women no longer consider their home a priority in their marriage and are just focused on work or their careers.
A woman with a noble character puts her home first and also takes care of her career. Of course it is easier said than done but that is supposed to be the responsibility of a married woman. Like I said I am not here to judge but that is how I understand how the Bible explains a woman with a noble character.
Hi Jay, I get what you’re saying.
Most women today feel empowered because unlike during the early times when women were never placed in the same category as men, today we see a lot of women in the work force. And not only that, women are also allowed to govern. We now have women running government offices. What a big difference from what women were only allowed to do before.
But as you said, one of the downsides is that many women these days do not feel the need to submit to their husbands and are now so hooked to their careers at the expense of their families. However, I do believe it is possible for a wife and mother to maintain a regular day job in the office and at the same time take care of her family.
This is not an impossible task. The modern woman can still be a wife of noble character; it’s all about balance and getting her priorities right.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Jay, it’s much appreciated. God bless you.
An excellent breakdown and explanation for those scriptures!
I remember a version of the husband who trades places with his ‘lazy’ wife and it is absolutely related to what you’re discussing. It’s sad that even today men don’t understand how hard mothers and wives work as stay-at-home mothers. I know a few men that could use that lesson today!
Thanks for the excellent article!
You’re right, Selenity, there are still some men today who do not understand that being a housewife and mother is a full time job. At work, you can take a break but as a wife and mother you can’t. Other than making sure her husband and kids are well taken care of, the wife has other responsibilities too.
To be a wife of noble character as described in Proverbs 31:10-31 may sound impossible for the women of today. It can be overwhelming just by thinking about it. That is why many women these days prefer to work their careers and just hire a part-time or full-time house helper.
However, I still believe that this is not an impossible task. It may require a lot of sacrifice on the part of the wife but if her heart is really in it and she has a husband who is very supportive of her, nothing is too hard. Let us not also forget that God will give us the strength so that we can do all things.
Thanks for your comment, Selenity. God bless you.