Tag: Why Does the World Hate Christians

The World’s Hatred on God

The World’s Hatred on God

The world hates God, thus, they are a threat to Christians!

This is very clear not only from the Scriptures but based on everything that’s going on around us. But this should not come as a surprise to all followers of Jesus Christ.

Bible Verse: John 15:18-19

“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”

Jesus Teaches His Disciples
Photo Credit: Live in God’s Light

Hate and Rejection from the World

Before His departure, Jesus warned His disciples that the world would hate and reject them. No matter how wonderful Jesus’ message was, His followers should expect to be rejected because of who they are.

The disciples knew exactly what it meant to be hated by the world. After Jesus departed, they were all persecuted and died as martyrs, except for John. God’s enemies tried to kill John by boiling him in oil but he miraculously survived.

The early Christians knew and had experienced the hatred of the world. We can read their stories in detail in the book “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.” But martyrdom is not a thing of the past. Christians all around the world continue to endure great persecution because of their faith in Christ.

In this World, Out of this World

The world is hostile towards God. And so, it follows that it is hostile towards those who believe in God. Jesus tried to comfort His disciples by telling them that the world’s hatred was first directed toward Him.

Then Jesus goes on to explain further why the world would hate those who believe in Him. He said, “Because you are not of the world…” Yes, we are still in this world but we are not of this world.

God chose us out of this world and we are in many ways different from the world. Therefore, the world hates us.

At War with the World

Considering every Christian is a part of a spiritual war, we should not trust any unbeliever to give godly or biblical instructions. They don’t have your best interest in mind.

God gave us every remedy for ailments in nature. They are called essential oils. Why trust doctors that believe people are getting better and better when in reality we are decaying. Doctors most of the time are peddling snake oils in the form of petroleum-based pharmaceuticals that only lead to more issues?

Christians are at Wat with the World

Why not use what God has given us in nature? Because they hate God, they will persecute Christians. The socialists hate God because they want an all-powerful government.

All religions hate God because they want people to keep trying to earn salvation. Atheists hate God because there is suffering in the world. As we are getting closer and closer to the return of Jesus, persecution of Christians will only increase including in America.

How should Christians respond? God wants us to love our enemies so they may see God’s love for humanity. We are sheep amongst wolves (Matthew 10:16).

Don’t try for retribution. God will take care of that. God does want us to be wise to their wicked methods.

Satan is the God of this World

They hate God because they are children of Satan. Satan hates people in general because they were made in God’s image. That is why Satan wants all people to be dead.

The pharmaceutical industry has been using aborted babies in vaccines for years. When people take those vaccines, Doesn’t that make them a cannibal or at least an accomplice to murder? The new Covid vaccines will stop reproductive organs from functioning properly. Not to mention the thousands of people dying from these shots.

Satan is behind the murder of people, however, it happens. Because they hate God, division will occur. Why is the world so divided? Too many people are believing the lies that Dr. Fascinating, Bill Gates, President Biden, the pharmaceutical industry, etc. actually care and want your best interest.

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Final Words

God created you. God loves you. We sinned but Jesus died to save you from your sin. If you have never received this free gift of salvation, why not now before it is too late? To every Christian, when persecution comes to you, take heart God is with you. He will enable you to speak for Him.

We do not need to fear what this world can do to our bodies. We must remember that when we die, we will be with God as 2 Corinthians 5:8 says. We have nothing to fear when God is with us. How much faith do we have?

Take heart, Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33). God sent us into this world, He will enable us.

God bless!

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Life According to the Truth by Michael HeilmanDo you know what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Did you know that God wants to prepare you during this life to live in heaven with Him? Does your purpose for life evade you?

In Life According to The Truth. Disciple of Jesus Christ, Michael Heilman honestly writes about the issues facing the church and how to live the victorious Christian life.

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  • How to love God and others
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