Tag: What is the cost of discipleship

What Does it Take to Follow Jesus?

What Does it Take to Follow Jesus?

Bible Verse: Luke 14:33 (NIV)

“In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.”

Reflection and Challenge

Does God really mean that young children be left orphans, old parents and grandparents abandoned by their able children, husbands and wives part ways, all possessions big and small deserted, and everyone else preaching the Gospel bare-footed and naked? Certainly not!

Did not our heavenly Father send Jesus to give up everything including His very own life so we may be delivered, live in peace and live life at its fullest (John 10:10)? How then can He just ask us to give up all these that He has freely given?

Jesus here is showing what it would take to be His real disciples. He has bought us with His own precious life. This makes following Him as a disciple in the making, not a cheap stuff that can be easily grabbed by anyone from the drive-through of famous fast food chains with just a few coins. Truly following Jesus will not be a walk in the park either. His words meant that in order to follow Him, we must learn to let go of our attachment from everything we have.

God is talking about allegiance and loyalty because where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). Although He does not mean to take away from us everything we have instantly, we must always be willing to give up anything if we are to choose between following Him or this world. This makes up a true and a loyal disciple. 

Perhaps, many rich or even not so rich “Christians” are giving two thumbs up when someone says that this verse should not be taken literally. They would be jumping with a sigh of relief. But, what if God says it should? What would your stand be?