Tag: Christian Faith

A Warning From Nehemiah: Have We Forgotten God’s Commands?

A Warning From Nehemiah: Have We Forgotten God’s Commands?

Bible Verse: Nehemiah 13:1-3

“On that day they read from the Book of Moses in the hearing of the people, and in it was found written that no Ammonite or Moabite should ever enter the assembly of God, because they did not meet the Israelites with bread and water but hired Balaam to curse them—though our God turned the curse into a blessing. When the people heard the law, they separated from Israel all who were of mixed ancestry.”

The people of Israel had forgotten what God had commanded them. The law regarding the Ammonites and Moabites had been given centuries earlier (Deuteronomy 23:3-5), yet they had allowed these nations to mix with them, ignoring God’s instructions. It was only when the Book of Moses was read publicly that they realized their mistake and took action.

This passage reminds us how easy it is to forget God’s Word. We get caught up in life’s routines, allowing culture, comfort, and convenience to shape our choices rather than God’s truth. The Israelites had good intentions—they were living, working, and building their community—but in doing so, they had compromised God’s commands.

The same happens today. Many claim to follow Christ, but their lives do not reflect true obedience. Church attendance, singing worship songs, or listening to sermons does not make someone godly. It is the daily application of God’s Word that transforms lives.

Forgetting God in the Busyness of Life

A wooden table with an open Bible, slightly dusty, as a person walks away in the background, blurred. The scene symbolizes distraction and neglect of God's Word. Warm, moody lighting creates a sense of spiritual urgency.
It is so easy to be distracted by the worries of today that we forget the weight of eternity. We prioritize work, finances, relationships, and entertainment—while neglecting time with God.

But forgetting God’s Word comes with consequences. Just like Israel, when we stop seeking Him, we slowly drift toward compromise. We surround ourselves with influences that pull us away from the truth. We justify sin. We prioritize comfort over conviction.

And yet, God calls us back. He invites us to open His Word, remember His commands, and live according to His truth.

Romans 14:12 – Accountability Before God

“So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.”

One day, every person will stand before God and give an account—not for the lives of others, not for society’s failures, but for their own choices.

Many people assume that as long as they believe in God, they are safe. But belief alone is not enough. Even demons believe in God (James 2:19), yet they do not obey Him. True faith is proven by action.

God is not fooled by outward religious practices. He sees the heart. He sees whether we are truly seeking Him or merely checking off religious boxes.

This verse is a sobering reminder: we are responsible for our own spiritual condition. No pastor, priest, or church can stand in our place. At the end of our lives, it will be just you and God.

Are you ready for that moment?

Matthew 7:20 – The Fruit of Our Lives

“By their fruit, you will recognize them.”

Jesus spoke these words in the Sermon on the Mount while warning against false teachers. But this principle applies to all of us. A person’s true character is revealed by their actions, just as a tree is identified by its fruit.

A healthy tree produces good fruit—love, kindness, humility, and faithfulness. A diseased tree produces bad fruit—pride, selfishness, greed, and hypocrisy.

The question we must ask ourselves is: What kind of fruit is my life producing?

A tree split into two contrasting sides: one half lush with green leaves and vibrant fruit, the other half withered and barren. The image symbolizes Matthew 7:20, illustrating how faith is revealed through the fruit of one's life. The background is softly blurred to emphasize the tree.

If we claim to follow Christ, yet our lives are filled with anger, gossip, arrogance, or apathy toward God, something is wrong. If we truly know Jesus, our lives should reflect His love, His truth, and His humility.

Many people today call themselves Christians but show no evidence of a transformed life. They may attend church but never seek God in prayer. They may own a Bible but never open it. They may speak about faith but never live it out.

But Scripture is clear—faith without action is dead (James 2:17). If our lives bear no spiritual fruit, we must ask: Have we truly surrendered to Christ?

The Crisis of Biblical Illiteracy

Biblical knowledge is at an all-time low. Many who claim to follow Christ do not read His Word. The Church is divided not because God’s truth is unclear, but because people are unwilling to search the Scriptures for themselves.

Instead of seeking truth, many seek comfort. Instead of embracing conviction, they chase affirmation. Today, people choose churches based on what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear. But truth does not change just because it is unpopular.

2 Timothy 4:3 warns: “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”

That time is now.

If we are not careful, we can fall into the same trap as the Israelites—drifting away from God’s Word, allowing the world to shape our beliefs rather than standing firm on His truth.

A Call to Action: Are We Willing to Change?

God’s Word never changes, but it is meant to change us.

The question is: Are we willing to let it?

  • Are we willing to prioritize time in Scripture, even when life is busy?
  • Are we willing to obey God’s truth, even when it is difficult?
  • Are we willing to humble ourselves before God, rather than clinging to pride?

Christianity is not about checking a box on Sundays. It is about walking with Christ daily, listening to His Word, and allowing Him to transform us.

God is still speaking.
Are we listening?

Final Reflection

The Israelites in Nehemiah’s time forgot God’s Word, but when they heard it again, they responded.

What about us?

We still have the Bible in our hands. Will we take it seriously?

Or will we continue to drift, assuming there will always be time to return?

One day, we will all stand before God. May we not be found unprepared.


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