Lessons from the Broken Hearted

All relationships take work. The only way relationships can work is if two people have unconditional love for each other. I have learned several lessons from the life of a brokenhearted man like Samson, the last several weeks during and after my broken relationship.

Bible Verse: 1 John 4:18-19 (NKJV)

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us.”

Reflection and Challenge

If you want to get to know someone, get to know their heart as Matthew 7:16-20 says. Not only can you see whether they are saved or lost, but also how carnal or godly a Christian they truly are.

That does not tell us how we should respond to those that don’t love us back though. I truly believe Samson loved and trusted Delilah and was not afraid of the consequences of that trust.

The Transforming Power of Love

As did Samson believe the love of God would transform Delilah, I believed God’s love would transform Jo Ann, the woman I loved. Between the entire book of 1 John, Romans 12, and 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 you cannot get a clearer picture of what unconditional love looks like in real life. These verses imply all brethren, not just Baptists. Jo Ann is a Mennonite.

God is pleased that Emily Myer’s testimony is being broadcast across the world on the 700 Club platforms. The 700 Club is a Charismatic organization. Some Baptists have absolute disdain for them for the doctrinal differences.

As Proverbs 10:12 says “Love covers all sin.” Can love cover everything else like differences, quirks, doctrinal differences, and practical differences???? God did not have any expectations when we got saved. Why do we have compatibility lists, which are just expectations for our significant other, friends, and family?

Romans 5:8

I will tell you why. It’s pride! When we say we can’t love someone too different or too opposite, we are actually saying we won’t, because can’t means won’t. 2 Corinthians 10:12 says that is comparing them to you, which is not wise. By the way, I have compared myself to others for years.

We lose the blessing of showing unconditional love and being blessed in the process. I know I have been blessed these last several months. I’ve told a few people that I knew Jo Ann did not love me, but I did not care. I love her anyway because in my heart God would change her heart eventually.

Isn’t that what Jesus did for us according to Romans 5:8? He was willing to wait till we got saved. That takes a lot of humility.

Loving Others Unconditionally

Love is never about us. I think it is interesting that God wants us to love all the brethren like this as well. Marital love is about selfless, sacrificial love given to somebody of the opposite sex that you will never fully understand for the rest of your life.

In our own strength, that should not scare us, it just humbles us. As 1 John 4:19 says, only God can enable us to love. We as people can’t love unconditionally.

As in the case of Samson, I handed my heart to Jo Ann, then she stabbed it with a knife. God handed His heart to us, in His Son, but we stab it every time we sin. We need to consider that.

I have no doubt Samson believed his love and trust for Delilah would lead to her conversion. Most would say that was foolish. (I know I have been called a fool too.) Then why is he in the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11. God used him in a mighty way in spite of his “lack of wisdom” as some might say.

Ultimately God used Samson to destroy the Philistine nation. He would not have had the opportunity to kill so many if He attacked the city because everyone would have fled. God used him to push down the house. Why did the Philistines keep him alive? Because God was not done with him yet.

In Closing

Let me just sat that this breakup has been one of the most painful things I have experienced but it has taught me a lot. We tend to focus on others’ weaknesses and faults. But that does not mean God can’t use their faults. We all have our faults. Why not use them to make you humble.

I have learned all of these lessons in the last few months during and after my relationship. I hope you can learn something from the broken hearted like Samson and I.

God bless you!


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