Daniel 9 which contains the “Seventy Weeks” prophecy is no doubt one of the most significant and detailed prophetic passages in the Bible. It begins with Daniel praying for Israel, acknowledging they have sinned against God and asking for God’s forgiveness.
In answer to Daniel’s prayer, the angel Gabriel explained that during a period of “Seventy Weeks” or “seventy sets of seven” (Daniel 9:24), the Lord would accomplish six specific purposes for the Jewish people.
The first three have to do with sin and the last three with righteousness. The Lord would “finish their rebellion,” that is, the transgression of the Jewish people, and “put an end to their sin” – Israel’s national sins (Zechariah 12:10–13:1). The last three divine purposes focus on righteousness and the future kingdom of the Messiah.
When Jesus returns, He will establish His righteous kingdom (Jeremiah 23:5-6; 31:31-34) and rule in righteousness (Isaiah 4:2-6). All of these wonderful accomplishments would be fulfilled during seventy weeks – 490 years – that Gabriel divided into three significant periods: 49 years, 434 years and 7 years.
Timeline of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks
A. Period 1 – 49 years (Daniel 9:25)
During this period, the Jews would rebuild the city of Jerusalem in troubled times. The key issue here is the date of the decree. This is not the decree of Cyrus in 538 BC permitting the Jews to return to their land and rebuild their Temple (Ezra 1; Isaiah 44:28) because the emphasis of this decree is on the city of Jerusalem.
While some scholars opt for the decree of Artaxerxes in 457 BC, sending Ezra to Jerusalem (Ezra 7:12-26), that decree also emphasized the Temple and its ministry. The decree of Daniel 9:25 is probably that of Artaxerxes in 445 BC authorizing Nehemiah to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls and restore the gates (Nehemiah 2:5-8).
B. Period 2 – 434 years (Daniel 9:26)
Gabriel affirmed that 483 years are involved from the giving of the decree to the coming of “the Anointed One,” the ruler (7 x 7 = 49, 7 x 62 = 434; total = 483). When we count 483 solar years from the year 445 BC, we end up with AD 29/30, which brings us to the time of Christ’s ministry on earth.
But this Anointed One, the Christ, would not be permitted to rule; for His people would cry out, “We do not want this man to be our king” (Luke 19:14 NIV). The Messiah would be “killed appearing to have accomplished nothing.”
This speaks of His rejection by the Jewish nation (Luke 13:33-35; John 1:11) and His crucifixion as a criminal, turned over to the Roman authorities by one of His own disciples. But He would die for the sins of the world, including the Jewish nation.
That same nation that asked for Jesus to be crucified went on to persecute the church and kill Stephen (Acts 7). In AD 70, the prophecy in Daniel 9:26 was fulfilled when the Roman armies destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, and the Jewish nation was scattered.
The Romans are the “prince” (or ruler) who will arise and “whose armies will destroy the city and the Temple,” and that prince is the future Antichrist that Daniel described as the “small horn” and the blasphemous king (Daniel 7:8, 24-25; 8:23-27). This takes us to the third period.
C. Period 3 – 7 years (Daniel 9:27)
The “prince” refers to “the Antichrist” (Daniel 9:26) who will rule in the final seven years of the prophetic calendar that Gabriel gave Daniel, the period we know as “The Tribulation” or “The Day of the Lord.”
While the Lord has always known wars and desolation (Matthew 24:3-24), the end of the age will introduce a time of terrible suffering that will climax with the return of Jesus Christ (Revelation 6 – 19; Matthew 24:15-35). The event that triggers this last seven-year period will be the signing of a covenant between the Antichrist and the Jewish nation.
At this time, the Antichrist will be a key political figure in Europe – one of the ten toes of the image in Daniel 2, and the “little horn” who emerges from the ten horns (Daniel 7:8, 24-25) and he will have the authority and ability to end the Middle East problem. He will covenant to protect the Jews from their enemies, probably so they can build their Temple and restore their sacrifices.
The spiritually blind Jewish leaders, ignorant of their own Scriptures, will gladly enter into the covenant. “For I have come to you in My Father’s name, and you have rejected Me,” Jesus told the Jewish leaders of His day; “Yet if others come in their own name, you gladly welcome them” (John 5:43).
After three and a half years, the Antichrist will break the covenant, seize the Temple, and put his own image there, and he will force the world to worship him (2 Thessalonians 2; Revelation 13). This is the “abomination that causes desolation” (Daniel 11:31; 12:11) about which Jesus spoke and that marks the midpoint of the tribulation period (Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14).
The “man of lawlessness” and “the one who brings destruction” (2 Thessalonians 2:3), who up till now has deceived the world by playing a shrewd political game, will reveal himself as a tool of Satan and a cruel world dictator, Christ will defeat him when He returns to establish His kingdom (Revelation 19:11-21).
Concluding Words
We are living today in the church age when Israel has been partially blinded and temporarily set aside (Romans 9–11). Like Paul, we must have a heart concern for the Jewish people, pray for them, and seek to share the Gospel with them.
Gentile believers have a debt to the people of Israel (Romans 15:24-27) because they gave us the knowledge of the true and living God, the inspired written Scriptures, and the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Reference: Study Notes & Commentary (NLT Bible) – by Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe
Recommended Resource: Daniel: The John Walvoord Prophecy Commentary By John Walvoord and Charles H. Dyer
The book of Daniel is key to the entire Old Testament prophetic revelation.
Who better to help you understand Daniel’s stories, prophecies, and dreams—and give you a brighter hope for things to come—than John F. Walvoord, one of evangelicalism’s most prominent leaders, and Charles Dyer, a Bible professor and expert on Israel?
In this second work of a renewed series of commentaries, Dr. Walvoord addresses alleged historical inaccuracies and considers past and future fulfillment of specific prophecies. At key points, different views and approaches to interpretation are explored. Walvoord devotes special attention to textual and doctrinal issues while avoiding technical language.
Refined, updated with the English Standard Version (ESV), and streamlined, this classic text is set to help you understand and interpret the book of Daniel and gain a better grasp of what the future may bring.
If you think a man [Isaiah 46:11] can uniquely reveal Prophecy, please test this – my Rabbi confirmed it as truth! Becoming a mighty Messianic Jew.
Which is the most ant-Semitic nation on earth in the 21st Century, hating, terrorizing more semetic children of Abraham crying hypocritically anti-semitism – Judah – fake Israel that does Prophetic Works to fool the Elect [Christians] who believe they are Israel returned but are just 1/12th!
‘the BEAST out of the SEA’ literally-yes Gazans & Lebanese are just as Semitic as the Jews [my family].
Prophecy as you have not heard it ….Blessings ….a little of that given…
..Daniel 2; The feet & toes of iron & miry clay, of the statue, the divided nation under Rome from which the ‘stone is cut’- Jesus; the rock of your salvation.
HE -the potter of miry clay – was cut from Judah which was to the south; Israel was to the north – both were ruled over by their own kings but paid taxes to Rome. Jesus [Matthew 27:37] was king of the Jews & during the time of Daniel 2 was hailed as such then betrayed by them when they demanded & got from Rome God’s Messiah Son’s [sent to redeem them], crucifixion/murder making them the 1st Beast unrepentant, deniers of Christ that for almost 2000 years caused God to turn HIS Face from them until they recognize HIS Messiah Son[ [Diaspora & the Holocaust just some of the outcome].
Daniel 7; The re-emergence of the 1st Beast ‘out of the [Mediterranean] SEA’ – 1947 official 1948. …..the lion[United Kingdom] with the eagle wings [USA] as one after their WW2 alliance was torn apart when the USA against the lion’s [UK’s] wishes sided with the bear [USSR] with 3 ribs torn out [Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania] talking the 4 wings of the [Arabic] leopard [Lebanon, Jordan, Syria & Egypt] – into allowing the annexation/partition of Palestine for the nation State of [fake] Israel in the United nations 1947.
The lion [UK] voting against the motion was made to walk on its own two feet as a policeman 1947-48 when it became official being repeatedly bombed by the Jewish STERN Gang who were the forerunners of modern terrorism.
Daniel 7:24 ‘ten kings of a [one] kingdom then another -1996- 11th king [male Prime Minister] who was the 8th Head [of Government] / horn [male] as 3 repeat office twice – 7thhead of the 1st Beast was fatally wounded – Rabin.
This one man fulfills ALL Prophecy by magnifying himself equal to Jesus by:
* changing his name to who Jesus is: ‘the right-hand son’ [Hebrew; Benjamin] & ‘God’s Gift’ [Heb. Again- Netanyahu] ..adding as Jesus counts-OLD Hebrew Gematria to 666……was Ben Natalie Miliekowsky.
* making himself ‘king of the Jews’ in modern terms P.M. a king without a hereditary kingdom & diverse from ALL before him as native-born king…’ out of the land’…..
* known as the ‘little horn ‘[son] i.e. the Bibi [baby] son.
* comes to power 1996- like a leopard- native born in Palestine in the Arabic quarter of Jerusalem…feet like a Bear; parents from Lithuania/USSR …roars like a lion; Hebrew & English.
* WAS 1996, WAS NOT 1999 subdues 3 kings- Barak prepared to give the woman [Jerusalem] as combined Capitol -removed …Sharon ‘goes to the coastland to war against the Palestinians -Stroke & falls within 3 days….then ‘the collecter of taxes’ comes to power -Olmert, the treasurer. …removed.
* so returns the ‘man of sin /antiChrist / son of perdition/ false prophet/son of satan magnified then removed by mid-June 2021 but within that time he had minus 12 months as only a powerless caretaker king until coalition with B.Gantz
..so in total his time, times & a half a time was 14 years.- time revealed [Daniel 12:9]- the Last Week in 2 halves [3.5 years] which I believe we are in NOW!
Time [3.5yrs] Times [x3.5yrs] & a half a time [+ 1’75yrs] = 14 years Total as most popular king revealed at ‘time of the END’ -NOW!
* his return as unpopular king through unHoly Alliances -30th Dec 2022 -for his final 42-month Authority[ removed 30th June 2026??]
Then I believe we will see Daniel fulfilled ‘1290 days. Blessed are they that attain the 1335th day’- making the year 2030a.d. very interesting in my view. – but Jesus said [pay attention!] -of this time’ no man shall know the day or hour!’ which rules in? The year & month – on purpose I believe as nothing is written by accident!
Also when asked HE said ‘Of this time no man shall know, not the son only the father in Heaven’ [HE is saying HE is NOT God! or else HE is a liar which HE is NOT – just for those who think HE is GOD; which is not Biblical.]
The Last Two Prophets as revealed through mighty Isaiah 44;1-8 …two chosen, named & called MY WITNESSES….there is only one place I believe 2 together are so revealed…they are Messianic Jews as they are Prophets & are only dressed in ‘sackcloth’ for mourning unlike All before Christ’s sacrifice for redemption. Who were also in Ashes for forgiveness- rules out ALL others!
The Elect [Christians] are fooled following after the 1st Beast thinking it is Israel returned – wondering after it – just 1/12th- fake Israel- true Israel will return when their Lord comes!
Only a remnant will survive !!. We ARE in the Last WEEK I believe. Pray for a large remnant of Judah to repent & be saved!
YESHU ha MOSHIACH …HE Lives…Maranatha, Shalom ….servant of Jacob.
So, you believe that the people living in Israel today are not the “true Israel?” I completely understand because you’re not the only one who believes this is the case,
You could be right, but what if you’re wrong? 😊
My duckduckgo search asked the question “in scripture, is it noted when the first 49 years (or the 1st set) of the 70 weeks ended?” That is how I found your site.
It is good to see Amir’s book and the mention of Warren Wiersbe. And I have followed Walvoord for several years and grateful for all Bible Scholars that talk about Bible prophecy. Those I study after say it was the decree in Nehemiah 2 that started the rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem was issued.
My question is about the end of the 49 years, and is this noted in scripture. Nehemiah 6:15-16 mentions 51 days.
Thank you.
Yes, the end of 49 years, also referred to as a period of “Seventy Weeks” or “seventy sets of seven” is noted in Scripture (Daniel 9:24-27).
Ezekiel 21: 25 is the antichrist.
Indeed, the entire chapter 21 concerns Jerusalem and God’s wrath upon it.
The antichrist is a Jew, a son of David. The Jews would never accept a foreigner, Deuteronomy 17:15. Why would a non Jew build the temple and offer sacrifices?
The antichrist’s side kick, the false prophet, must be a Levite to offer sacrifices, a type of false Elijah.
Hi Lee,
I appreciate your input.
Like you, some scholars believe that the Antichrist would be a Jew while others say he’d be a Gentile. We’ll have to find out when the time comes for him to show up.
Shalom and God bless!
The prince or ruler who is to come ( the antichrist) is supposed to be from Rome according to the prophecy. And he will be a big player in world politics and religion. Who do you think considering other biblical prophecies and scriptures concerning this matter is this man of sin. A big religious and political power broker from Rome.
Some scholars believe the Antichrist (the first beast) would be both a man and a political system who will be working together with the false prophet (second beast).
The false prophet is believed to be a defective pope who will merge with other religious leaders to establish the “one world” religion.
Daniel 9:27 “and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week”
What is the “covenant”, and is the whole “week” the Tribulation, or just the last half of the week?
The signing of a seven-year covenant between the Antichrist and the nation of Israel will mark the beginning of the Tribulation which is the last 7 years in God’s prophetic time clock. But what is the covenant? We know from Scriptures that the Jews are still waiting for a Messiah who will bring peace to the Middle East. It is also said that one of the provision of that covenant might permit the Jews to rebuild their Temple. The Temple must be rebuilt in Jerusalem because we read in Revelation that there will be a Temple where the unbelieving Jews will once again resume their sacrifices.
And to answer your second question, yes, the concluding week of years (seven years) corresponds to the Tribulation. Again, as Daniel 9:27 says, the tribulation begins with the signing of a peace treaty between the Antichrist and Israel, intended to be for one “seven,” that is, a set of seven years. But the “seven” is divided into halves: midway through the seven years, the Antichrist breaks the treaty and sets up in the temple a sacrilegious object (the “abomination that causes desolation”).
The phrase “in the middle” indicates that the first half of the tribulation lasts for 3½ years (1,260 days, using a “prophetic year” of 360 days). Likewise, the second half of the tribulation, known as the ‘Great Tribulation” lasts another 1,260 days (another 3½ years), for a total of seven years. It is important to emphasize that the “Great Tribulation” and the “Tribulation” are not synonymous terms. Within eschatology, the Tribulation refers to the full seven-year period while the “Great Tribulation” refers to the second half of the Tribulation.