Children are God’s Blessings

The Bible tells us that children are God’s blessings. So, when a couple builds a home, they’re building it for their children; for their family. At the same time, having kids carries a lot of responsibility for the parents.

King Solomon knew this and that’s why he considered the wisdom of trusting God in building a house (Psalm 127:1). He understood that a home is built with more than just bricks and wood.

Bible Verses: Psalm 127:3-5b

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed.”

We all acknowledge that the family is the basic unit and most important element of society. A family consists not just of the husband and the wife but of children as well. Thus, we secure our home to secure our family. I’d say no parent would not do anything and everything to keep their children safe.

Staring into the Face of Evil

It’s beyond unimaginable that someone would want to hurt innocent and defenseless children. Yet, recently, there was a terrible mass shooting in an elementary school that killed 21 people, including 18 children. How and why did this happen? This is just pure evil!

People can theorize why the shooter chose a location with so many innocent people to kill. One of the many possible reasons is America has a culture of hate toward children. We can say that this is a result of public schools teaching that all people are just evolved animals. There is no reason to value any life if that was true.

Murdering Defenseless Babies

Liberals and democrats love to talk about protecting democracy. But they never want to address the issue of unrestricted abortion. Did you know that 60 million babies have been murdered for convenience in America alone over the last 50 years?

In 2019 alone, a total of 629,898 abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. Women in their 20s accounted for more than half of abortions (56.9%). Those aged 20–24 and 25–29 years accounted for the highest percentages of abortions (27.6% and 29.3%, respectively). They had the highest abortion rates (19.0 and 18.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged 20–24 and 25–29 years, respectively).

How did we get here?

Sustaining Society

The average number of children per family is less than 2, which can’t even sustain the population of any nation. My wife once received a snide condescending comment from a Christian for having 3 children. If that comment reflects the beliefs of average Christians regarding the number of children in a family, that is a shame.

We can protect society by maintaining a family sufficient to sustain society. But how can we do this if most Americans refuse to have more kids? We do not have a one-child policy like other countries do. Yet, we act as if it’s a crime to have more than 1 or 2 children.

Train up a child in the way he should go

The most successful husband and wives are those that have a quiver full of well-trained children as Psalm 127:5 and Proverbs 22:6a says.

By far well-trained children are the most useful instrument of change as Psalm 127:4 says. Wouldn’t we want a quiver full of them?

Final Thoughts

Children indeed mirror the flaws of their parents, but that is not a bad thing. Any humble parent would use that opportunity to grow in maturity rather than being a hypocrite.

Having children is a blessing because they are God’s blessings and a reward. Jesus welcomed the children to come to Him (Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14).

Do we love children enough to have a quiver full?

Life According to the Truth by Michael HeilmanGet a copy of my book, “Life According to the Truth.”

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  • Why God must be the key focus of your life
  • Loving God and others
  • Discerning God’s will for your life
  • Being confident with your identity in Jesus Christ

Life is difficult, but God can enable you to have abundant joy. If you are a born-again believer that needs encouragement, this book is for you.

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