NO BETTER PLACE (Words & Music by Ptr. Ruel Buyacao)

Someone once said that if you want to know what heaven is like, think of the most beautiful and most peaceful place on earth, multiply that a thousand or hundred thousand times and you get a glimpse of heaven. Well, no matter how beautiful that place is, it surely cannot compare to what heaven has to offer.

Here’s a song that expresses how much one longs to be in the presence of the Lord. You may want to sing it to the Lord, and sing it from your heart.

No Better Place Lyrics and Chords

Recommended Resource: Worship: Believers Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby

Nothing is higher on God’s agenda for Himself and for His people than worship. To God worship is so vital that to fail to experience genuine worship is fatal. Yet it is possible to go through life thinking we have worshiped without ever having done so. Any study of worship is incomplete without a life-action response.

This six-week interactive study presents a process where God brings you face-to-face with His truth, then guides you to interact with that truth. This study brings the pastor, staff, church leaders, and congregation to a mutual conviction regarding what worship is as God has revealed it in His Word.

The purpose of this study is to help a church corporately come to the unity of heart and life in their understanding and experience of God’s requirements and standards for worship.

Week 1: What God Did in Creation

Week 2: Why God Is So Central in Worship

Week 3: What Is God’s Standard for Acceptable Worship?

Week 4: The Lifestyle of a Transformed Worshiper

Week 5: Heaven’s Pattern for Worship

Week 6: What Would Happen if We Returned to Worship?

4 thoughts on “NO BETTER PLACE (Words & Music by Ptr. Ruel Buyacao)”

    • Hi Rosalinda,

      The phrase, “No Better Place Lyrics and Chords” right below the video is a clickable link to the printable PDF of the lyrics and chords of the song.

      In case you land on a blank page the first time you click on it, try clicking it again and that should do it.

      God bless!

    • Hi Diego, thanks for pointing out the error in the chords. The song book I copied from also has the same error and I did not double check it before converting it to PDF and uploading it. By the way, did you mean the last word of the chorus wherein I put an “A” instead of “E?”

      Thank you again, shalom and God bless!


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