Tag: Philippians 2:13

Yes, I Know I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength

Yes, I Know I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength

Coming to work tonight, (I work night shifts) I was expecting another change in my work schedule for the coming weeks and I couldn’t help but think, “How am I supposed to survive a 12-hour shift every day, 7 days a week?” As two of our own are going from here this week, back to their country for good, next week which starts tomorrow, will mark what I call the toughest and the most hectic schedule for me to date since coming to the Middle East 7 years ago.

As I am writing this blog, I am trying to recount the several occasions where I almost couldn’t feel my legs as a result of excessive walking as part of my job. How did it come to this? Honestly, I couldn’t even remember when was the last time I was on an 8-hour shift for a whole month, and this is mainly due to the shortage of staff not just in our department but in the entire hospital workforce.

Yes, I can do all things through God who gives me strength

Majority of our hospital staffs are working 12-hours shifts, some even 14-16 hours. But who is to blame? The management? The department heads? Or the government for coming up with several rules aimed at sending many foreign workers back to their land so they can give jobs to their own people? This is not the time to start pointing fingers because doing this won’t make the situation better but could even make matters worse.

I couldn’t even wrap my head around what the situation will be like if this goes on even for the next 2 months or so. Thankfully, I’ve been spared from additional paper works in preparation for the renewal of the hospital’s accreditation license to continue its operations. However, that does not mean I have more time for myself.

Prayer Life and Ministry

I must admit there have been times when I thought, “Okay, this is it. I couldn’t do this anymore.” I once thought of quitting just because I got home from work one day fully exhausted. But then God made me realize that making a major decision when you’re tired, upset, disappointed, or even when you’re over-joyed, is not a wise move.

About 3 years ago, I was given the huge responsibility to handle the Education Ministry in my local church, and although it’s an honor and a blessing to be able to serve God this way, I realized that this also comes with a huge accountability. I am fully aware that in order to teach, preach and disciple, one has to be able to handle the truth of God’s word correctly and to present himself approved to God (2 Timothy 2:15).

Yes, I can do all things through God who gives me strength

There were also times when I wasn’t ready to conduct our regular pre-worship Bible Studies because I got too busy with my work but thank God for the lives of some brothers who are always willing to step in to teach. It’s always a blessing to have brethren ever ready to help out no matter how busy they are with their works too. It’s my joy to hear them say, “Anything for the Lord sis, I am willing to do.”

What about my quiet time with God? I feel really guilty for not spending enough time with God, not having ample time to get in the word, to pray, listen to Him and worship Him. As a Christian, I know that it is crucial to spend time with God because communication and fellowship are the backbones of a relationship.

My Strength comes from the Lord

You know what’s keeping me together through all this time? It is knowing that the Lord my God will never leave me nor forsake me. I have the assurance that as a child of the Most High God, I am privileged; that I am blessed and I know that my Lord is always here to hold my hand and to help me get through every hurdle I may have to overcome.

Despite my unfaithfulness and failures, God is always faithful and He has shown me this many times over. In situations where I did not think I can get through it, I was able to conquer because my strength comes from God alone. Despite many of difficulties, I’ve learned to rest in God’s promises and rely on His strength.

Yes, I can do all things through God who gives me strength

One thing I am sure of, it is in my weakness that I can see the fullness of God’s strength. I maybe weak but God is strong. Yes, I know I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13). There maybe tougher challenges waiting ahead but I know I can overcome anything because my confidence is in the Lord; I know that God has given me the victory through Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:57).

Are you facing tough challenges which you think you are unable to overcome? Cheer up, trust in the Lord and praise Him for He is our strength, helper and shield (Psalm 28:7).